Le Centre Francophone en Mathématique a été organisé à Bucarest pour une periode de 4 ans a partir du 1-er Janvier 2017,
par l'Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie et l'Institut de Mathématique Simion Stoilow de l'Académie Roumaine
en parteneriat avec la Faculté de Mathématique et Informatique de l'Université de Bucarest
et le GDRI ECO-Math.

Ecole d’été régionale franco-roumaine en mathématiques appliquées, Sinaia, 2 - 11 Juillet 2017

Introduction aux Mathématiques des cristaux liquides

Arghir Dani Zărnescu - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Bilbao & “Simion Stoilow” Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy
Liquid crystals are a surprising material, sometimes referred to as "the fourth state of matter" (after solid, liquid and gas). Despite their impressive technological applications in the last decades, their understanding at a fundamental level is still modest and there exist several major theories that compete in proposing a mathematical model efficient in describing them.
The course will focus on the Q-tensor model, proposed by Pierre Gilles de Gennes in the 70s and an important reason for awarding him a Nobel prize in physics in 1991.
We shall study aspects related to the theory of partial derivatives equations, as well as interactions with linear algebra, topology and geometry. These interactions motivate the mathematical fascination associated to the study of liquid crystal models, as well as being the main source of mathematical challenges generated by this model
