Geometry seminar at IMAR

Fall 2023

Date / Time Speaker Title Location
December 12, 2023
Liana David
Clasificarea metricilor Einstein generalizate impare peste grupuri Lie 3-dimensionale, partea II IMAR room 307
December 5, 2023
Liana David
Clasificarea metricilor Einstein generalizate impare peste grupuri Lie 3-dimensionale IMAR room 307
Abstract: Voi începe cu o scurtă descriere a unor noţiuni de bază despre metrici generalizate pe algebroizi Courant arbitrari (conexiuni generalizate Levi-Civita, operatori de divergenţă, tensorul Ricci). Apoi voi exemplifica teoria pentru algebroizi Courant exacti impari stâng invarianţi peste grupuri Lie de dimensiune arbitrară. După ce voi reaminti pe scurt clasificarea algebrelor Lie de dimensiune 3, voi prezenta o clasificare pentru metricile Einstein generalizate pe astfel de algebroizi Courant, când grupul Lie are dimensiune 3. Lucrare în colaborare cu Vicente Cortes (vezi arXiv:2311.00380).
October 13, 2023
Cipriana Anghel
The spectrum of the Dirac operator on degenerating Riemannian surfaces IMAR room 307
Abstract: We study the behavior of the spectrum of the spin Dirac operator on degenerating families of Riemannian surfaces, when the length of a simple closed geodesic shrinks to zero. We work under the hypothesis that the spin structure along the pinched geodesic is non-trivial. It is well-known that the spectrum of an elliptic differential operator on a compact manifold varies continuously under smooth perturbations of the metric. The difficulty of our problem arises from the non-compactness of the limit surface, which is of finite area with two cusps.

Spring 2023

Date / Time Speaker Title Location
July 18, 2023
Victor Nistor
Some topics on analysis on manifolds with bounded geometry IMAR room 307
July 11, 2023
Léo Bénard
Gottingen / Marsilia
Combinatorial zeta functions counting triangles IMAR room 307
Abstract: In a joint work with Yann Chaubet, Nguyen Viet Dang and Thomas Schick, we read various topological invariants, such as (L2)-Betti numbers and linking numbers, in special values of some combinatorial zeta functions.
June 20, 2023
Florin Belgun
Olonomie riemanniană şi Weyl speciale IMAR room 307
Abstract: Împreuna cu Brice Flamencourt si Andrei Moroianu, studiem varietătile riemanniene compacte, cu olonomie specială (strict inclusă in SO(n)) şi admitand o structură Weyl inchisă (ne-exactă) deasemenea cu olonomie specială. Aceasta structură Weyl este de fapt conexiunea Levi-Civita a unei metrici conform echivalente cu cea initială, definită insă doar pe acoperirea universală (daca ambele conexiuni corespund la metrici conform echivalente, definite pe varietatea compactă, problema este clasică). Obtinem o caracterizare geometrică a cestor varietati in functie de tipurile de olonomie ce pot apărea.
May 30, 2023
Rareş Stan
Funcţia Zeta Selberg pentru limite de operatori Dirac IMAR room 307
May 23, 2023
Mihai Pavel
Spaţii de moduli de fibrate vectoriale II IMAR room 307
Abstract: Vom continua introducerea in teoria spaţiilor de moduli de fibrate vectoriale pe varietăţi complexe.
May 17, 2023
(N.B.: Wednesday)
Claude Warnick
Singular limits of hyperbolic PDE and Effective Field Theories IMAR room 307
Abstract: Often in a physical problem there are some degrees of freedom that we treat as unobservable because the energy required to excite them is much greater than the energy scale of the problem.These unobservable degrees of freedom can still affect the physics that we do observe at subleading order. A tool that is often used by physicists to study this is the machinery of effective field theory (EFT). An EFT is a formal expansion in some small parameter, raising important questions about how one should `solve? such an expansion and whether (and in what sense) the solutions approximate the underlying problem. In this talk I will discuss a paper with Harvey Reall in which we studied an EFT for a model PDE and explained how to address the questions that can arise.
May 9, 2023
Mihai Pavel
Spaţii de moduli de fibrate vectoriale IMAR room 307
Abstract: Vom face o scurtă introducere in teoria spaţiilor de moduli de fibrate vectoriale pe varietăţi complexe. Printre altele, vom prezenta corespondenţa (Kobayashi-Hitchin) dintre conexiunile Yang-Mills şi structurile olomorfe stabile pe un fibrat neted fixat, iar apoi vom discuta consecinţele ei la nivelul spaţiilor de moduli care apar. În final vom prezenta câteva probleme deschise şi direcţii de cercetare legate de studiul acestor spaţii de moduli in cadrul geometriei Kähler şi non-Kähler.
April 25, 2023
Andrei Moroianu
Closed 1-Forms and Twisted Cohomology IMAR room 307
Abstract: We show that the first twisted cohomology group associated to closed 1-forms on compact manifolds is related to certain 2-dimensional representations of the fundamental group. In particular, we construct examples of nowhere-vanishing 1-forms with non-trivial twisted cohomology. (joint with Mihaela Pilca).
April 4, 2023
Cipriana Anghel-Stan
Non-local coefficients in the heat asymptotics for real powers of Laplacians IMAR room 307
Abstract: We prove that some of the heat coefficients in the small-time asymptotic expansion of e^{-t \Delta^r} are non-local, where r \in (0,1), and \Delta is a Laplace-type operator over a compact Riemannian manifold. Furthermore, for r=1/2 we give a conceptual interpretation of the heat kernel of \Delta^r on a certain heat space M_{heat}. More precisely, $M_{heat}$ is obtained by the standard blow-up of the diagonal at time {t=0} inside M \times M \times [0, \infty).

