- Born 1 March 1925, Bacau, Romania.
- Elementary school and high school in Bacau, Romania. First classified at "Bacalaureat" (school-leaving examination) 1944.
- Faculty of Science, Mathematics, University of Bucuresti, Romania 1945-1949, Diploma of Merit.
- Assistant professor 1950, Lecturer 1955, Associate Professor 1964, Professor 1966, Professor Emeritus 1991 Faculty of Mathematics, University of Bucuresti, Romania.
- PhD in Mathematics 1956 (Monotonous functions of two variables), State Doctor in Sciences 1968, University of Bucuresti, Romania,
- Corresponding Member of Romanian Academy, April 1993. Research and teaching in the fields of mathematical analysis, theoretical computer science, measure theory, general topology, linguistics, history of mathematics, mathematical poetics, semiotics, applications of mathematics to natural and social sciences.
- Books authored or coauthored
- Lingvistica matematica. Modele matematice in lingvistica. Ed. Didactica si Pedagogica. Bucuresti, 1963, 220p.
- Gramatici si automate finite. Ed Academiei, Bucuresti 1964, 256 p.
- Analiza matematica. vol.I. Ed. Didactica si Pedagogica Bucuresti, ed. I. 1962, 735 p., 2nd Edition 1963. 3rd edition 1966, 768 p., 4th edition 1971, 785 p., 5th Edition 1980, 790 p. (in collab. with Miron Nicolescu and Nicolae Dinculeanu).
- Lingvistica matematica, (2nd edition, revised and completed with 4 new chapters). Ed Didactica si Pedagogica, Bucuresti, 1966, 254p
- Introducere in lingvistica matematica, Ed Stiintifica, Bucuresti, 1966, 336 p (in collab. with E. Nicolau and S. Stati)
- Notiuni de analiza matematica. Originea, evolutia si semnificatia lor. Ed. Stiintifica, Bucuresti, 1967, 237 p.
- Limbaj, logica, filozofie. Ed. Stiintifica, Bucuresti,1968, 261 p (in collab. with Al. Boboc, Gh Enescu, C. Popa and S. Stati).
- Analiza matematica, vol.II, Ed. Didactica si Pedagogica, Bucuresti 1st ed 1966; 2nd ed 1971; 3rd ed. 1980; 414 p. (in collab. with Miron Nicolescu and N. Dinculeanu)
- Introduction mathematique a la linguistique structurale. Dunod, Paris, 1967, XII + 282 p.
- Algebraic Linguistics; Analytical Models. Academic Press, New York, 1967, XIV + 254 p.
- Poetica matematica. Ed. Academiei, Bucuresti, 1970, 400 p.
- Teoretiko-mnozestvennye modeli jazykov. Ed. Nauka, Moscova, 1970, 332 p. (translation of the first five chapters of the book 10 and of the last chapter of the book 9).
- Algebraicke modely jazyka. Ed. Academia, Prague, 1969, 289 p. (translation in Czech of the book 4, and of a part of the book 2).
- Introduzione alla linguistica matematica. Casa editrice Riccardo Patron, Bologna, 1970, 448p. (revised and completed translation of the book 5), in collab. with E. Nicolau and S. Stati.
- Mathematische Poetik. Ed. Academiei, Bucuresti-Athenaum Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1973, 437 p. (revised and completed translation of the book 11).
- Matematicka Poetika. Ed. Nolit, Belgrad, 1974, 337 p. (revised and completed Serbo-Croatian translation of the book 11).
- Din gandirea matematica romaneasca. Ed. Stiintifica si Enciclopedica, Bucuresti, 1975, 224 p.
- Semiotica folclorului. Abordare lingvistico-matematica. Ed. Academiei, Bucuresti. 1975. 268 p.(coauthor)
- Matematicka analyza ctena podruhe. Ed. Academia, Prague, 1976, 234 p. (revised and completed Czech translation of the book 6).
- A nyelvi szepseq matematikaja. Ed. Gondolat, Budapesta, 1977, 400 p.
- Metode distributionale algebrice in lingvistica. Ed. Academiei, Bucuresti, 1977, 256 pp. (coauthor).
- La semiotique formelle du folklore. Approche linguistico-mathematique. Ed. Klincksieck, Paris - Ed. Academiei, Bucuresti, 1978, 309 p. (revised and completed translation of the book 18).
- Introduccion en la linguistica matematica. Ed. Teide. Barcelona, 1978, 386 p. (revised and completed Spanish translation of the book 5).
- Semne despre semne. Ed. Stiintifica si Enciclopedica, Bucuresti, 1979, 112 p.
- Contextual ambiguities in natural & artificial languages. Vol. 1, Ed. Communication and Cognition, Ghent, Belgium, 1981, 138 p. (revised and completed translation of a part of the book 21)
- Snmeia gia ta snmeia. Ed. Pneumatikos, Atena, 1981, 119 p. (Greek translation of the book 24).
- Metode matematice in problematica dezvoltarii. Ed. Academiei, Bucuresti, 1982, 198 p. ( coauthor).
- Gandirea algoritmica. Ed. Tehnica, Bucuresti, 1982, 131 p.
- Semiotica matematica a artelor vizuale. Ed. Stiintifica si Enciclopedica, Bucuresti, 1982, 410 p. (coordinator and coauthor).
- Simion Stoilow. Ed. Stiintifica si Enciclopedica, Bucuresti, 1983, 315 p. (in collab. with Cabiria Andreian Cazacu).
- Paradoxul. Albatros, Bucuresti, 1984, 183 p.
- Timpul. Ed. Albatros, Bucuresti, 1985, 386 p.
- Arta si stiinta. Ed Eminescu, Bucuresti, 1986, 332 p.
- Analiza matematica. vol. II Univ. Bucurestl, 1986. 477 p. (coauthor).
- To Paradocso. Ed Pneumatikos, Atena, 1986, 126 p. (Greek version of the book 31)
- Socul matematicii. Ed Albatros, Bucuresti, 1987, 366 p.
- Moduri de gandire. Colectia "Stiinta pentru toti", Ed Stiintifica si Enciclopedica, Bucuresti, 1987, 110 p.
- Provocarea stiintei. Seria "Idei contemporane", Ed.Politica, Bucuresti, 1988, 470 p.
- Inventie si descoperire. Ed. Cartea Romaneasca, 1989,.296 p.
- Analiza matematica. Materiale pentru perfectionarea profesorilor de liceu III. Universitatea din Bucuresti, Facultatea de Matematica, Bucuresti, 1989, 319 p.(coauthor)
- Dictionar de Analiza Matematica. Editura Stiintifica si Enciclopedica Bucuresti, 1989 (coauthor).
- Controverse in stiinta si inginerie. Ed. Tehnica, Bucuresti, 1991, 248 p.
- Language, Logic, Cognition and Communication; A Semiotic, Computational and Historical Approach. Report 9/96. Grup de Recerca en Linguistica Matematica i Enginyeria del Llenguatge. Reports Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain, 1996, 184 pp.
- Books and special issues coordinated, edited, prefaced or postfaced
- Dimitrie Pompeiu, Opera matematica. Editura Academiei, Bucuresti, 1959 (editing and introductory study).
- Semiotica folclorului. Abordare lingvistico-matematica. Editura Academiei, Bucuresti, 1975.(editing and introductory study).
- Metode distributionale-algebrice in lingvistica. Editura Academiei, Bucuresti, 1977 ( editing and introductory study ).
- La semiotique formelle du folklore. Approche linguistico-mathematique. Ed. Klincksieck, Paris - Editura Academiei, Bucuresti, 1978 ( under the direction of, introductory study).
- Contextual Ambiguities in Natural and in Artificial Languages, vol.1, Communication and Cognition, Ghent, Belgium, 1981 (preface and coordination).
- Metode matematice in problematica dezvoltarii. Editura Academiei, Bucuresti, 1982 (editing and introductory study).
- Semiotica matematica a artelor vizuale. Editura stiintifica si enciclopedica, Bucuresti, 1982 (editing and introductory study)
- Proceedings of the Symposium on Algebraic Linguistics held 10-12 February 1970, Smolenice. Publishing House, Slovak Academy of Science, Bratislava, 1973 (coordination with Jan Horecky and Laszlo Kalmar).
- Poetics and Mathematics. Special issue of the journal POETICS, Mouton, The Hague, no. 10, 1974 (editorial note and coordination).
- The formal study of drama. Special issue of the journal POETICS, North-Holland, Amsterdam, vol.6, no. 3/4, 1977 (editorial note and editing).
- Theorie et pratique de la reception. Special issue of the journal "Degres", Brussels, 1981 (coordination with I. Coteanu, P. Miclau, and R. Munteanu).
- Semiotique roumaine. Tipografia Universitatii din Bucuresti, 1981 (coordination with P. Miclau).
- Contextual Ambiguities in Natural and in Artificial Languages, vol. II Communication and Cognition, Ghent, Belgium, 1983 ( preface and coordination)
- The Formal Study of Drama, II. Special issue of the journal POETICS, Amsterdam, vol.13, no.1/2, 1984 (editorial note and coordination).
- Semnificatie si comunicare in lumea contemporana. Editura Politica, Bucuresti, 1985 (presentation, anthology and edition).
- Modele matematice si semiotice ale dezvoltarii sociale. Editura Academiei, Bucuresti, 1986 ( preface and coordination).
- Gr. C. Moisil, Opera matematica, vol.1, Editura Academiei, Bucuresti, 1976 (preface, edition and introductory study).
- Gr. C. Moisil, Opera matematica, vol.II, Editura Academiei, Bucuresti, 1980 (preface, edition and introductory study).
- Miron Nicolescu, Opera matematica. Functii poliarmnice. Editura Academiei, Bucuresti, 1980 (edition and introductory study).
- Gr. C. Moisil, Opera matematica, vol.III, Editura Academiei, Bucuresti, 1992 (edition and introductory study).
- Miron Nicolescu, Opera matematica-Ecuatii eliptice si parabolice. Editura Academiei, Bucuresti, 1992 (edition and introductory study).
- Alexandru Froda, Opera matematica. Editura Academiei, Bucuresti, in preparation (edition and introductory study). Invited prefaces or postfaces to books by Nicolae. Brindus, Corneliu Cezar, Octavian Nemescu, Constantin Virgil Negoita - Dan A. Ralescu, Gheorghe Paun, Alexandru Popovici, Alexandru Teodorescu - I. Catona - C. Popescu, Dragos Vaida - Alexandru Mateescu, Anatol Vieru etc.
