A prominent member of the group was the late Professor Constantin Banica.
Some former members of the group are now spread at several Universities
all over the world: Lucian Badescu, Alexandru Buium, Ciprian Borcea,
Alexandru Dimca, Alexandru Lascu, Andras Nemethi, Matei Toma.
Scientific Seminar:
Algebraic Geometry, each Thursday, from 10 to 12,
at the Institute.
The late Professor Gheorghe Galbura, toghether with Professor Alexandru Lascu
and the late Professor Ionel Bucur, initiated the group and the seminar after 1955.
The following members of the Department of Mathematics of the University of Bucharest
are regularly attending the seminar: Victor Vuletescu, Cristian Voica, Andrei Halanay.
Several students from terminal years of the University and from SNSB also participate
in the seminars.
Research Topics:
Classification of small codimensional projective varieties and adjunction theory
Algebraic and analytic surfaces
Space curves
Formal functions and Barth-Lefschetz type results
Vector bundles over algebraic and analytic varieties
Algebraic cycles on abelian varieties
Graded algebras associated to Cartier divisors on algebraic varieties
The members of the group are currently giving advanced courses at SNSB and the Department
of Mathematics of the University of Bucharest and supervise Master and Ph.D.
Thesis in the field.