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5. Functional Analysis, Operator Theory and Operator Algebras, Mathematical Physics

Spectral regularity for a class of pseudo-differential operators with 'dilation' perturbation.

Radu Purice
Simion Stoilow Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania


We consider a real H\"ormander symbol of the type $S_{0,0}^0(\mathbb{R}^{d}\times \mathbb{R}^d)$, with a perturbation of the form $x\mapsto\,x+F(\delta \cdot x)$ with $F$ a smooth function with all its derivatives globally bounded, and $|\delta|\leq 1$. First, we prove that varying $\delta$ above $\delta=0$ the Hausdorff distance between the spectra is bounded by $\sqrt{|\delta|}$, and second, we show that the distance between the spectral edges is of order $|\delta|$. This work is done in collaboration with Horia Cornean (Aalborg University).