
Academic Program of EXcellence in Mathematics

August 3 - 24, 2024
Reşiţa, Romania

photo by Petre Dalea

Are you a curious student with enthusiasm for mathematics? Do you have a taste for abstract thinking and does your creativity even bring up a healthy dose of stubbornness?
Then you are the right candidate to reach the APEX-Maths this summer!

What is APEX-Maths?

APEX-Maths is an intensive and immersive 3-weeks-long summer residential program offering a unique opportunity to get a taste of mathematical research and scientific discovery. The participants - a maximum number of 40 - will be able to experience the world of research from within, as they will explore new mathematical concepts under the guidance of top internationally recognized university professors (Emanuele Macri, Anne Moreau, Andrei Negut and Olivier Schiffmann) and PhD students. A high-level training in rigorous thought and abstract reasoning is an increasingly vital asset to thrive in today's world, regardless of the type of career you aim for. APEX's goal is to provide such training as well as to create a community of young scientists highly passionate for mathematics. We cultivate and encourage excellence.

The language of communication is English.

Who can participate?

APEX-Maths is designed for teenagers and/or young people (aged between 15 and 20) with a strong desire to explore the amazing and intricate world of mathematics. See here for the prerequisites to participate.

Main sponsors:





with the scientific cooperation of IMAR