Fall 2022

Date / Time Speaker Title Location
December 13, 2022
Anda Degeratu
Geometria resolutiilor crepante de Calabi-Yau orbifolds IMAR room 307
Abstract: În această expunere voi oferi o prezentare generală a unuia dintre proiectele mele de cercetare pe termen lung, în care examinez geometria anumitor varietati Calabi-Yau. Aceste varietăti sunt rezoluţii crepante de orbifolduri Calabi-Yau. Metodele mele de studiu implică o interacţiune între metodele geometrice, algebrice şi analitice.
November 22, 2022
Victor Vuletescu
Product of LCK manifolds (II) IMAR room 307
Abstract: It is an open question whether the product of two compact complex manifolds of LCK type does admits an LCK metric; conjecturally, the answer should be negative. In this talk, we prove that the product of any of the LCK manifolds known so far with a compact complex manifold never admits an LCK metric. This is work in progress with L. Ornea and M. Verbitsky.
October 25, 2022
Radu Pantilie
Despre automorfisme infinitezimale pe G-varietati IMAR room 307
Abstract: Studiem spatiile (locale) de orbite ale automorfismelor infinitezimale pe G-varietati riemanniene, cu un accent pe cazurile G=G2 si G=Spin(7) (arXiv:2105.07177).
October 18, 2022
Liana David
Structuri pseudo-Kähler generalizate de tip B_n (partea a doua) IMAR room 307
Abstract: Dupa o scurta recapitulare a materialului pe care l-am prezentat in luna iulie (despre algebroizi Courant de tip B_n, structuri complexe generalizate de tip B_n si metrici generalizate), voi defini notiunea de structura pseudo-Kähler generalizata de tip B_n. Voi exprima o astfel de structura in termeni de campuri tensoriale ('componente') pe baza algebroidului Courant. Voi da exemple stang invariante de astfel de structuri peste grupuri Lie de dimensiune 2, 3 si 4. De-a lungul expunerii voi explica cateva analogii intre teoria prezentata aici si teoria structurilor Kähler generalizate clasice (pe spatii tangente generalizate TM \oplus T*M).
October 11, 2022
Vlad Marchidanu
Coomologie echivariantă şi formula Duistermaat-Heckman IMAR room 307
Abstract: Voi prezenta câteva rezultate clasice. În primul rând, voi reaminti definiţia coomologiei echivariante a unei varietăţi pe care acţionează un grup topologic. Voi schiţa apoi demonstraţia teoremei echivariante de Rham, care permite calculul coomologiei echivariante pentru acţiuni de grupuri Lie compacte folosind modelul Weil sau, echivalent, modelul Cartan. Apoi voi prezenta în contextul coomologiei echivariante formula Duistermaat-Heckman, care permite calculul integralelor formelor echivariant închise folosind doar mulţimea punctelor fixe. Voi prezenta şi o aplicaţie recentă a formulei Duistermaat-Heckman: demonstraţia algebricităţii volumului normalizat al unei varietăţi Sasaki în raport cu o metrică Calabi-Yau pe conul său Kähler.

