Hellenic-Romanian Logic and
Computation Seminar
This seminar is a facet of a long term collaboration between two
research groups, from Greece and from Romania.
The origin of this collaboration dates back to the early nineties when
the co-chairs of this seminar were DPhil students of the late
Professor Joseph Goguen, a paramount and unique scientist of the last
The seminar focuses on the algebraic specification tradition in its
broad and modern acceptation.
This includes specific logical methods in computing both at the
theoretical and applied levels.
One of the most important theoretical topics is represented by the
axiomatic approach to model theory known as `institution theory',
while the applied level includes also software systems designed for
formal specification and verifications or for various logic-based
programming paradigms.
Themes that do not fit exactly the main focus of the seminar are also
This is a monthly hybrid seminar. The hybrid aspect means that it is held both in online and in physical format. Each session of the seminar consists of a talk and a part dedicated to discussions. As the discussions represent a significant component of our activity, which is also meant to develop beyond the usual questions and answers, we allocate it a generous time slot. In fact we encourage the participants to elaborate and debate on the respective topic.
- Răzvan Diaconescu
- (Simion Stoilow Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy – IMAR)
- Petros
- (National Technical University of Athens – NTUA)
Are you interested in participating?
If yes, then write an email message to one of the chairs, either at
razvan.diaconescu@ymail.com or at petrosstefaneas@gmail.com and you will be included in the mailing list of the seminar.Past talks
- Logic, categories and topos : from category theory to categorical logic, 18 March 2025.
- Kripke-style semantics in computation, 17 February 2025.
- An invitation to proof mining, 23 January 2025.
- Embedding the Calendar and Time Type System in Temporal Type Theory, 09 December 2024.
- Neuro-symbolic integration for ontology-based classification of structured objects, 13 November 2024.
- Topological Inquiry in Abstract Model Theory, 16 October 2024.
- Formalising the Institution for First-Order Logic in an Interactive Proof Assistant, 19 June 2024.
- On Mathematical Proving and Algebra, 22 May 2024.
- On representability by arithmetic terms, 17 April 2024.
- Fagin's theorem, Turing Machines and Quantum computing, 20 March 2024.
- An introduction to Zero Knowledge Proofs, 14 February 2024.
- An introduction to argumentation-based proof-event calculus (APEC), 22 January 2024.
- An introduction to experimental theorem proving, 20 December 2023.
- J. Goguen’s Concept of Proof Events: Current State of Research and Perspectives, 29 November 2023.
- Two recent logic-based verification languages, NTUA, 27 September 2023.