- Research Articles
- Asupra unei teoreme a lui G.P. Tolstov. Comunicarile Acad. RPR. vol. 2, 1952, nr 1, p.5-8. 1'. Uber einen Lehrsatz von G.P.Tolstov. Rev. Math. et Phys. vol. 2, 1954, p.59-61. 1". O teorema G.P. Tolstova. Jurnal matem. i fiz., Akad. Rum. Narod. Resp. 3, 1954, p.63-65.
- Asupra discontinuitatilor functiilor de trei sau mai multe variabile, cu numere derivate partiale continue. Comunicarile Acad RPR, vo1. 2, 1952, nr 2, p 125-128.
- Limita aproximativa calitativa. Comunicarile Acad. RPR, vol. 3, 1953, nr. 1-2, p. 9-12.
- Continuitatea aproximativa calitativa. Comunicarile Acad. RPR, vol. 3, 1953, nr. 3-4, p. 117-120.
- Derivata aproximativa calitativa. Comunicarile Acad. RPR, vol.3, 1953, nr. 11-12, p. 361-364.
- Proprietati metrice si proprietati calitative ale functiilor reale de doua variabile. Buletin Stiintific Acad. RPR, Sectia stiinte mat. fiz. vol. 5, 1953. nr. 4, p. 527-544.
- Doua exemple in legatura cu teorema lui Fubini la integrala Riemann. In Miron Nicolescu, Analiza matematica, vol. II, Ed. Academiei, 1953, p. 292-295.
- Compunerea functiilor cu variatie marginita. Buletin Stiintific Acad. RPR, Sectia de stiinte mat.fiz., vol. 5, 1954, nr. 2, p. 243-250. 8'. Zusammensetzung von Funktionen von beschrankter Variation. Revue de Math. Pures et Appl., vol. 5, 1960, nr. 2, p. 375-382.
- Functiile lui Pompeiu. Studii si Cercetari Matematice; vol. 5, 1954, nr. 3-4, p. 413-419.
- Cateva multimi rare in unele spatii functionale. Comunicarile Acad. RPR, vol. 5, 1955, nr. 2, p. 291-293.
- Conditiile (T) ale lui Banach la functii de doua variabile. Revista Universitatii C.I. Parhon si Politehnicii Bucuresti, vol. 8, 1955, p. 15-22.
- Multimile F-sigma si continuitatea simetrica. Bul. Stiint. Acad. RPR, Sectia de stiinte mat.fiz., vol. 7, 1955, nr. 4, p. 871-886.
- Asupra determinarii unei functii partial continue prin valorile luate pe o multime densa. Comunicarile Acad. RPR, vol. 5, 1955, nr 11, p. 1563-1568.
- Sur un probleme de F. Hausdorff concernant les fonctions symetriques continues Bull. de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, classe III, vol. 4, 1956, nr. 4, p. 201-205. 14'. Ob odnom probleme Hausdorffa. Bull. Polskoi Akad.Nauk, otdel III, vol. 4, 1956. nr. 4, p. 195-199.
- Sur un probleme de la theorie de la mesure de H. Steinhaus et S.Ruziewicz. Bull. de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, classe III, vol. 4, 1956, nr. 4. p. 197-199. 15'. Ob odnoi probleme Steinhauza i S.Ruziewicza po teorii mer. Bull. Polskoi Akad.Nauk, otde1 III, vol. 4, 1956, nr. 4, p. 193-194.
- Sur une generalisation des fonctions de G. Hamel. Rendiconti dell'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (Classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali), seria VIII, vol. 20, 1956, nr. 5, p. 584-589.
- Sur quelques notions de monotonie concernant les fonctions reelles de deux variables reelles. Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, Paris, vol. 242, 1956, nr. 18, p. 2207-2209.
- Sur la structure des ensembles de niveau des fonctions de deux variables. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences Paris, vo1 242, 1956, nr. 19, p. 2273-2275.
- Fonctions monotones de deux variables. Revue de Mathematique Pures et Appliquees, vol. 1, 1956, nr. 2, p. 17-36. 19'. Monotonye funkcii dvuh peremenyh, Jurnal cistoi i prikladnoi matematika, vol 1. 1956, nr 2, p. 13-34.
- Contributii la o analiza a functiilor reale bazata pe notiunea de categorie (in sensul lui Baire). Studii si Cercet Mat, vol 7, 1956, nr 3-4, p. 251-272.
- Asupra determinarii unei functii partial continue prin valorile luate pe o multime densa, II Comunicarile Acad. RPR, vol 6, 1956, nr 7, p. 985-987.
- Despre functiile lui Hamel. Bul.Stiint al Acad RPR, Sectia de st. mat si fiz, vol.8, l956, nr 3, p 517-528.
- Sur certaines classes de fonctions continues de deux variables reelles et leurs ensembles de niveau. Note I. Rendiconti dell'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (Classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali), seria VIII, vol. 22, 1957, nr. 1, p 24-30.
- Sur certaines classes de fonctions continues et leurs ensembles de niveau. Note II. Rendiconti dell'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (Classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali), seria VIII, vol. 22, 1957, nr. 2, p. 140-145.
- O funkcijah nepreryvnyh po kazdoi peremennoi, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, vol. 112, 1957, nr. 5, p. 812-814.
- Un critere de finitude pour les fonctions sous-additives. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, Paris, vol. 244, 1957, nr. 17, p. 2221-2222.
- Criteres de majoration pour les fonctions sous-additives, convexes ou internes. Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, Paris. vol. 244, 1957, nr 18, p. 2270-2272.
- Sur un theoreme de M.A. Marchaud et sur les fonctions derivables presque partout. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, Paris, vol. 244, 1957, nr 19, p. 2245-2247.
- La superposition des fonctions et l'isometrie de certaines classes de fonctions. Bull.Math. de la Soc. des Sciences Mathematiques de la RPR, vol 61(49), 1957, nr.1, p. 69-76.
- Sur un theoreme de M. S. Stoilow concernant les fonctions continues d'une variable reelle. Revue de Mathematique Pures et Appliquees, vol. 2, 1957, nr. 1, p 409-412.
- Tocki razryva i tocki differenciruemosti Rev.math. pures et appl., vol. 2, 1957, nr. 1, p. 471-474.
- Fonctions convexes et fonctions internes. Bull des Sciences Mathematiques, Paris, 2-e serie, vol 18, 1957, nr. 2, p. 66-70.
- Sur la decomposition de l'espace euclidien en ensembles homogenes. Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, vol. 8, 1957, nr. 3-4, p. 443-452 (in collab. with Paul Erdos).
- Sur un theoreme de F.B. Jones. Sur un theoreme de S. Kurepa. Bull. Math. de la Soc. des Sciences Math. et Phys.de la RPR, vol. 1 (49), 1957, nr. 4, p 433-434.
- Sur les derivees partielles mixtes. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences de Paris, vo1. 246, 1958, nr. 4, p. 522-524.
- Sur les fonctions continues qui ne sont monotones en aucun intervalle. Rev. de math. Pures et Appl., vol. 3, 1958, nr. 1, p. 101-105.
- 0 caracterizare a functiei oscilatie. In Miron Nicolescu, "Analiza matematica", vol. II, Ed. Tehnica, Bucuresti, 1958, p. 126-127.
- Asupra convergentei cvasiuniforme. In Miron Nicolescu, "Analiza matematica", vol. II, Ed. Tehnica, Bucuresti, 1958, p. 66-68.
- Un exemplu de functie de doua variabile, discontinua peste tot si avind derivate partiale de orice ordin, finite, in fiecare punct, cu exceptia unei multimi numerabile. In Miron Nicolescu, "Analiza matematica". vol II, Ed. Tehnica, Bucuresti, 1958, p. 424-425.
- Sur les fonctions derivees integrables au sens de Riemann et sur les derivees partielles mixtes. Proceedings of The American Mathematical Society, vol.9 nr.6, 1958, p. 973-978.
- Asupra unei teorii de tip Lebesgue pentru integrala Riemann. Stud. si cercet. mat.,vol. 9, 1958, nr. 2, p. 333-369.
- Sur une classe de fonctions definies par des inegalites, introduite par M A.Csaszar. Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum, Szeged, vol. l9, 1958, nr.3-4, p.192-218.
- Sur une theorie du type Lebesgue pour l'integrale Riemann. Bull math. de la Soc. des Sciences Math. et Phys de la RPR, vol 2 (50), 1958, nr 2, p. 187-l97.
- Sur le probleme de la mesurabilite des ensembles projectifs. Comptes rendus de l'Academie des sciences, Paris, vol. 247, 1958, nr. 1, p. 21-22.
- Remarques sur les fonctions integrables au sens de Riemann. Bull. math. de la Soc. des sciences math. et phys. de la RPR, vol. 2 (50), 1958, nr. 4, p. 433-439.
- Hamelsche Basis und projektive Mengen. Mathematische Nachrichten. Berlin, vol. 17, 1959, nr. 3-6, p.143-150.
- Sur les ensembles independants dans la theorie des relations. Monatshefte fur Mathematik, Wien, vol. 63, 1959, nr. 3. p. 244-255.
- Conditions d'equivalence a une constante pour les fonctions integrables Riemann et pour les fonctions jouissants de la propriete de Baire. Rev. de math. pures et appl., vol 4, 1959, nr 2. p. 283-285. 48'. Conditii de echivalenta cu o constanta pentru functiile integrabile Riemann si pentru functiile cu proprietatea lui Baire. Analele Univ. C.I. Parhon, Bucuresti, seria st.nat., vol. 22, 1959, p. 59-62.
- Generalisation aux fonctions de plusieurs variables, des theoremes de Alexander Ostrowski et Masuo Hukuhara, concernant les fonctions convexes (J). Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, vol. 11, 1959, nr. 3, p. 171-176.
- Remarques sur la superposition de deux fonctions reelles. Colloq. Mathematicum, Wroclaw, vol. 7, 1959, nr. 1, p. 79-81.
- Sur un theoreme de G. Szekeres concernant les fonctions monotones et convexes. Canadian Journal of Mathematics, vol. 11, 1959, nr. 4, p. 521-526.
- Sur la superposition de deux fonctions integrables au sens de Riemann et sur le changement de variable dans l'integrale de Riemann. Rev. de math. Pures et Appl., vol. 4, 1959, nr. 3, p. 381-389. 52'. Asupra suprapunerii a doua functii integrabile Riemann si asupra schimbarii de variabila la integrala Riemann. Analele Univ. C.I. Parhon, seria st.nat., vol. 9, 1960, nr. 25, p. 25-33.
- La mesure de Jordan et l'integrale de Riemann dans un espace mesure topologique. Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum, Szeged, vol. 20, 1959, nr. 2-3, p. 156-163.
- Sur la determination d'une fonction par les valeurs prises sur un certain ensemble. Annales scientifiques de l'Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, vol. 76, 1959, nr. 2, p. 151-159 (in collab with N. Boboc).