Spring 2022

Date / Time Speaker Title Location
July 19, 2022
Louis Ioos
Canonical Kähler metrics and quantization IMAR room 307
Abstract: The search for canonical Kähler metrics can be understood as an attempt to extend the uniformization theorem for Riemann surfaces to complex manifolds of any dimension. In this talk, I will explain the key role played by quantization methods in this program. This is based on a project in collaboration with Leonid Polterovich.
July 5, 2022
Liana David
Structuri pseudo-Kähler generalizate de tip B_n IMAR room 307
Abstract: Voi reaminti pe scurt relaţia dintre geometria Kähler generalizată pe algebroizi Courant exacti şi geometria bi-Hermitiană şi, de asemenea, definiţia unui algebroid Courant exact impar. Voi defini noţiunile de structură pseudo-Hermitiană şi pseudo-Kähler generalizată de tip B_n pe un algebroid Courant exact impar E. Cand E este în forma standard, voi exprima aceste structuri în termeni de câmpuri tensoriale clasice definite pe baza lui E. Voi da exemple stâng invariante peste grupuri Lie de dimensiune 2, 3 sau 4. Rezultatele sunt în colaborare cu Vicente Cortés.
May 31, 2022
Victor Vuletescu
Product lcK manifolds IMAR room 307
Abstract: It is an open question whether the product of two compact complex manifolds of LCK type does admits an LCK metric; conjecturally, the answer should be negative. In this talk, we prove that the product of two LCK surfaces never admits an LCK metric and prove several restrictions for the product X\times Y of compact LCK manifolds X and Y to admit an LCK metric. This is work in (very early) progress with L. Ornea and M. Verbitsky.
May 24, 2022
Costin Vilcu
Simple Closed Quasigeodesics on Tetrahedra Zoom
Abstract: Pogorelov proved in 1949 that every convex polyhedron has at least three simple closed quasigeodesics. Whereas a geodesic has exactly π surface angle to either side at each point, a quasigeodesic has at most π surface angle to either side at each point. Pogorelov's existence proof did not suggest a way to identify the three quasigeodesics, and it is only recently that a finite algorithm has been proposed. Here we identify three simple closed quasigeodesics on any tetrahedron: at least one through 1 vertex, at least one through 2 vertices, and at least one through 3 vertices. The only exception is that isosceles tetrahedra have simple closed geodesics but do not have a 1-vertex quasigeodesic. We also identify an infinite class of tetrahedra that each have at least 34 simple closed quasigeodesics. This is recent joint work with Joseph O'Rourke (Smith College, USA).
May 17, 2022
Andrei Moroianu
Conformal vector fields on lcK manifolds IMAR room 307
Abstract: It is well known that on compact Kähler manifolds every conformal vector field is Killing (Lichnerowicz) and every Killing vector field is holomorphic. In this talk I will extend these results to the locally conformally Kähler setting. More precisely, I will show that any conformal vector field $\xi$ on a compact lcK manifold is Killing with respect to the Gauduchon metric, and if the Kähler cover of the manifold is neither flat, nor hyperkähler, then $\xi$ is holomorphic. This is joint work with Mihaela Pilca.
March 29, 2022
Zakarias Sjöström Dyrefelt
Constant scalar curvature and Kähler manifolds with nef canonical bundle Zoom
Abstract: Given a compact Kähler manifold it is a classical question whether it admits a Kähler metric of constant scalar curvature (cscK metric for short). In this talk we prove that there always exist cscK metrics on compact Kähler manifolds with nef canonical bundle, thus on all smooth minimal models, and also on the blowup of any such manifold. This confirms an expectation of Jian-Shi-Song and extends the seminal results of Aubin and Yau, giving a large class of new examples of cscK manifolds. As a byproduct we show that the connected component of the automorphism group of any compact Kähler manifold with nef canonical bundle is either trivial or a complex torus. The tools used are from the variational approach in Kähler geometry, and some related results on stability thresholds and Donaldson's J-equation are discussed along the way.
March 22, 2022
Liviu Ornea
Toate varietăţile Hopf sunt LCK IMAR sala 307
Abstract: Demostrăm că orice cât al lui $C^n\backslash 0$ printr-o contracţie olomorfă cu centrul 0 este LCK (colaborare cu Misha Verbitsky).
March 15, 2022
Adriano Tomassini
TBA Zoom
March 8, 2022
Sorin Dumitrescu
Holomorphic foliations and transverse Cartan geometry Zoom
Abstract:This talk will present the foliated aspect of Cartan's geometries (connections) which are geometrical structures infinitesimally modeled on homogeneous spaces. After an introduction of the classical framework providing motivations, we will show classification results for holomorphic foliations with transversal Cartan geometries on rationally connected varieties and on Calabi-Yau manifolds. This is based on a joint work with Indranil Biswas (TIFR, Mumbai).
February 15, 2022
Francesco Pediconi
Collapsed ancient solutions of the Ricci flow on compact homogeneous spaces Zoom
Abstract:The Ricci flow (RF) is a geometric PDE that evolves a Riemannian metric in the direction of its Ricci tensor. Solutions that are defined for any negative time are called ancient, and they arise as blow-up limits near singularities. In this talk, we review some classical facts concerning the RF on compact homogeneous spaces and we present a general existence theorem for collapsed ancient solutions. Furthermore, we show that all our solutions converge in the Gromov-Hausdorff topology, under a suitable rescaling, to an Einstein metric on the base of a torus fibration. As a direct consequence of this result, we illustrate a series of examples. This is joint work with S. Sbiti.

