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List Of Talks
Conference Poster |
List of TalksYassine Adjabi: Third-order ordinary differential equations with Fuchs indicesOlfa Allegue: Compactness result for quasilinear problems with variable exponent on the whole space Ali Hichem Bel Hadj: Schatten-von Neumann convergence for large coupling Ali Beldi: Pointwise estimates for the ground states of some classes of positivity preserving operators Besma Berhail: Détermination de la frontière d'un demi-plan localement perturbé dans un problème inverse de diffraction Chems Eddine Berhail: Cycles limites d'une classe des \'{e}quations diff\'{e}rentielles du troisi\`{e}me ordre Lucian Beznea: Quasi-regular non-sectorial Dirichlet forms by processes having the same polar sets Johannes F. Brasche: On δ'-interactions on sets of Lebesgue measure zero Thierry Cazenave: Decays rates and scalings Schrödinger's equation Michael Demuth: On Spectral Theory for Dirichlet forms Hichem Hajaiej: Rearrangement techniques and some applications Mohamed Ali Jendoubi: Convergence of global and bounded solutions of evolution equations and the Lojasiewicz inequality Stefan Kroemer: On compactness of minimizing sequences with applications to symmetry Mohamed Majdoub: Energy critical heat equation in two space dimensions Laurent Michel: Semiclassical analysis of Metropolis algorithm on bounded domains Andrei-George Oprina: Discrete branching type processes and nonlinear operators Tohru Ozawa: Finite charge solutions to cubic Schrödinger equations with a nonlocal nonlinearity in one space dimension Ionel Popescu: The one dimensional free Poincaré inequality Alessio Pomponio: Some results on the nonlinear Schrodinger-Maxwell equation Mohamed Selmi: Estimation of Green's function on piecewise Dini-smooth bounded Jordan domanins Asma Karoui Souyeh:On a class of nonhomogenous quasilinear problem in Orlicz-Sobolev Spaces Peter Stolmmann: The $\bar{∂}$ Neumann operator and its heat semigroup Pavel Stovicek: The quantum averaging method applied to\par a time-dependent Aharonov-Bohm Hamiltonian Gerald Trutnau: Conservativeness of non-symmetric diffusion processes generated by perturbed divergence forms Michiel van den Berg: Heat flow and spectrum for regions with a Brownian boundary |