- Sur la representation d'une fonction arbitraire par des fonctions jouissant de la propriete de Darboux. Comptes rendus de l'Acad. des Sciences, Paris, vol. 249, 1959, nr.1, p. 25-26.
- Sur une propriete descriptive analogue a la propriete N de Lusin. Coll. Mathematicum, Wroclaw, vol. 7, 1960, nr. 2, p. 213-220.
- Sur les theoremes de J. Mycielski et W. Gustin concernant les decompositions de l'intervalle. Colloq. Mathematicum, Wroclaw, vol. 7, 1960, nr. 2. p. 253-256. (in collab. with Akos Csaszar)
- Sur la representation d'une fonction arbitraire par des fonctions jouissant de la propriete de Darboux. Transactions of the American Math. Society, vol. 95, 1960, nr 3, p. 489-494.
- Asupra unei teoreme enuntate de Lindenbaum si demonstrate de W. Sierpinski. Comunicarile Acad. RPR, vol. 10, nr. 7, 1960, p. 547-550. 59'. (variant in Russian of the article 59), Rev. de math pures et appl.,vol. 5, 1960, nr. 1, p 101-103.
- Sur certains problemes et theoremes concernant la continuite et la derivabilite des fonctions. Monatshefte fur Mathematik, Wien, vol. 64, 1960, nr. 2, p 119-130.
- Sur un probleme de Z. Zahorski concernant les points ou la derivee est infinie. Rendiconti dell'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, serie VIII, vol. 29, 1960, nr. 3-4, p. 176-180.
- Functions with the Darboux property and functions with connected graphs. Mathematische Annalen, vol. 101, 1960, nr 4, p. 311-317.
- Mathematique et phonologie. Theorie des graphes et consonantisme de la langue roumaine, I. Rev. de math. pures et appl., vol. 5, 1960, nr. 2, p. 319-340 (in collab. with Em. Vasiliu).
- Mathematique et phonologie. Theorie des graphes et consonantisme de la langue roumaine, II. Rev. de math. pures et appl., vol. 5, 1960, nr. 3-4, p. 681-703 (in collab. with Em. Vasiliu). 64'. Romanian version of the articles 63 and 64. Fonetica si Dialectologie, vol. 3, 1961, p. 15-55.
- Les approximations diophantiennes et la categorie de Baire. Mathematische Zeitschrift, vol. 76, 1961, nr. 1, p. 42-45.
- Sur les fonctions quasicontinues au sens de S. Kempisty. Colloq. Mathematicum, Wroclaw, vol. 8, 1961, nr 1, p.47-53.
- On commutativity of the second order cross partial derivatives. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 12, 1961, nr. 4, p. 562-564.
- Structures linguistiques et structures topologiques. Rev. de math. pures et appl., vol. 6, 1961, nr. 3, p. 501-506.
- Description, a l'aide de la theorie des ensembles, de certains phenomenes morphologiques. Rev. de math. pures et appl., vol. 6, 1961, nr. 4, p. 735-744.
- Atomic measures and Darboux property. Rev. de math. pures et appl., vol. 7, 1962, nr. 2, p. 327-332.
- Sur les proprietes differentielles des fonctions dont les points de continuite forment un ensemble frontiere partout dense. Annales scientifiques de l'Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, 3-e serie, vol. 79, 1962, nr. 1, p. 1-21.
- Teorija grafov, lingvisticeskie oppozicii i invariantnaja struktura. Problemy strukturnoi lingvistiki, vol. 1, 1962, Moscow, p. 22-30.
- Sur un modele logique de la categorie grammaticale elementaire, I. Rev. de math. pures et appl., vol 7, 1962, nr. 1, p. 91-107.
- Sur un modele logique de la categorie grammaticale elementaire, II. Zeitschrift fur Mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik, vol. 8, 1962, nr. 3-4, p. 323-329.
- Ob odnoi elementarnoi grammaticeskoi kategorii, III.Rev.de math. pures et appl., vol. 7, 1962, nr. 4, p. 683-691.
- Asupra unui model logic al partii de vorbire. Studii si cercet. mat., vol 13, 1962, nr. 1, p. 37-62.
- Asupra unei probleme puse de O. Frink jr. Comunicarile Acad. RPR, vol 12, 1962, nr. 3, p. 281-286.
- Asupra unei teoreme a lui A.S. Kronrod Comunicarile Acad. RPR. vol 12, 1962, nr. 3, p.287-288.
- Le genre grammatical et son modele logique. Cahiers de linguistique theorique et appliquee, vol.1, 1962, p.103-122; Russian translation in "Matematiceskaja Lingvistika", ed. I. Schreider, Mir, Moscow, 1964.
- Tocki razryva i tocki v kotoryh proizvodnaja javljaetsia beskonecnoi. Rev. de math. pures et appl., vol. 7, 1962, nr 2, p 309-318.
- Un exemplu elementar de functie continua care nu are in nici un punct, nici derivata finita la stanga, nici derivata finita la dreapta. Gazeta matematica si fizica, seria A, vol 14 (67), 1962, nr. 2, p 79-82.
- Asupra unei teoreme a lui Norman Levine. Studii si cercet mat., vol 13, 1962, nr. 2, p 257-263.
- Caracterizari locale si caracterizari globale ale functiilor integrabile si ale functiilor integrale. Analele Univ. Bucuresti, seria St.naturii 34, anul XI, 1962, p. 179-183.
- Sur une generalisation de la notion de quasi-analyticite. Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, Paris, vol. 254, 1962, nr. 6, p.985-987.
- Les ensembles stationnaires de certaines classes de fonctions. Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, Paris, vol. 254, 1962, nr. 7 p. 1186-1188
- Asupra multimilor stationare ale functiilor derivate, finite sau infinite. Comunicarile Acad. RPR, vol.12, 1962, nr. 4, p.399-402.
- On a theorem of Denjoy and on approximate derivative. Monatshefte fur Mathematik, Wien, vol. 66, 1962, nr. 5, p.435-440.
- Les ensembles stationnaires de certaines classes de fonctions derivees. Atti dell'Academia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rendiconti, vol. 32, 1962, nr. 4, p. 484-487.
- Sur un probleme de P. Scherk, concernant la somme des carres de deux derivees. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, vol. 5, 1962, nr. 2, p. 129-132 (in collab. with Marius Iosifescu).
- Un criteriu contextual de clasificare a cuvintelor (cu aplicatii la adjectivele din limba romana). Studii si cercet. lingvistice, vol. 13, 1962, nr. 2, p. 177-189.
- O analiza sincronica a genului gramatical. Studii si cercet. lingvistice, vol. 13, 1962, nr. 3, p. 337-351. A syncronic analysis of the grammatical gender. Revue de Linguistique, vol.8, 1963, nr. 1, p.99-111.
- Aspectul logic al opozitiilor lingvistice. II Opozitii ordonate, paradigme, morfeme si cvasimorfeme. Studii si cercet. mat. vol.13, 1962, nr. 4, p.539-551.
- Sur les ensembles determinants des derivees approximatives. Comptes rendus de l'Academie de Sciences, Paris, vol. 225, 1962, nr. 15, p. 1685-1687.
- Logiceski aspekt lingvisticeskih opozicii. Problemy strukturnoi lingvistiki, vol.2, 1963, Moscow, p.47-74.
- Typologie des langues et modeles logiques. Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, vol. 14, 1963, nr. 3-4, p. 269-281.
- On locally recurrent functions. American Mathematical Monthly, vol. 70, 1963, nr. 8, p. 822-826.
- Some remarks on real functions. Revue de Math. Pures et Appl., vol. 8, 1963, nr. 2, p. 267-271.
- Un model matematic al fonemului. Studii si cercet. mat., vol 14, 1963, nr. 3, p. 405-421.
- Automates finis, progressions arithmetiques et grammaires a un nombre fini d'etats. Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, Paris, vol. 256, 1963, nr. 17, p. 3571-3574.
- Modeles mathematiques pour la categorie grammaticale du cas. Rev. de math. pures et appl., vol. 8, 1963, nr. 4, p. 585-610.
- Sur les derivees dont les zeros forment un ensemble frontiere partout dense. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, vol. 12, 1963, nr. 1. p. 5-40.
- On a paper by B. K. Lahiri. Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society, vol 55, 1963, nr. 3, p. 127-129.
- Teoretiko-mnozestvennoe opisanie nekotoryh morfologiceskih javlenii. Problemy Kibernetiki, Moscow, vol.10, 1963, p. 241-250.
- Langues completement adequates et langues regulieres. Zeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik, vol. 10, 1964, nr. 1, p. 7-13.
- On the Riemann integral in two dimensions, American Mathematical Monthly, vol. 71, 1964, nr. 5, p. 544-545.
- Asupra multimilor de masura pozitiva. (Answer to a problem raised by J. Barlaz). Gazeta Matem. seria A, vol. 16, 1964, nr. 1-2, p. 22-25.
- A jacobian and a hyperbolic derivative which are not connected functions, Revue Roumaine de Mathematiques Pures et Appl., vol. 9, 1964, nr. 8, p. 767-770.
- Sur un modele de H. B. Curry pour le langage mathematique. Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, Paris, vol. 258, 1964, nr. 7, p. 1454-1456.
- Doua probleme de Analiza din American Mathematical Monthly. Gazeta matematica, seria A, vol. XVI (LXIX), 1964, nr. 1-2, p. 22-25.
- Problem 5225. American Mathematical Monthly, vol 71, 1964, nr. 5, p.802 (correction: 72, 1965, 5, p. 554).
- Problem 5244. American Mathematical Monthly, vol. 71, 1964, nr. 9, p. 1047 (correction: 72, 1965, 5, p. 555).
- Problem 5246. American Mathematical Monthly, vol. 71, 1964, nr. 10, p. 1137.
- Un exemplu de functie interna, strict convexa in sensul lui Jensen, care nu este convexa in sensul obisnuit. (Answer to a problem raised by J. Lipman). Gaz. matem. seria A, vol. 16, 1964, nr. 4, p. 128-131.
- Open everywhere discontinous functions. American Mathematical Monthly, vol. 72, 1965, nr. 8, p. 993-994.
- Sur les grammaires a un nombre fini d'etats. Cahiers de linguistique theorique et appliquee, vol. 2, 1965, p. 146-164.
- Sur la notion de projectivite. Zeitschrift fur Mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik, vol.11, 1965, nr. 1, p. 181-192.
- Dependenta si subordonare, in vol. "Omagiu lui Al. Rosetti la 70 de ani", Ed. Academiei, Bucuresti, 1965, p. 527-531.
- Analyse contextuelle. Zeitschrift fur Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung, vol. 18, 1965, nr. 3, p. 301-313.