Fall 2021

Date / Time Speaker Title Location
February 1, 2022
Andrea Sambusetti
Finiteness of hyperbolic groups with bounded entropy Zoom
Abstract:I will present a new finiteness theorem: there are only finitely many torsionless groups G acting discretely by isometries on some delta-hyperbolic space X with entropy Ent(X) < E and diameter of the quotient space G\X less than D. I will explain the genesis of the result, which dates back to the work of Heintze, Cheeger and Gromov, declining it in different forms: for 3-manifolds, for general non-positively curved n-manifolds, for Gromov hyperbolic spaces and groups. The main tool behind it is a new, "curvature-free" volume comparison inequality a-la Bishop-Gromov, which only needs an upper bound of entropy and diameter. (This is a joint work with G. Besson, G. Courtois and S. Gallot, see arXiv:2109.13025)
January 25, 2022
Brice Flamencourt
Cauchy spinors on 3-manifolds Zoom
Abstract:The so-called Cauchy spinors arise naturally when one considers the restriction of a parallel spinor on a spin-manifold $Z$ to an oriented hypersurface $M$ of $Z$. The covariant derivative of such a restriction in the direction of $X \in TM$ is given by the Clifford multiplication by $-A(X)/2$ where $A$ is the second fundamental form of the hypersurface. Then, we can consider more generally the spinors satisfying this last condition on a manifold $M$, with $A$ being an arbitrary symmetric endomorphism field. This is what we call Cauchy spinors. In dimension three, the study of Cauchy spinors on simply connected manifolds is equivalent to the flatness of a connection, which can be rewritten as an equation on the endomorphism field $A$. Since this is a non-linear differential equation, it is still hard to fully understand the structure of this spinors space, even in the simple case of the round sphere $\SS^3$. However, we can give some structure results on manifolds with positive curvature. Moreover, we can use the Lie group structure of $\SS^3$ in order to make explicit computations in this case.
December 21, 2021
Sergiu Moroianu
Introducere in geometria spinoriala in dimensiuni 3 si 4, Part II Zoom
December 14, 2021
Sergiu Moroianu
Introducere in geometria spinoriala in dimensiuni 3 si 4 Zoom
Abstract:Expunerea va fi o introducere in lumea spinorilor. Voi construi grupurile Spin(3) si Spin(4) si reprezentarile lor spinoriale. Orice 3-varietate Riemaniana orientata M este inzestrata cu structuri Spin. Daca M este o hipersuprafata intr-o 4-varietate Riemaniana spin X, putem restrange spinori de la X la M. Cand X admite spinori paraleli nenuli, curbura sa Ricci se anuleaza iar metrica este (anti)auto-duala; in plus, metrica lui M si a doua sa forma fundamentala satisfac doua ecuatii de constragere obtinute prin contractarea ecuatiilor Gauss si Codazzi, iar restrictia spinorului paralel de pe X la M este un asa-numit spinor Cauchy. Vom studia problema Cauchy de extindere a unui spinor Cauchy de pe M la un spinor paralel pe X.
December 7, 2021
Ovidiu Preda
Vaisman theorem for locally conformally Kähler spaces Zoom
