Singularities and Applications

PNRR-III-C9-2023-I8 - Project CF 132/31.07.2023

Singularities is a broad and fast developing research field at the confluence of many mathematical disciplines, both pure and applied. This is a project which grows from new ideas based on synergistic solid collaborations in the last decade. Our project addresses fundamental problems, as well as applications, along three main axes.
  • Algebraic complexity of optimization problems via Morsification, with several sub-projects and perspectives of applications.
  • Bifurcation of polynomial maps, combining methods from topology and complex analysis, with several sub-projects.
  • Images of analytic map germs, singular fibrations, and arc subspaces, project of fundamental research with foreseen developments and applications.

  • Research team             Open positions (PhD, post-doc)              Activities