- Sur une description axiomatique des liens syntaxiques. Zeitschrift fur Mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik, vol. 11, 1965, nr. 4, p. 291-296.
- Sur un ouvrage de Stig Kanger concernant le phoneme. Statistical Methods in Linguistics (SMIL), Stockholm, 1965, vo1. 4, p. 27-36.
- On the integral representation of the length of a curve. The Mathematical Student, India, vol. 34, 1966, nr. 1, p. 39-40.
- Phrases arborescentes. Rev. Roum. de Math. Pures et Appl., vol, 2, 1966, nr. 5, p. 641-646 and T.A. Informations, Paris, vo1. 1, 1966, p. 20-24.
- Le modelage mathematique en phonologie. Cahiers de linguistique theorique et appliquee, vol. 3, 1966, p. 109-116.
- On the Darboux property for atomic measures and for series with positive terms. Rev. roum de math. pures et appl., vol. 11, 1966, nr. 6, p. 641-646.
- Some remarks on real functions, II. Rev. roum. de math. pures et appl., vol. 11. 1966, nr. 8, p. 9ll-9l6.
- Quelques aspects des travaux roumains dans la theorie des fonctions de variables reelles. Rev. roum. de math. pures et appl., vol 11, 1966, nr. 9, p. 1123-1138.
- Sur une propriete appartenant a toutes les fonctions reelles d'une variable reelle. Indian Journal of Mathematics, vol 9, 1967, nr 2, p. 457-460.
- Analytique et generatif dans la linguistique algebrique. ln "To Honor Roman Jakobson" II, Mouton, The Hague, 1967, p 1252-1261.
- Exact approximations or approximative exactness? Foundations of Language, Dordrecht-Holland, vol. 3, 1967, nr.3, p. 285-288.
- Categories de Dobrusin, fermetures de Sestier et voisinage de Sakai. Glossa (Canada), vol 1, 1967, nr. 1, p. 59-67.
- Heredite par domination et par double domination. ICC Bulletin (Roma), vol. 6, 1967, nr. 3, p. 159-170.
- Categories morphologiques et analyse contextuelle dans la linguistique algebrique. 2-eme Conference Internationale sur le traitement automatique des langages, Grenoble, 23-25 aout, 1967, communication 39, p. 1-8.
- Entropie et energie poetique. Cahiers de linguistique theorique et appliquee, vol. 4, 1967, p. 171-180.
- Methodes mathematiques dans l'etude du drame. T.A. Informations, Paris, 1967, nr. 2, p. 86-87.
- Les ecarts dans le langage poetique. Rev. roum. de 1inguistique, vol. 13, 1968, p. 461-470.
- Operateurs contextuels et categories morphologiques. Bulletin mathematique de la Societe de sciences mathematiques de la RSR, vol. 10, l968, nr. 3, p. 65-72.
- Poetique mathematique non-probabiliste. Langages, Paris, 1968, nr 4, p. 52-55: republished in "Nuova Currente", Milano, vol 50, 1069, p. 223-229.
- Langage scientifique, structures rythmiques, langage lyrique. Cabiers de linguistique theorique et appliquee, vol. 5, 1968, p. 127-157.
- On anticonvex sets. Rev. roum. de math. pures et appl.,vol. 13, 1968, nr. 9, p. 1399-1401.
- Sur la domination au sens de Kunze dans la linguistique algebrique. Rev. Roum. de Math. Pures et Appl., vol. 14, 1969, nr 3, p. 378-396.
- Metode matematice in studiul dramei. Strategia personajelor, I. In "Metodologia istoriei si a criticii literare", Ed. Academiei, Bucuresti, 1969, p. 163-170.
- Metode matematice in studiul dramei. Strategia personajelor, II. Revista de istorie si teorie literara, vol. 10, 1969, nr. 4, p. 469-477.
- Lingvistica, stiinta pilot. Studii si cercetari lingvistice, 1969, nr. 3, p. 235-245. Hungarian version in the anthology "Nyelvelmeleti Tanulmanyok", Ed. Kriterion, Bucuresti, 1975, p. 268-285.
- Linguistique generative, modeles analytiques et linguistique generale. Rev. Roum. de Linguistique, vol. 14, 1969, nr. 4, p. 313-326.
- Deux types nouveaux de grammaires generatives. Cahiers de linguistique theorique et appliquee, vol. 6, 1969, p. 69-74.
- Contextual grammars. Rev. roum. de math. pures et appl., vol. 14, 1969, nr. 10, p. 1473-1482; Preprint No. 48, Intern. Conf. Comput. Ling., Stockholm, 1968.
- Intervention au rapport "Linguistics in its relations to other sciences" de Roman Jakobson, in "Actes du X-e Congres International des Linguistes" (Bucarest, 28 aout - 2 sept. 1967). vol. 1, Editions de l'Academie Roumaine, Bucarest, 1969, p 119-122.
- Intervention au rapport "Linguistics and the Quantitative Approach" de Olga Akhmanova. in "Actes du X-e Congres International des Linguistes" (Bucarest, 28 aout - 2 sept. 1967), vol 1, Editions de l'Academie Roumaine, Bucarest, 1969, p. 169-172.
- Questions de poetique algebrique. In "Actes du X-eme Congres International des Linguistes", (Bucarest, 28 aout-2 sept. 1967, vol. 3, Editions de l'Academie de la RSR, Bucarest, 1970, p. 67-76.
- Les modeles mathematiques et l'opposition romane-slave dans la typologie du genre grammatical. In "Actes du XII-eme Congres International de linguistique et de philologie romane", Bucarest, 1968, Editions de l'Academie de la RSR, vol. 1, Bucarest, 1970, p. 247-252.
- Cercetari de lingvistica algebrica. In "20 de ani de activitate a Institutului de Matematica al Academiei RSR", Ed. Academiei, Bucuresti, 1970, p. 21-25.
- Structurile verbale ale textelor romanesti de matematica. In "Sistemele limbii" (redactor resp. Ion Coteanu), Ed. Academiei, Bucuresti, 1970, p. 223-226.
- Definitions logiques et definitions lexicographiques. Langages, Paris, vol. 19, 1970, p. 87-91.
- Two poles of the human language, I. Revue Roumaine de Linguistique, vol. 15, 1970, nr. 3, p. 187-198.
- Two poles of the human language, II. Revue roumaine de linguistique, vol. 15, 1970, nr. 4, p. 309-316.
- Two poles of the human language, III. Revue roumaine de linguistique, vol. 15, 1970, nr. 5, p. 499-504.
- The metaphors of the mathematical language. Revue roumaine des sciences sociales, Serie de Philosophie et Logique, vol. 14, 1970, nr. 2, p. 139-145 (also published with the title "The mathematical metaphor", in Computational Linguistics, Budapest, vol. 9, 1973, p. 151-161).
- Metode matematice in studiul dramei. Strategia personajelor, III. Studii si cercetari matematice, vol. 22, 1970, nr 8, p. 1203-1211.
- Trois types d'ecarts syntaxiques et trois types de figures dans le langage poetique. Cahiers de linguistique theorique et appliquee, vol. 7, 1970, p 181-187.
- Structure et valeur dans l'esthetique de Pius Servien. Revue roumaine des sciences sociales, serie de Philosophie et Logique, vol. 14, 1970, nr. 3, p. 207-212.
- Ein mathematisch-linguistiches Dramenmodell. Zeitschrift fur Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik, Jahrgang, 1, 1971, Heft 1/2, p. 139-152 (Athenaum Verlag, Frankfurt/Main). French version in Recueil linguistique de Bratislava, vol. 4, 1973, p. 129-135.
- On types of meters of a poem and their informational energy. Semiotica, vol. 4, 1971, nr. 1, p. 31-36 (Ed. Mouton, Hague).
- Mathematical Linguistics in Europe, in "Current Trends in Linguistics" (editor Th.A. Sebeok), vol. 9, "Linguistics in Western Europe", Mouton, The Hague, 1972, p. 646-687.
- Recent Roumanian Investigations in the Field of Mathematical and Computational Linguistics, in "Automaticeskaja obrabotka tekstov", Matematicko Fyzikalni Fakulta, KU Praha, 1973, p 15-42.
- Quelques etapes dans l'analyse des textes poetiques. Revue roumaine de linguistique, vol. 18, 1973, nr. 5, p. 450-462.
- English grammatical homonymy and grammatical categories from the point of view of Algebraic descriptive linguistics. Revue roumaine de linguistique, vol. 18, 1973, nr. 3, p. 215-241 (in collab. with Veronica du Feu).
- Gramatica basmului (I). Revista de etnografie si folclor, vol. 18, 1973, nr. 4, p. 225-277 (in collab. with Stanca Fotino).
- Gramatica basmului (II). Revista de etnografie si folclor, vol. 18, 1973, nr. 5, p. 349-363 (in collab. with Stanca Fotino).
- Le diagnostic comme langage. Cahiers de linguistique theorique et appliquee, vol. 10, 1973, nr. 2, p. 163-173 (in collab. with Eugen Celan).
- Cinq stades de developpement de la theorie des fonctions reelles en Roumanie. Noesis, vol 1, 1973, p. 299-306.
- Conceptual and contextual hyposthases of abstract entities. Noesis, vol 1, 1973, p. 77-83.
- Linguistics as a pilot science. In "Current Trends in Linguistics" (editor Th.A. Sebeok), vol 12, 1974, p. 287l-2887 (improved version of the article 143), Mouton, The Hague.
- A primodial domain of the revolution in science and technology. The humanistic engineering. In "The revolution in science and technology and contemporary social development", Ed. Academiei RSR, 1974, p. 207-219.
- Cercetari matematice recente asupra unor poezii ale lui Eminescu. Caietele Mihai Eminescu (editor Marin Bucur), vol. 2, Ed. Eminescu, Bucuresti, 1974, p. 161-175.
- A simultaneous generalization of all domination relations in Algebraic Linguistics. Revue Roumaine de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees, vol. 19, 1974, nr. 1, p. 36-46.
- Un mathematicien du fait etrange: Dimitrie Pompeiu. Noesis, vol. 2, 1974, p. 223-239.
- Linguistic structures and generative devices in Molecular Genetics. Cahiers de linguistique theorique et appliquee, vol. 11, 1974, nr. 2, p. 77-104.
- Fifty-two oppositions between scientific and poetic communication. In "Pragmatic Aspects of Human Communication" (editor Colin Cherry), D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht-Holland, 1974, p. 83-96.
- Steps of abstraction in the contemporary sciences. Noesis, vol. 2, 1974, p 83-87.
- La confluenta stilisticii cu semiotica si cu teoria informatiei. Studii si cercetari lingvistice, vol 25, 1974, nr 3, p 305-310.