Abstract:Vaisman's theorem states that any locally conformally Kähler metric on a compact complex manifold which admits a Kähler metric is, in fact, globally conformally Kähler. We extend this theorem to compact (singular) complex spaces which are locally irreducible. We also present an example which shows that the additional assumption of local irreducibility cannot be dropped.
November 9, 2021
Liana David
T-dualitate pentru algebroizi Courant tranzitivi Zoom
Abstract: Voi incepe cu o scurta prezentare a teoriei conexiunilor generalizate si a operatorilor de generare Dirac pentru algebroizi Courant tranzitivi. Rezultatul principal al expunerii este o T-dualitate pentru algebroizi Courant tranzitivi, care generalizeaza T-dualitatea lui Cavalcanti si Gualtieri in cazul exact. Voi demonstra diverse proprietati ale algebroizilor Courant tranzitivi aflati in T-dualitate si un rezultat general de existenta a unui T-dual pentru un algebroid Courant tranzitiv dat. Ca exemplificare a teoriei, voi demonstra ca T-dualul unui algebroid Courant heterotic este tot heterotic. Rezultate obtinute in colaborare cu Vicente Cortes (arxiv:2101.07184).

Spring 2021 - Joint GAP  - Geometry seminar

Date / Time Speaker Title Location
May 11, 2021
Adrien Boulanger
Spectral theory and linking forms Zoom
Abstract: We shall discuss the notion of linking form, closely related to the one of linking number, with a special focus on its interaction with spectral theory. We will start with basic definitions and examples, coming back to Gauss' first definitions. (Work in progress with Gilles Courtois).
April 6, 2021
Calin Lazaroiu
Spinor structures, G-structures and Fierz potentials Zoom
March 24, 2021
Carlos Shahbazi Alonso
Mathematical Supergravity and its applications to differential geometry Zoom
March 16, 2021
Sergiu Moroianu
IMAR Bucharest
The Gauss-Bonnet formula on polyhedra Zoom
February 16, 2021
Adrien Boulanger
A Cheeger like inequality for 1-forms Zoom
Abstract: Work in collaboration with Gilles Courtois
February 9, 2021
Patrick Popescu-Pampu
The Combinatorics of Plane Curve Singularities Zoom
Abstract: Ever since Newton introduced the first combinatorial object in the study of singularities of plane curves, later called the "Newton polygon", several trees -- i.e. connected graphs without cycles -- were introduced in order to completely encode the combinatorial structure of such a singularity. I will explain how, starting from some Newton polygons associated to a deeper and deeper "microscopic" study of the initial singularity, one can construct a special simplicial bidimensional complex -- a lotus -- in which all these trees embed. One can thus visualize the relations between all of them simultaneously, in contrast with the previous situation, in which there existed only algorithms relating two such trees. My talk will consist of an introduction to the first chapter of "Handbook of Geometry and Topology of Singularities I", recently written in collaboration with Evelia Garcia Barroso and Pedro Gonzalez Perez.
January 27, 2021
Gaetan Borot
Double Hurwitz numbers, topological recursion and ELSV-type formulas Zoom
January 20, 2021
Carlos Shahbazi Alonso
Heterotic solitons on four-manifolds Zoom

