Globalising Jones and Alexander polynomials via Lagrangians in configuration spaces
Cristina Palmer-Anghel
University of Geneva, Switzerland & Simion Stoilow Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
Jones and Alexander polynomials are two important knot invariants and our aim is to see them
both from a unified model constructed in a configuration space. More precisely, we present
a common topological perspective which sees both invariants, based on configurations on
ovals and arcs in the punctured disc. The model is constructed from a graded
intersection between two explicit Lagrangians in a configuration space. It is a polynomial
in two variables, recovering the Jones and Alexander polynomials through specialisations of
coefficients. Then, we prove that the intersection before specialisation is (up to a quotient)
an invariant which globalises these two invariants, given by an explicit interpolation between
the Jones polynomial and Alexander polynomial.
We also show how to obtain the quantum generalisation, coloured Jones and coloured Alexander
polynomials, from a graded intersection between two Lagrangians in a symmetric power of a