- Strategie des personnages dramatiques, in "Semiologie de la representation" (ed Andre Helbo), collection Creusets, Edition Complexe, Bruxelles, 1975, p. 73-95.
- Eight types of translation in the scientific language. Revue roumaine de linguistique, vol 20, 1975. nr.4, p. 375-376.
- The metaphors and the metonymies of the scientific (especially mathematical) language. Revue roumaine de 1inguistique, vol 20, 1975, nr. 5, p. 535-537.
- Sur les fonctions recursives qui ne sont pas recursives primitives. Revue roumaine des sciences sociales, serie de Philosophie et Logique, vol. 19, 1975, nr. 3, p. 185-188 (in collab. with C. Calude and I. Tevy).
- L' etude linguistique-mathematique des oeuvres dramatiques en Roumanie. Cahiers roumains d' etudes litteraires, 1975, nr. 2, p. 38-48.
- Mathematics and System Approach in Humanistic Sciences. In "Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research", Bucharest, 1975, p. 35-48 (in collab. with Mircea Malita).
- Preface, edition and introductive study to Gr.C. Moisil, Opera Matematica, vol. I, Ed. Academiei, Bucuresti, 1976, p. 5 si p. 9-13.
- Notes to the Romanian version of "Histoire generale de la Science", sous la direction de Rene Taton, vol. 4: "Stiinta contemporana, sec. 20", Ed. Stiintifica si Enciclopedica, Bucuresti, 1976, p. 26-28, 110, 115, 121, 123-124, 128, 133, 134-135.
- Application de la theorie des langages formels en economie et organisation. Cahiers de linguistique theorique et appliquee, vol. 13, 1976, nr. 2, p. 583-594. Also published in "Annales de la Faculte des sciences de l'Universite Nationale de Zaire". Kinshasa, vol. 3, 1977, nr. 1, p. 125-147.
- Structura proceselor de abstractizare din lingvistica moderna. Probleme de lingvistica generala, vol. 7, Ed. Academiei RSR, Bucuresti, 1977, p. 69-77.
- Aspecte globale, dinamice si strategice in studiul teatrului, in vol. "Sisteme in stiintele sociale", coordonator M. Malita, Ed. Academiei, Bucuresti, 1977, p.29-38.
- Darboux property and formal languages. Revue roumaine de mathematiques pures et appliquees, vol. 22, 1977, nr. 10, p. 1449-1454.
- Languages, grammars and negotiations. in "Mathematical Approaches to International Relations" (editors M. Bunge, J. Galtung, M. Malita), vol. 2, Romanian Academy of Social and Political Sciences, Bucharest, 1977, p. 378-385.
- Mathematical and Computational Linguistics and Poetics. Revue roumaine de linguistique, vol 23, nr. 1-4, 1978, p. 559-588.
- A new generative approach to fairy-tales. Ethnologica, annexe a la publication "Recherches sur l'histoire comparative des constitutions et du droit", 1978, Bucuresti, p. 14-17.
- Lingvistica povestirii. Studii si cercetari lingvistice, vol. 29, no. 2, 1978.
- Linguistics for programming languages. Revue roumaine de linguistique. Cahiers de linguistique theorique et apliquee, vol. 16, 1979, nr. 1, p. 29-39.
- Lingvistica si logica. Studii si cercetari lingvistice, vo1. 30, 1979, nr. 3, p. 247-249.
- Computer programs for the recognition of acyclic regular isoprenoid structures. MATCH-Mathematical Chemistry, Mulheim Ruhr, G.F.R., 1979, nr. 5, p. 239-261 (in collab. with A. Balaban and M. Barasch).
- Semiotics of scientific languages, 'in "A semiotic landscape", (editors S. Chatman, U. Eco, J.M. Klinkenberg), Proceedings of the First Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies, Mouton, The Hague, 1979, p. 29-40.
- The universal grammar as a hypothetical brain. Revue roumaine de linguistique, vol. 24, 1979, nr. 5, p. 479-489 (in collab. with C. Calude and Gh. Paun).
- Approches semiotiques en Roumanie, in "Le champ semiologique, Perspectives internationales", (editeur Andre Helbo), Collection Creusets. Editions Complexe, Bruxelles, 1979, p. N 1 - N 10.
- The first example of a recursive function which is not primitive recursive. Historia Mathematica, Academic Press, New York., vol. 6, 1979, p. 330-384 (in collab. with C. Calude and I. Tevy).
- Semiotique du diagnostic. in vol. quoted at 200, p. 436-439, (in collab. with E. Celan).
- Textual cohesion and textual coherence. Revue roumaine de linguistique, vol. 25, nr. 2, 1980, p. 101-112.
- Semiotics of theatre: a mathematical linguistic approach. Revue roumaine de linguistique, vol 25, 1980, nr. 3, p.161-189.
- Recursive properties of Sudan function. Revue roum de math. pures et appl., vo1. 25, 1980, nr. 4, p. 503-507 (in collab. with C. Calude and I. Tevy).
- Learning, as a generative process. Revue roum. de linguistique, vol. 24, 1979, Cahiers de linguistique theorique et appliquee, vol. 16, 1979, nr. 2, p. 117-130.
- Picture grammars in Chemistry. Generation of acyclic isprenoid structures. MATCH-Mathematical Chemistry, vol. 8,1980, p 193-2l3 (in collab. with Al. Balaban and M. Barasch).
- Computer program for the recogniton of standard isoprenoid structures. MATCH-Mathematical Chemistry, vol. 8, 1980, p. 215-268 (in collab. with A1. Balaban and M. Barasch).
- Lingvistika jako smerovaci veda, in "Studie z transformacni gramatiki III", Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Fakulta Matematiko-Fyzikalm, Statni pedagogicke nakladetelstvi, Praha, 1980, p 138-150 (Czech translation of the paper 144).
- Problematica simbolului. Studii si cercetari lingvistice, vol. 31, 1980, nr. 5, p. 581-584.
- Logical clarifications in the study of needs, in "Human Needs. A Contribution to the Current Debate", editor Katrin Lederer, Oelgeschlager Gunnf Hain Inc, Cambridge, Mass, 1980, p. 163-185 (in collab. with C A. Mallmann).
- Dialogue faced with simulation. A semiotic approach to dialogue within international organizations. Revue roumaine de linguistique, vol. 25, 1980, nr. 5, p. 545-549. 214'. Toward a semiotic approach to international organizations ( a variant of 214). Romanian Journal of International Affairs, vol.III, 4/1997. Festschrift for the 70th anniversary of Prof. Mircea Malitza, p. 275-280.
- Why Mathematics in Social Sciences? in Hans-Henrik Holm and Erik Rudeng editors: "Social Sciences-for what?" Festschrift for Johan Galtung, Universitetsforlaget, Oslo-Bergen-Tromso, 1980, p. 206-212.
- Diplomatic communication, Revue roumaine de linguistique, vol. 26, 1981, nr. 1, p. 25-35, also published in L. Vaina-J. Hintikka, editors, "Cognitive Constraints on Communication", D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1983, p. 19-31.
- Man-computer communication. Revue roumaine de linguistique, vol 26, 1981, nr. 2, p. l03-112 (in collab. with C. Calude).
- Algorithmic procedures and operational characterizations of need sets, in "Mathematical Paths in the Study of Human Needs. The Romanian Team", The United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan, Project of Goals, Processes and Indicators of Development (GPID). The United Nations University, Tokyo, 1981, p. 82, p 4-31 (in collab. with C. Calude and Gh. Paun).
- Codification of acyclic isoprenoid structures using context free grammars and pushdown automata. MATCH-Mathematical Chemistry, nr. 12, 1981, p. 25-64 (in collab with A T. Balaban and M. Barasch).
- La lecture generative. Degres, nr. 28, 1981, p. 61-66 (Bruxelles).
- Aspecte matematice in studiul limbajului, in "Lingvistica moderna in texte", Universitatea din Bucuresti, Facultatea de limbi si literaturi straine, Bucuresti, 1981, p. 396-413 (article reproduced from the book 8).
- Matila C. Ghyka, in "Istoria stiintei si reconstructia ei conceptuala", anthology, selection, translation and notes by Ilie Parvu. Ed. Stiintifica si Enciclopedica, Bucuresti, 1981, p. 125-140 (article reproduced from the book 18).
- The history of science as a history of paradoxes. Proceedings of the 16-th International Congress of the history of science, Bucharest, Romania, August 26 - September 3, 1981. Ed. Academici, Bucuresti, 1981, p. 148.
- Paradoxes. Revue roumaine de linguistique, vol.27, 1982, nr. 2, p. 157-163.
- Smile and Suspicion, in "Multimedial Communication", editor E.W.B. Hess-Luttich, vol. 1, Semiotic Problem of its Notation. Gunter Narr Verlag, Tubingen, 1982, p. 77-85.
- 0 reprezentare interdisciplinara a comunicarii umane. Analele stiintifice ale Univ. A1.I. Cuza-Iasi (serie noua), Sectiunea III, Lingvistica, vol. 28-29, 1982-1983, p 101-103.
- The modelling process. Proceedings of the International Congress of Logic, Methodoloyy and Philosophy of Science, Salzburg, Austria, July 11-16, 1983, Section 6, General Methodology of Science, p. 158-161.
- Towards a semiotic approach to social indicators. Proceedings of the International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Salzburg, Austria, July 11-16,1983, Section 11, Foundation and Philosophy of the Social Sciences, p. l90-193.
- The poetic relevance of the information energy. Studies in Probability and Related Topics (Demetrescu-Iosifescu, eds.), Nagard, Roma, 1983, p. 355-360.
- The mathematical modelling of human time. Noesis, vol 10, 1984, p. 129-135.
- O relatie neglijata: Hjelmslev-Goedel. Studii si cercetari 1ingvistice, vol 36, 1985, nr 3, p 226-228.
- Aspects systemiques et logiques dans le dictionnaire de A.J.Greimas et J Courtes, in "Exigences et perspectives de la semiotique" (eds H. Parret and H. C. Ruprecht), Recueil d'hommages pour A.J Greimas. John Benjamins Publishing Co. Amsterdam/Philadelphia 1985, vol. 1, p. 257-264.
- Problems. Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science, nr. 27, 1985, p. 245.
- Grammatika skazki, in "Zarubejnie issledovanija po semiotike folklora" (eds. E.M. Meletinskii et. al.), Izdatelstvo Nauka, Moscow, 1985, p. 275-315 (in collab. with Stanca Fotino; Russian version of the chapter "Gramatica basmului" from the book 19).
- Lingvistica matematica, azi. in "Matematica in lumea de azi si de maine" (coordonator: acad. Caius Iacob), Ed. Academiei, Bucuresti, 1985, p. 182-186.