Fall 2020

Date / Time Speaker Title Location
November 24, 2020
Daniele Angella
On cohomogeneity one Hermitian non-Kähler manifolds Zoom
Abstract: We study Hermitian manifolds with a compact Lie group action by holomorphic isometries with principal orbits of codimension one. In particular, we focus on a special class of these manifolds constructed by following Bérard-Bergery. We compute the Chern-Ricci curvatures and we derive the Chern-Einstein equation. We show that these metrics are always locally conformally Kähler, and we characterize other special Hermitian conditions, such as balanced, Gauduchon, pluriclosed, Kähler-like, Vaisman. The talk is a joint collaboration with Francesco Pediconi.
November 17, 2020
Liana David
(TE)-structuri peste F-varietati 2-dimensionale Zoom
November 10, 2020
Iulia Plesca
Algebraic Heun Operators Zoom
Abstract: Consider the Heun operator, the second order differential operator with four regular singular points. We are interested to find conditions for which the ordinary linear differential equation H(y)=0 has a full set of algebraic solutions. In this case, we see the corresponding Heun operators as pull-backs by Belyi functions of algebraic hypergeometric operators. We search for these functions by finding their corresponding dessin d?enfant. We find some infinite families of dessins d?enfants parametrized by the number of edges.
November 3, 2020
Cipriana Anghel
Weyl's law about counting the eigenvalues of a Laplacian Zoom
Abstract: We present a classical result (due to Weyl, Minaksisundaram-Pliejel, Karamata, etc.) concerning the number of eigenvalues of a Laplacian. More precisely, we consider the Laplacian H=\nabla^* \nabla in a vector bundle E with metric and compatible connection over a closed manifold M. Let N(k) be the number of eigenvalues of H that are less than k. The aim is to describe the asymptotic behavior of this function as k grows to infinity.
October 20, 2020
Costin Vilcu
Tailoring for Every Body: Reshaping Convex Polyhedra II Zoom
October 13, 2020
Costin Vilcu
Tailoring for Every Body: Reshaping Convex Polyhedra Zoom

