Romanian Academy
Section of Mathematical Sciences
University of Bucharest
"Simion Stoilow"
Institute of Mathematics
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
West University of Timisoara
University of Pitesti
Under the Aegis of the Romanian Presidency |
June 28 - July 4, 2007, Bucharest, Romania
This meeting is intended to resume an old tradition of holding congresses of
mathematicians and it is largely open to international participation.
Five such congresses were organized in
Cluj (1929), Turnu Severin (1932), Bucharest (1945 and 1956), and
Pitesti (2003).
Congress will be held in Bucharest from June 28
to July 4, 2007, and will be organized by
the Section of Mathematical Sciences of the Romanian Academy,
the Faculty of Mathematics
and Computer Science of the University of Bucharest,
"Simion Stoilow" Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy,
West University of Timisoara and
the University of Pitesti.
The Congress will work in paralel sections, except for the first day
when some plenary addresses are scheduled, focused on:
the Mathematical research and Mathematical education in Romania,
and the relation to the Romanian Mathematical diaspora.
A selection of the proceedings of the congress will be published.
Organizing Committee:
Romulus Cristescu (president), Viorel Barbu,
Constantin Corduneanu, Lazar Dragos,
Marius Iosifescu, Solomon Marcus, Radu Miron, Petru T. Mocanu,
Gabriela Marinoschi (editorial problems)--Romanian Academy
Vasile Brînzanescu, Lucian Beznea
(secretary), Radu Purice--"Simion Stoilow" Institute of Mathematics
Ion Chitescu, Victor Tigoiu--Faculty of Mathematics
and Computer Science of the
University of Bucharest
Dumitru Gaspar, Mihail Megan--West University of Timisoara
Gheorghe Barbu--University of Pitesti
Doina Cioranescu--Université Paris VI, France,
Tudor Zamfirescu--Universität Dortmund, Germany
Sections and Scientific Committee:
List of Participants:
The proceedings of the Congress will be published by Editura Academiei Publishing House.
Please send the contribution you intend to submit as a .pdf file of at most 15 pages, until October 15, 2007, on the e-mail address: congmatro@imar.ro, with SUBJECT: Proceedings CMR6.
After the refering procedure, the accepted papers have to be sent as .tex files.
- The first day of the Congress (Thursday June 28), including the opening ceremony and the welcome reception, will be hosted by the Aula Magna of the Bucharest University (The Faculty of Law, 36 - 46, Bd. M. Kogalniceanu, Bucharest sector 5).
- The rest of the Congress activity (June 29 July 4) will take place at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bucharest University, (14, Academiei st., Bucharest, sector 1)
Satellite conferences:
The participation fee is 75 Euro. It covers the conference
materials, refreshments, the welcome reception
and should be payed at the registration desk. A suplement of 100 Lei covers the Excursion and Congress Dinner.
- Please send us by as soon as possible
an e-mail message containing the following information:
name, affiliation, title of the talk and section of interest,
arrival and departure date, accompanying persons (if any).
- Abstracts of all talks will be included in the conference materials. Participants intending to give a talk are kindly requested to send by e-mail (congmatro@imar.ro) an abstract, as a Latex file of up to one page, before May 15, 2007.
- The organizers can provide accomodation in single rooms at some *** Hotels in Bucharest at 48 euro/night (including breakfast) for a limited number of participants. Please send an e-mail to: cmr6accomod@gmail.com with details concerning arrival and departure dates and accompanying persons.
- Other Hotels in Bucharest.
- For student hostel type accomodation (in limited number)
please contact the Organizing Committee on the address below.
The Congress is organized with support from:
The Romanian Ministry of Education and Research
The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Fundatia Familiei Menachem H. Elias - the Romanian Academy
Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft (a DaimlerChrysler Fund)
The PICS 3450 Program of CNRS Mathematiques et Applications
Romanian Mathematical Society
The Theta Foundation - Bucharest
Fundatia pentru Integrare Europeana "Sigma"
Editura GIL
BRD - Groupe Societe Generale, Pitesti
Triangulum Star S.R.L.
"Simion Stoilow" Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy
acknowledges the support of
the CEEX Program
of the Romanian
Ministry of Education, Research and Youth,
contracts No. CEx06-M3-102/2006 and CEx06-M3-249/2006.
E-mail address: congmatro@imar.ro
Postal address:6-th Congress of Romanian Mathematicians
c/o "Simion Stoilow" Institute of Mathematics
P.O. Box 1-764, RO-014700 Bucharest, Romania
Fax: (00)40 21 319 65 05
Radu Purice