- A dialogue about dialogue. Revue roumaine de linguistique - Cahiers de linguistique theorique et appliquee, vol 23. 1986, nr. 1, p. 69-78.
- Symmetry in one dimension and symmetric continuity. Noesis, vol XII, 1986, p. 98-103.
- From many to few. A calculus of influences and of interactions with respect to global trends and international communication. Revue roumaine de linguistique - Cahiers de linguistique theorique et appliquee, vol. XXIII, l986, nr 2., p. 107-140 (in collab. with Monica Tataram).
- On the goals of semiotics. Semiotica (Amsterdam), vol. 61, l986, nr. 3-4, p. 382.
- Situations et metaphores theatrales dans la science contemporaine, in vol. "Approches de l'opera" (editeur Andre Helbo), Didier, Paris, 1986, p. 19-24.
- Liric si narativ; de la comportament la text. Analele Universitatii din Bucuresti, seria Limba si literatura romana. vol 35, 1986, p. 3-7.
- Limbaje naturale si limbaje artificiale. Lucrarile Primului Colocviu National de Limbaje, Logica, Lingvistica matematica, Universitatea din Brasov, 5-7 iunie 1986, p. 1-18.
- Semiotics and Mathematics, in "Encyclopedic Dictionary of Semiotics" (editor Thomas A. Sebeok), Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin - New York - Amsterdam, 1986, p. 494-497.
- La poetica matematica in "Textos y contextos. Una ojeada en la teoria literaria mundial, I"; seleccion, traduccion y prologo de Desiderio Navarro, Ciudad de la Habana, Editorial Arta y Literatura, 1986.
- The social and cultural relevance of mathematical, physical and psychological time, in vol. "Time, Culture and Development" (editors: Carlos A. Mallmann, Oscar Nudler), Fundacion Bariloche and International Fund for the Promotion of Culture, Bariloche, Argentina, 1986, p. 37-72.
- Semiotica indicatorilor sociali. Studii si cercetari 1ingvistice, vol. 38, 1987, nr. 1, p. 47-56.
- A psycho-linguistic approach to development. Revue roumaine de linguistique, vol. 32, 1987, nr. 2, p. 109-135 (in collab. with Catalin Mamali).
- Semiotics of individual and global crises; their indicators and interactions. Revue roumaine de linguistique-Cahiers de linguistique theorique et appliquee, vol 24, 1987, nr 1, p. 57-76 (in collab. with Monica Tataram).
- Semiotica si sistemul indicatorilor sociali; citeva puncte de reper. Studii si Cercetari de Calcul Economic si Cibernetica Economica, anul XII, 1987, nr. 2, p. 71-74.
- Human communication: a graph-theoretic approach. Revue roumaine de linguistique-Cahiers de linguistique theorique et appliquee, vol. 24, 1987, nr. 2, p. 129-137 (in collab. with Monica Tataram).
- The feed-back as antinomy; the example of human communication. Proceedings of the VII-th International Congress of Cybernetics and Systems, London, 7-11 September 1987, editor J. Rose, Tha1es Publications (W.O) Ltd. Lytham St Annes, England. p. 962-965 (in collab with Monica Tataram).
- Mathematique et Linguistique, Mathematique, Informatique et Sciences Humaines, 26-e annee, no. 103, 1988, p. 7-21 (also published in Revue roumaine de linguistique, vol. 33, 1988, nr.2).
- Formal languages before Thue? Bulletin of the European Association of Theoretical Computer Science, nr. 34, 1988, p. 62.
- Din istoria limbajelor formale. Al doilea Colocviu National de Limbaje, Logica, Lingvistica Matematica, Universitatea din Brasov, 2-3 iunie 1988, p. 1-9.
- Langford strings, formal languages and contextual ambiguity. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, vol. 26, 1989, nr. 3-4, p. 179-191 (also published in Al doilea Colocviu National de Limbaje, Logica, Lingvistica Matematica, Universitatea din Brasov, 2-3 iunie 1988, p. 1-9)(with G. Paun).
- Social indicators in a semiotic and communicational perspective. Revue roumaine de linguistique - Cahiers de linguistique theorique et appliquee, vol. XXV, 1988, nr. 2, p. 145-165 (in collab. with Monica Tataram).
- Symmetry in the simplest case: the real line. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, vol. 17, 1989, nr. 1-3, p. 103- 115.
- Interplay of innate and aquired in some mathematical models of language learning processes. Revue roumaine de linguistique, tome XXXIV, no. 2, Mars - Avril, l989, p. 101-116.
- Culture and Semiotics, in Walter A. Koch (ed.) Culture and Semiotics. Studienverlag Dr. Norbert Brockmeyer, Bochum, 1989, p. 30-33.
- Sudan's recursive but not primitive recursive function: a retrospective look. Analele Universitatii din Bucuresti, Matematica-Informatica, anul 38, nr. 2, 1989, p. 25-30 (in collab. with C. Calude).
- Rhetorical figures in the artificial component of the scientific language. 7-th European Symposium on LSP, Budapest, Hungary, 21-26 August 1989. Book of Abstracts Folia Practico-Linguistica, vol. XIX, 1989, nr. 1, Budapest Technical University, Faculty of Natural and Social Sciences, Institute of Modern Languages, p. 10.
- Syntactics in several hypostases. Revue roumaine de linguistique, tome XXXIV, 1989, nr. 5, p. 393-397.
- Intervention at the Workshop Aspectos cognoscitivos de las proferencias metaforicas (coord. Pedro Jose Chamizo Dominiquez), Actas del IV Congreso de Lenguajes Naturales y Lenguajes Formales, vol.1 (ed. Carlos Martin Vide), Universitat de Barcelona, 1989.
- Intervention at the Workshop Logica y Linguistica (coord. Violeta Demonte Barreto), Actas del IV Congreso de Lenguajes Naturales y Lenguajes Formales, vol. 1 (ed. Carlos Martin Vide), Universitat de Barcelona, 1989, p. 253-255.
- The Romanian School of Mathematical Linguistics. Actas del IV Congreso de Lenguajes Naturales y Lenguajes Formales, vol. 1 (ed. Carlos Martin Vide), Universitat de Barcelona, 1989, p. 397-411.
- N.S. Troubetzkoy and his followers in the study of linguistic oppositions. Actas del IV Congreso de Lenguajes Naturales y Lenguajes Formales, vol. 2 (ed. Carlos Martin Vide), Universitat de Barcelona, 1989, p. 943-961.
- Intervention at the Workshop taking place during the Symposium La Herencia de N. S. Troubetzkoy (a los 50 anos de su muerte), (coord. Eugenio Martinez Celdran). Actas del IV Congreso de Lenguajes Naturales y Lenguajes Formales, vol. 2 (ed. Carlos Martin Vide), Universitat de Barcelona, 1989, p. 983-985.
- From the mean value theorem to a new type of Darboux property. Bulletin Mathematique de la Societe des Sciences Mathematiques de la RSR, tome 34 (82), 1990, no. 1, p. 19-23.
- Eminescu - de la vedere la viziune. Arta, anul 36, 1989, nr. 6, p. 12-15.
- La Linguistica i el pensament formal (answers to questions raised by Joan A. Argente, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, LIMITS, num 7, novembre de 1989, Barcelona, p.49-62.
- Metaphor in Science. A Case Study. European Journal for Semiotic Studies, vol. 2, 1990, no. 2, p. 231-238 (Wien).
- Why expressive and suggestive metaphors in the scientific language ? Revue Roumaine de Linguistique, vol. 15, 1990- Cahiers de Linguistique Theorique et Appliquee, vol.27,1990, no.1, p.25-42.
- Syntactics. Revue Roumaine de Linguistique- Cahiers de Linguistique Theorique et Appliquee, vol.27, 1990, no.2, p.103-127.
- La semiotique mathematique des arts visuels. EIDOS, Bulletin International de Semiologie de l'lmage, Universite de Tours. Novembre 1991, p.14-21.
- How much human can be the artificial languages ? (in Romanian) in "Sisteme de inteligenta artificiala" (eds. A. Davidoviciu et al ). Editura Academiei, Bucuresti, 1991, p. 170-180.
- Paradoxical and antinomic aspects of the global international system. Symposium XII, Humanisme et Cybernetique, 12 Congres International de Cybernetique, Namur, 21-25 Aout 1989.(published in 1992).
- A chess-based processing of knowledge. A solution to the problem of the paradigm (in collab. with Paul Voiculescu). NOESIS (Travaux du Comite Roumain d" Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences), vol. XVII, 1992, p.31-39.
- Research in Syntactics after Morris. In "Signs of Humanity/L'homme et ses signes. (eds.M. Balat, J. Deledalle-Rhodes, G. Deledalle), vol.3, Mouton de Gruyter, 1992, The Hague-Berlin, p.1355-1382.
- Center and periphery in international communication. In "Center and Periphery in Representations and Institutions". Proceedings from the International Semiotics Institute Conference in Imatra, July 16-21, 1990 (ed. E. Tarasti). Acta Semiotica Fennica I, Publications of the International Semiotic Institute at Imatra, no.2, Imatra,1992,p.135-157.
- Symmetry, non-symmetry, asymmetry; their simplest form (in Romanian). In "Simetrie si nesimetrie in univers " (coord. Angela Botez), Editura Academiei, Bucuresti, 1992,p.56-61.
- In the prehistory of formal languages: Gauss languages.(ln collab. with Lila Kari, Gheorghe Paun and Arto Salomaa). Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS), no.46, February 1992, p.124-139.
- Fivefold symmetry: a generative approach. In "Caiet de Semiotica 9", Universitatea din Timisoara, Facultatea de Litere si Filosofie. Tipografia Universitatii din Timisoara,1992, p.1-23.
- Thirty-six years ago. The beginning of the formal language theory. In "Salodays in Theoretical Computer Science" (May 18-20, 1992), eds. A. Atanasiu, C. Calude, Romanian Academy, Bucharest University, Hyperion University. Hyperion Press, Bucharest, 1993, p.1-5.
- Symbols in a multidimensional space.ln SEMIOTICS 1990 (eds. K. Haworth, J.Deely, T. Prewitt) with SYMBOLICITY (eds. J. Bernard,J.Deely, V. Voigt, G. Withalm). The Semiotic Society of America. University Press of America, Lanham-New York -London, 1993, p.115-126 in "Symbolicity".
- International communication; from the aboutness to the self referential approach. In "Tracing the Semiotic Boundaries of Politics" (ed. Pertti Ahonen), Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, New York, 1993, p.371-391.
- The logical and semiotic status of the canonic formula of myth. Document de recherche, Universite Laval, Quebec, mars 1993, 65 pp., in improved form in Semiotica, vol. 116, 1997, no. 2/4, p. 115-188.
