Barbu-Rudolf Berceanu


Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy,
P.O. Box 1-764, RO-70700, Bucuresti, Romania

Present position:

Senior researcher

Field of specialization:



Professional activities

Research activities

List of publications

  1. Homotopy of Hodge algebras (Romanian), INCREST 1984
  2. Formal algebraic varieties (Romanian), INCREST 1985
  3. Morse functions on open manifolds (Romanian), INCREST 1986
  4. Hilton-Steer-like formulae (Romanian), INCREST 1987
  5. Hilbert series of Hopf algebras (Romanian), INCREST 1988
  6. Classification of maximal rank subalgebras in compact Lie algebras (Romanian), INCREST 1989
  7. Semisimple Lie algebras (Romanian), Institute of Mathematics, 1991 (with M. Martin and S. Papadima)
  8. Cohomologically generic 2-complexes and 3-dimensional Poincaré complexes, Math.Ann. 298 (1994), 457-480 (with S.Papadima)
  9. Moduli-spaces for generic low dimensional complexes, J. Pure Appl. Alg. 95 (1994), 1-25 (with S.Papadima)
  10. Artin algebras - applications in topology (Romanian), Ph.D.-University of Bucharest, january 1995
  11. Homotopie rationnelle des éspaces de petite dimension, Ph.D.-University Paris VII, december 1995; Stud. Cerc. Mat. T. 47, 2 (1995), 99-178
  12. The topology of polynomial varieties, Report 96-35, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sydney, 1996, in press