Name: Liviu Pãunescu
Place of birth: Constanţa, Romania
Email: first_name dot last_name at imar dot ro
- 2007- 2010: University of Rome2 "Tor Vergata", Ph.D. student
- 2006 - 2007: "Şcoala Normalã Superioarã" Bucureşti, Master
- 2004 - 2006: "Şcoala Normalã Superioarã" Bucureşti, preliminary cycle
- 2002 - 2006: University of Bucharest, Department of Mathematics
- 1998 - 2002: "Mircea cel Bãtrân" National College, Constanţa, Romania
Date and title of PhD thesis
Title: Sofic actions and equivalence relations
Date: 4 February 2011
Work experience
- 2006-present: Researcher at Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy "Simion Stoilow"
- 09/2007-08/2010: Ph.D. student at University of Rome2 "Tor Vergata" with a Marie Curie fellowship part of the Research Training Network MRTN-CT-2006-031962 EU-NCG;
- 02/2012-01/2013: Post-doc position at University of Vienna supported by Sinergia grant CRSI22-130435 of the Swiss National Science foundation;
Awards received
- Bronze Medal at the International Mathematical Olympiad, Washington D.C. 2001
- First Prize at the Balkan Mathematical Olympiad, Belgrad 2001
- Four first prizes and two second prizes at the Romanian National Olympiad in Mathematics during 1997-2002.
- Second prize at the Romanian National Olympiad in Informatics in 2000.
- The Prize of the Romanian Mathematical Society offered to a young Romanian mathematician, 2015.
Fundings as a Principal Investigator (PI)
Project director of a bilateral cooperation Romania-Austria grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CNCS - UEFISCDI, 2014-2015.
Project director of Grant no. PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-0669 of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CNCS - UEFISCDI, 2015-2017.
Publication list
- M. Cavaleri, R.B. Munteanu, L. Pãunescu; Two special subgroups of the universal sofic group,
- Paunescu, L; Unitaries in Ultraproduct of Matrices,
Accepted to Journal of Operator Theory, arXiv:1605.07101.
- Paunescu L; Radulescu F; A generalisation to Birkhoff - von Neumann theorem,
Advances in Mathematics, Volume 308, 2017, Pages 836-858.
- Arzhantseva, G; Paunescu L; Almost commuting permutations are near commuting permutations,
Journal of Functional Analysis, Volume 269, Issue 3, 1 August 2015, Pages 745-757.
- Paunescu L; Convex structures revisited,
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Volume 36, Issue 5, August 2016, Pages 1596-1615.
- Arzhantseva, G; Paunescu L; Linear sofic groups and algebras,
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 369, Number 4, April 2017, Pages 2285-2310.
- Paunescu, L; A Convex Structure on Sofic Embeddings,
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Volume 34, Issue 4, August 2014, Pages 1343-1352.
- Paunescu L; All automorphisms of the universal sofic group are class-preserving,
Revue Roumaine de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees, Special Issue Dedicated to Professor Serban Stratila, Volume 59, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 255-263.
- Capraro, V; Paunescu, L; Product between ultralters and applications to the Connes' Embedding Problem,
Journal of Operator Theory, Volume 68, Issue 1, Summer 2012 pages 165-172.
- Paunescu, L; On Sofic Actions and Equivalence Relations,
Journal of Functional Analysis, Volume 261, Issue 9, 1 November 2011, Pages 2461-2485.
Lista de citari
Conferences organised
2016: Co-organiser of "Sofic Groups and Operator Algebra", Bucharest, IMAR
2015: Co-organiser of "Group Theory and Operator Algebra", Bucharest, IMAR
2014: Co-organiser of "Topics in Geometric Group Theory", Bucharest, IMAR
2011: Co-organiser of "EU-NCG 4th annual meeting", Bucharest, IMAR
2007: Co-organiser of "Free Probabilities, Operator Spaces and von Neumann Algebras", Sibiu, University "Lucian Blaga"
Conference Talks
- Sofic equivalence relations and Connes' Embedding Problem; 30 min talk; Annual meeting in Cardif 21 June- 4 July 2010.
http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/maths/subsites/opalg/eu-ncg/meeting 2010.html
- Sofic actions; 30 min talk; Annual meeting in Bucharest April 25-30 2011.
- Sofic actions; 40 min talk; Meeting of GDRE GREFI-GENCO in Paris 30 May - 1 June 2011.
- A convex structure on the set of sofic embeddings 50 min talk; Workshop on Connes' Embedding Conjecture, Neuchatel April 23-27 2012;
- Linear sofic groups and algebras; 50 min talk; Word maps and stability of representations Erwin Schrödinger International Institute, Vienna, 11-13 April 2013;
- A convex structure on sofic embeddings; 50 min talk and Linear sofic groups and algebras; 30 min talk; Joint Meeting of the AMS and the RMS, Alba-Iulia 27-30 June 2013
Seminar Talks
- Linear sofic groups and algebras
30 January 2013, Seminar Geometry and Analysis on Groups, University of Vienna
- A convex structure on sofic embeddings 24 January 2013, Colloquium at Mathematical Institute in Goettingen
- A convex structure on sofic embeddings 23 January 2013, Seminar Algebra and Geometry in Leipzig
- Sofic actions and equivalence relations; 30 March 2011, Sofic Groups seminar Lausanne-Wien-Neuchtel.
- Sofic groups, equivalence relations and Connes' embedding problem 23 April 2010, Oparator algebra seminar at KU Leuven