- The logical and semiotic status of the canonic formula of myth. Some preliminaries. In "Quantitative Text Analysis" (eds L. Hrabicek, G. Altmann), Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, Trier, 1993 (vol. 52 in the series Quantitative Linguistics, p.159-174).
- Iterative reading of numbers and "black-holes" (in collab. with J. Dassow and G. Paun) Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, vol.27, 1993, no.2, p.137-152.
- Iterative reading of numbers; Parikh mappings, parallel rewriting, infinite sequences (in collab. with J. Dassow and G. Paun). Technische Universitat "Otto von Guericke", Magdeburg, Preprint FIN-IRB-o/93, July 1993, 18pp.
- Tolerance rough sets, Cech topologies, learning processes, ICS Research Report 51/93, Institute of Computer Science, Warsaw University of Technology, December 1993, 15 pp.; in improved form in Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Technical Sciences, vol. 42, 1994, nr. 3, p. 471-487.
- Imprecision, between uniformity and variety; the conjugate pairs. ICS Research Report 50/93, Institute of Computer Science, Warsaw University of Technology, December 1993, 11pp.
- Trop tot pour un enseignement de la semiotique. Degres, (Bruxelles), vol. 22, 1994, nr. 77, c1-c10.
- Iterative reading of numbers: the ordered case.(in collab. with J. Dassow and G. Paun). In "Development in Language Theory. At the Crossroad of Mathematics, Computer Science and Biology" (eds G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa). World Scientific Publ., Singapore et al, 1994, p.157-168.
- Semiotics and Formal Artificial Languages. In " Encyclopaedia of Computer Science and Technology" (eds A. Kent and J. G. Williams), vol.29, Marcel Dekker Inc, New York, 1994,p.393-405; also in "Encyclopedia of Microcomputers", vol.15 (eds. A. Kent and J.G. Williams), 1995, p. 299-312.
- Hidden Grammars. In "Developments in Language Theory" (eds G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa), World Scientific Publ., Singapore et al, 1994, p.453-460.
- The Status of Research in the Field of Analytical Algebraic Models of Language. In "Current Issues in Mathematical Linguistics" (ed Carlos Martin Vide), North Holland Linguistic Series 56, Amsterdam, 1994, p.3-21.
- On Symmetry in Languages (in collab. with G. Paun). International Journal of Computer Mathematics, vol.52, 1994, no.1 -2, p.1-15.
- Vers une approche transdisciplinaire du temps. In "L'Homme, La Science et La Nature, Regard Transdisciplinaires" (presente par Michel Cazenave et Basarab Nicolescu). Editions le Mail, Paris, 1994, p. 54-79.
- Infinite words and their associated formal languages (in collab. with G. Paun). In "Salodays in Auckland" (eds. C. Calude, M.J.J.Lennon, H. Maurer), Auckland University, 1994, p.95-100. 299'. Infinite (almost periodic) words, formal languages and dynamical systems (in collab. with G. Paun). Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS), nr. 54, October 1994, p.224-231.
- On symmetry in strings, sequences and languages (in collab. with A. Matesscu, G. Paun and G. Salomaa). International Journal of Computer Mathematics,vol.54,1994, nr. 1-2, p.1-13.
- La provocation de l'intelligence, in "Societes Bureaucratiques contre Revolution de l'intelelligence. Maitriser la complexite pour reussir le Changement" (textes reunis par Andre-Yves et Arlette Portnoff), Editions L'Harmattan, Paris, 1994, p.143-152.
- Creative metaphors in the scientific Language. Analele Stiintice ale Universitatii "Ovidius", Studia in Honorem Eugen Coseriu. Sectiunea Filologie, tom. V, 1994, p.233-251.
- A common denominator of various types of imprecision: the conjugate pairs. The Third International Workshop on Rough Sets and Soft Computing. Conference Proceedings, November 10-12, 1994. San Jose State University, San Jose, California, USA (T. Y. Lin, ed.), p.542-544.
- The centenary of Alexandru Froda. Libertas Mathematica 14, 1994, p. 21-26.
- Vers une approche axiomatique-deductive de la formule canonique du mythe. In L'HOMME, revue francaise d'anthropologie, nr. 135, juillet-septembre 1995, p. 9-15 and 61-64.
- The creator versus its creation. (in collab. with C. Calude and D. Stefanescu). Report nr. 107, University of Auckland, Dept. of Computer Science, January 1995. 9 pp. and The Annals of the Kurt Godel Society, Kurt Godel Geselschaft Institut fur Computersprachen, Technische Universitat Wien, Collegium Logicum, printed Inst. of Computer Science ASCR Prague, 1999, p.1-10.
- Qualite de vie, transgression du lineaire, infinite temporelle. In "Le temps dans les sciences-Que fait le temps a l'affaire?" (Textes reunis par Basarab Nicolescu, Norbert Dodille et Christian Duhamel), Editions L'Harmattan, Paris/Institut Francais de Bucarest, 1995, p. 125-142.
- Le paradigme informationnel. Debats semiotiques (Bulletin de la Societe de Semiotique du Quebec), vol.1, 1995, nr. 1. p.5-23.
- Signs of temporal infinity. Kodikas/Code-Ars Semeiotica, vol.18, 1995, no. 4, p. 287-295.
- Mathematics and the Humanities: Irina Gorun (1953-1985). Libertas Mathematica, vol.15, 1995, p. 233-236.
- Paul Valery, esprit transdisciplinaire. In SECOLUL 20 (revista de sinteza, stiintele omului, dialogul culturilor), nr. 7-12 (364-369), 1995, p.51-56.
- Une nouvelle lecture du visuel. VISIO (revue de l'Association Internationale de Semiotique Visuelle), vol. 1, 1996, no. 1, p. 55-64.
- Un poet al gandirii binare: George Boole. Secolul 20, nr. 373-375, 4-6/1996, p. 59-68.
- Identity, between crisis and change of meaning. In Jeff Bernard, Gloria Withalm (eds.), Identitat/Identity/Identite-Akten des 7. Symposiums der Osterreichischen Gesellschaft fur Semiotik, Sigharting 1990 (Angewandte Semiotik 13). Wien: OGS/ISSS, 1998, p. 141-160
- Contextual Grammars and Natural Languages. Handbook of Formal Languages (eds. Gr. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa), vol.II, Springer, Berlin-New York, 1997, p.215-235.
- Stoilow's work in Real Analysis; its significance and its impact. In Cabiria Andreian, O. Lehto, T. Rassias (eds.), Analysis and Topology. Papers devoted to Simion Stoilow, World Scientific Publishers, Singapore et al, 1998, p. 497-506.
- L'eternite et l'instant: un defi commun pour la science et pour l'art. STRUGA POETRY 1996, p.2; makedonian version, p.4.
- Three. In "Semiotics around the World: Synthesis in Diversity" Proceedings of the Fifth Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies, (Berkeley, California, June 12-18, 1994) ed. I. Rauch-G. Carr. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin-New York, 1997, p. 773-776.
- Semiotically relevant aspects of Informatics. In Peter B. Andersen, Mihai Nadin, Frieder Nake (eds.) Informatics and Semiotics. Dagstuhl Seminar-Report 135, 19.02-23.02.1996 (9608). Schloss Dagstuhl Internationales Begegnungs-und Forschungszentrum fur Informatik. p.8-9 and p. 43.
- Media and Selfreference. The forgotten initial state. In "Semiotics of the Media" (ed. Winfried Noth), Proceedings of the International Conference held in Kassel, March 18-23, 1995, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin-New York, 1997, p. 15-46.
- Metaphor as Dictatorship. In Jeff Bernard, Joe Wallmannsberger, Gloria Withalm (eds.): Welt der Zeichen-Welt der Dinge, World of Signs-World of Things. Akten des 8. Symposiums der Osterreichischen Geselschaft fur Semiotik, Innsbruck 1993 (Angewandte Semiotik 15). Wien: OGS/ISSS, 1997, p.87-108.
- Contextual Grammars as Generative Models of Natural Languages. Fourth Meeting on Mathematics of Languages, MOL. 4, Philadelphia 1995 (in collab. with C. Martin-Vide and Gh. Paun). Computational Linguistics, vol.24, no.2, June 1998, p.245-274.
- On internal contextual grammars with maximal use of selectors. (in collab. with Carlos Martin-Vide and Gh. Paun). 8th Conference of Automata and Formal Languages, Salgotarjan, 1996. Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 54, Supplement,1999, p 933-947.
- Contextual Grammars versus Natural Languages. (in collaboration with Carlos Martin-Vide and Gheorghe Paun). International Workshop on Speech and Computer SPECOM, St. Petersburg, November, 1996 (R. Yusupov,ed.), p.28-33.
- Mental Representations Under Some Genuine Restrictions: The Conflictual Sets. Colecao Documentos, Serie Gognitiva-21, Instituto de Estudos Avancados, Universidade de Sao Paulo, 1996, p. 74-90. 324'. No system can be improved in all respects, in G. Altmann, W. Koch, (eds.) "Systems: New Paradigms for the Human Science", Walter de Gruyter, Berlin-New York, 1998, p. 143-164 (improved variant of 324).
- Roman Jakobson and the status of language as a universal paradigm. Contributions to the International Conference "Roman Jakobson Centenial", Moscow, 18-23 December 1996, p. 174-175.
- The cognitive self under successive shocks. Cadernos da CECCS (Centro de Estudos en Ciencias Cognitivas et Semiotica), no.2, Junho 1997, Sao Paulo.
- How Quantitative is Quantitative Linguistics ? QUALICO, Third International Conference on Quantitative Linguistics, August, 26-29, 1997, Helsinki, Finland. IQLA-International Quantitative Linguistic Association. Research Institute for the Language of Finland (eds. Pauli Saukkonen, Helena Suni), Helsinki, Monila, 1997, p. 10-14.
- Contextual grammars with distributed catenation and shuffle ( in collab. with Manfred Kudlek and Alexandru Mateescu), in "Fundamentals of Computation Theory" FCT 1997. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 1279 (Eds. B. S. Chlebus and L. Czeja), Springer, Berlin-New York, 1997, p. 269-280.
- The modern art: an unconventional approach. In "The Golden Bough" no.3 (8), 1998 (Romanian Cultural Foundation), p.17-27. 329'. Arta moderna: repere neconventionale. Romania Literara, anul 30, no.29, 23-29 iulie 1997, p.12-13. 329". The cultural and historical context of concrete art. In "Comunicarile la Simpozionul de Arta Concreta", Bucuresti, 17 aprilie 1997 (curator Stefan Sevastre). Uniunea Artistilor Plastici din Romania, Muzeul National de Arta al Romaniei, Fundatia Culturala Romana. Editura Crater, Bucuresti, p. 36-44.
