Workshop on L-functions and Galois Representations
June 19, 2018

Organizers: Vicențiu Pașol, Alexandru Popa

The talks will take place at IMAR in Amfiteatrul "Miron Nicolescu" (parter). Everyone is welcome, and no registration is necessary.

The workshop is partly supported by BitDefender and by CNCS-UEFISCDI grant PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2016-0157.



 9:30-10:50   Glenn Stevens
Modular Symbols, K-Theory, and Eisenstein Cohomology
Coffee break
11:10-12:30   Adrian Iovița
Katz-type p-adic L-functions in the cases when the prime p is inert and ramified in the CM-field
Lunch break
15:30-16:50    Adrian Diaconu
Moments and Multiple Dirichlet Series