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5. Functional Analysis, Operator Theory and Operator Algebras, Mathematical Physics

Villadsen idempotents

Cristian Ivănescu
MacEwan University, Edmonton, Canada


J. Villadsen constructed examples now known as Villadsen algebras, which form an exciting class of C*-algebras: it provides examples of C*-algebras for which the K0-group is not weakly unperforated or simple C*-algebras with stable rank other than one. We use Villadsen construction to build a C*-algebra, which is idempotent in the sense that the algebra is isomorphic to its tensor product with itself. The Villadsen algebras are conjectured classifiable by sufficiently many invariants; hence Villdsen idempotents should play an essential role in studying Villdsen algebras. This is joint work with Dan Kucerovsky, UNB.