- Cercul din Viena, la o noua lectura. Secolul 20, nr. 382-384, nr.1-3/1997, p.100-109.
- Centru si periferie. Secolul 20, nr.385-387, 4-6/1997, p.291-297.
- Identity. 1-a Jornada, Centro de Estudos Peirceanos (CEPE), COS-PUC /SP(Pontificia Universidade Catolica/ Sao Paulo, 1997, 30 de outubro (Org.: Silvia Laurentiz), p.7-12.
- Intre stiinta, filozofie si arta sau Scurt itinerar cu Noica, Sora si Liiceanu. In "Dialog si libertate. Eseuri in onoarea lui Mihai Sora" ( coordonatori: Sorin Antohi si Aurelian Craiutu). Editura Nemira, Bucuresti, 1997, p.165-176.
- Problema identitatii. Stephane Lupasco la revista "Le Troisieme Millenaire". Secolul 20 (numar dedicat exilului), nr.10-11-12/1997, 1-2-3/1998, p. 405-413.
- Convex and anticonvex languages (in collab. with J. Dassow and G.Paun). International Journal of Computer Mathematics, vol.69, 1998, no.1/2, p.1-16.
- Peirce, ahead of his time. Semiotica, vol.119, March 1998, no.1/2, p.157-170.
- Bridging linguistics and computer science, via mathematics. In C. S. Calude (ed.), "People and Ideas in Theoretical Computer Science", Springer, Berlin-New York, 1998, p.163-176.
- Linguistic and semiotic preliminaries to contextual languages. In Carlos Martin-Vide (ed.), "Mathematical and Computational Analysis of Natural Languages". Proceedings of the IInd International Conference on Mathematical Linguistics, Tarragona, 1996. John Benjamins, Amsterdam, 1998, p.47-57.
- O dialogo entre as ciencias e as artes na cultura brasileira contemporanea. In "Convergencias Brasil-Romenia. Em busca de uma romanidade fertil" (Embaixada do Brasil na Romenia). Ed. ALL EDUCATIONAL S.A., Bucuresti, 1998, p. 83-90.
- Cognitive metaphors and cognitive models as a form of dictatorship. In Christopher L. Nehaniv (ed.) "Working Papers in Computation for Metaphors, Analogy and Agents". Cybernetics and Software Systems Group, Graduate School of Computer Science and Engineering, The University of Aizu, Tsuruga, Ikki-Machi Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture 965-8580, Japan. Technical Report 98-1-004, April 1998, p. 19-22.
- Imprecision, between variety and uniformity: the conjugate pairs. In "In the World of Signs. Essays in honour of Professor Jerzy Pelc", eds. Jacek Juliusz Jadacki and Witold Strawinski. Adam Mikiewicz University, Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 62. RODOPI, Amsterdam-Atlanta, Georgia 1998, p. 59-73.
- Language, at the Crossroad of Computation and Biology. In Gheorghe Paun (ed.), "Computing with Bio-molecules; Theory and Experiment". Springer, Singapore et al., 1998, p. 1-34.
- The paradox of the heap of grains, in respect to roughness, fuzziness and negligibility. In Lech T. Polkowski, Andrzej Skowron (eds.) "Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing". First International Conference RSCTC'98, Warsaw, Poland, June 22-26, 1998. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1424 Subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York et al., p.19-23.
- Infosemiotics. In "1-o Seminario Avancado de Comunicacao e Semiotica. Fundamentos biocognitivos de comunicacao: BIOSSEMIOTICA E SEMIOTICA COGNITIVA" De 19 a 21 de agosto de 1998, Sao Paulo-Brasil (coordonacao geral: Lucia Santaella). CAPES, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico, Instituto Itau cultural, p.73-78.
- Tri vida vechnost. In "Razgledi spisdnie za literatura, umetnost i kultura", januari-fevruari 1-2, coord. Danilo Kochevski, 1998, godina XLI, p.3-8, Skopje.
- Contextual grammars, learning processes and the Kolmogorov-Chaitin metaphor. Invited talk, Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1998, MFCS'98 Workshop of Mathematical Linguistics, Brno, August 27-28, 1998, Bericht 213 in die Reihe der Berichte des Fachbereichs Informatik, Universitat Hamburg, FBI-HH-B-213/98, Juli 1998, p.1-12.
- Industrial mathematics under the Emergence of Information and Computation Paradigms. Exploring the industrial world by means of formal grammars and the mahematics of imprecision. In "1st Balkan Workshop MATHEMATICS FOR INDUSTRY", Thessaloniki, Greece, 14 November 1998 (organized by Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki-Research Committee, assisted by Demokritus Univ. of Thrace and Univ. of Thessalia), p.23-24.
- Mathematics and Poetry: Discrepancies within Similarities. In "BRIDGES. Mathematical Connections in Art, Music, and Science". Conference Proceedings 1998, Reza Sarhangi, editor. Arkansas City, Kansas, U.S.A.: Gilliland, p. 175-179.
- Goooooooool ! Secolul 20, nr. 397-400, 4-7/1998, p. 15-24.
- In labirintul semnelor. Caietele Teatrului National "I.L.Caragiale, Bucuresti, stagiunea 1998-1999. Premiera mondiala: Umberto Eco: Numele trandafirului, 40 pagini, p. 24-25, noiembrie 1998.
- Un handicap devenit avantaj. Secolul 20, nr. 8-9-10/1998, nr.401-403, p. 17-21.
- Lumea fractala, de la spuma marii la muzica. Secolul 20, nr. 8-9-10/401-403/1998, p. 269-276.
- On the length of words. In "Jewels are for ever", To Professor Arto Salomaa (eds. Juhani Karhumaki, Hermann Maurer, Gheorghe Paun, Grzegorz Rozenberg). Springer, Berlin-New York, 1999, p. 194-203.
- Monism japonez si postmodernism occidental. Secolul 20, nr.11-12, 404-405, 1998, p. 33-40.
- Metaforele divinitatii. Secolul 20, nr. 11-12, 404-405, 1998, p. 285-291.
- Latin-American culture, seen from a Eastern European Latin country. In Jose Luis Caivano and Ximena Narea (eds.), "Signs of Latin-American Cultures in Other Cultures", Cuadernos de Heterogenesis no.5 monograph series (Lund, Sweden: Asociacion de Amigos del Arte Mulato Gil and Lund University), 1999.
- Noua chipuri ale ordinii si haosului. Secolul 20, nr. 1-2/1999, nr.406-407, p. 261-269.
- De la 19 spre 20 la 20 spre 21. Mileniul III, no.1, mai 1999, p. 109-116.
- The Art-Science Marriage, from Quarrel to Understanding.. In "BRIDGES-Mathematical Connections in Art, Music and Science" (ed. Reza Sarhangi) Conference Proceedings 1999, 30 July-1 August 1999, Southwestern College, Winfield, Kansas. Gilliland Printing, White Plains, Maryland, U.S.A., p. 279-290. 359'. Reproduction of the article 359 in NEXUS NETWORK JOURNAL, vol.1, no.3, 1999, at the URL: http://www.leonet.it/culture/nexus/network_journal, Florence, Italy.
- Pseudo-slender languages and their infinite hierarchy. In AFL'99, 9th International Conference on Automata and Formal Languages. Vasszecseny, Hotel Uj-Ebergenyi, August 9-13, 1999. Preproceedings.
- Intuitii goethe-ene. Secolul 20, nr.3/1999, nr.408, p. 34-38.
- Reading numbers as a metaphor of the universe. In "BRIDGES-Mathematical Connections in Art, Music and Science" (ed. Reza Sarhangi) Conference Proceedings 1999, 30 July-1 August 1999, Southwestern College, Winfield, Kansas. Gilliland Printing, White Plains, Maryland, U.S.A., p. 302.
- The theater of mathematics and the mathematics of the theater. In "BRIDGES-Mathematical Connections in Art, Music and Science" (ed. Reza Sarhangi), Conference Proceedings 1999, 30 July-1 August 1999, Southwestern College, Winfield, Kansas, Gilliland Printing, White Plains, Maryland, U.S.A., p. 293-294.
- Grice's cooperative principle, between adequacy and interdiction In. "Omagiu Profesorului Paul Cornea" 1999.
- The conflictual aspect of Grice's cooperative principle. In "PAUL GRICE'S HERITAGE" (Cosenza Giovanna, ed.), Brepols, Turnhout (Belgium), 1999.
- Information, communication, fractal: etymologie trahie, confirme ou fabriquee. Comptes rendus du congres "La Latinite, l'Avenir d'un Passe", Cluj-Napoca, 15-20 Octobre 1998. Fondation Culturelle Roumaine, Bucarest, 1999.
- Peirce's three types of reasoning in a contemporary perspective. Semiotica, 2000.
- From Real Analysis to Discrete Mathematics and back: Symmetry, Convexity, Almost Periodicity and Strange Attractors. Real Analysis Exchange, vol.25, no.2, 1999-2000.
- Structuralism reconsidered. In "Semiotik-Strukturalismus. Das Erbe einer universalen Wissenschaftskultur". Hg. von Walter Schmitz und Ludger Udolph. Dresden Studies in Semiotics (eds. W. Schmitz, Th. A. Sebeok) Press, Dresden, 1999.
- The emergence of meaning in mathematics, physics and chemistry. ( A chapter of the European semiotic heritage). In "Semiotik-Strukturalismus. Das Erbe einer universalen Wissenschaftskultur". Hg. von Walter Schmitz and Ludger Udolph. Dresden Studies in Semiotics(eds. W. Schmitz, Th. A. Sebeok) Press, Dresden, 1999.
- Discreteness vs Continuity; Competition or Cooperation ? To V. V. Ivanov at 70 years, ed. T. Nikolaeva. Moscow, 1999.
- Other articles
It is not always easy to distinguish between research articles and other articles. Besides the articles listed above, Marcus published many articles addressed to a larger audience, in various magazines, cultural joournals and newspapers, on a variety of topics, from science, art and education to teaching, philosophy and sport. On similar topics, he accepted to give tens of interviews, in Romania and abroad, in newspapers, magazines, cultural journals, at radio and TV. Here are some of the magazines and newspapers where writings of Marcus can be found: Academica, Amfiteatru, Arges, Arta, Astra, Ateneu, Caiete critice, Contemporanul, Cronica, Curentul, Dilema, Familia, Flacara, Forum, Gazeta literara, Gazeta matematica, Luceafarul, Magazin, Magazin istoric, Manuscriptum, Orizont, Progresele stiintei, Ramuri, Romania libera, Romania literara, Romanian Review, Steaua, Stiinta si tehnica, Tomis, Tribuna, Tribuna invatamantului, Vatra, Viata romaneasca, Viata studenteasca.