Spring 2020

Date / Time Speaker Title Location
July 21, 2020
Corina Ciobotaru
Classical homogeneous dynamics in a non-linear setting Zoom
Abstract: The automorphisms group of a bi-regular tree contains a rich class of non-linear subgroups G that still share the good properties of the linear ones. Given that, classical questions from homogeneous dynamics can be examined and proved. For example, if H is a discrete subgroup of G, recent results show there is a classification of ergodic probability measures on G / H that are invariant under horospherical subgroups. When H is moreover a cocompact lattice, the horospherical action is uniquely ergodic. Or when H is a geometrically finite lattice quantitative recurrence and equidistribution related to the above probability measures on G / H hold true. This is a joint project with Vladimir Finkelshtein and Cagri Sert.
July 14, 2020
Adrien Boulanger
The Dirichlet random walk Zoom
Abstract: Let M \to M_0 a Galoisian Riemannian covering from M to M_0 with deck group \Gamma. Being given an 'initial point' o \in M we define recursively a stochastic process on M as follows: pick countably many independent random variables (p_i)_{\in \mathbb{N}^*} following the law given by the (renormalized) Riemannian measure on M_0. Now construct a piecewise geodesic path by relating o with p_1 and each p_i with p_{i+1} with the (almost surely unique) minimizing geodesic g_i having them as endpoints. Concatenating the n-thn first geodesic segments g_0... g_{n-1} together gives rise to a piecewise geodesic of M_0. Such a path being in particular continuous, one can lift it to M to get a random sequence of points on M (the endpoint of the lift of the piecewise geodesic given by g_0... g_{n-1}). This talk will focus on proving an analogous of Kesten's criterion in this case : \Gamma is amenable if and only if the associated Markov operator has a spectral gap. The proof is analytical, knowledge in probability theory is not required.
June 16, 2020
Alexandra Otiman
Probleme variationale in geometria conforma Zoom
Abstract: We study the Euler-Lagrange equation for several natural functionals defined on a conformal class of almost Hermitian metrics, whose expression involves the Lee form of the metric. We show that Gauduchon metrics are the unique extremal metrics of the functional corresponding to the norm of the Lee form?s codifferential. Moreover, in the spirit of Gauduchon?s celebrated result, we prove that in any given conformal class, there exists a unique (up to scalar multiplications) metric with special properties. This is joint work with D. Angella, N. Istrati and N. Tardini.
June 9, 2020
Miron Stanciu
Compatibility between non-Kähler structures on complex (nil)manifolds Zoom
June 9, 2020
Cipriana Anghel
Heat kernel asymptotics for real powers of Laplacians Zoom
Abstract: I will describe the small-time heat kernel asymptotics for real powers r \in (0,1) of a generalised Laplacian on sections of a vector bundle over a compact Riemannian manifold.
February 4, 2020
Liviu Ornea
Coomologia algebrelor Lie nilpotente si clasificarea nilvarietatilor LCK Sala 307
January 21, 2020
Olivier Guichard
Universitatea Strasbourg
Teichmüller spaces and their generalizations Sala 307
Abstract: This talk will be devoted to present the Teichmüller space (ie the universal cover of the Riemann moduli space) and the different points of view (analytical, dynamical, homological, combinatorical) on it that have been developed the last thirty years. In turn, these different approaches give rise to new family of spaces called generalized Teichmüller spaces. If time permits, results of the speaker and his collaborators will be mentioned.

Fall 2019

Date / Time Speaker Title Location
December 10, 2019
Costin Vilcu
Diametral points of convex bodies Sala 307
Abstract: Based on this preprint.
December 3, 2019
Gabriel Baditoiu
Actiuni tranzitive si metrici Einstein omogene pe hiperboloizi Sala 307
November 26, 2019
Andrei Moroianu
CNRS Orsay
Metric connections with parallel skew-symmetric torsion Sala 307
Abstract: In this talk I will present some results, obtained in collaboration with Uwe Semmelmann and Richard Cleyton, about the structure of Riemannian manifolds carying a metric connection with parallel skew-symmetric (non-vanishing) torsion. These objects appear naturally in different geometric contexts, e.g. on naturally reductive homogeneous spaces, on Sasakian and 3-Sasakian manifolds, or on nearly Kähler and nearly parallel G_2 manifolds. Cleyton and Swann have classified them in the case of irreducible holonomy. In the reducible case, I will show that the manifold is the total space of a Riemannian submersion with totally geodesic homogeneous fibres over a Riemannian manifold which carries a metric connection with parallel skew-symmetric (possibly vanishing) torsion, and a principal bundle with parallel curvature. This result opens the way towards a possible classification of geometries with parallel skew-symmetric torsion.
November 19, 2019
Ovidiu Preda
Coverings of LCK complex spaces Sala 307
November 12, 2019
Dan Burghelea
Ohio State University
From topology to geometry via analytic continuation Sala 307
November 5, 2019
Liana David
The Dirac generating operator of a Courant algebroid Sala 307
October 29, 2019
Florin Belgun
The Matthai-Quillen construction Sala 307
October 29, 2019
Sergiu Moroianu
The generalized Gauss-Bonnet theorem Sala 307

Organizer: Sergiu Moroianu 


Modified: 22.11.2023