Dr. Dan Tudor Vuza
Short Biography

Dr. Vuza was born in 1955 in Bucharest, Romania.
He graduated in 1978 receiving the Praiseworthy Diploma. His graduation work, Approximation Schemes for Variational Inequalities, was written under Academician Gheorghe Marinescu's supervision. Further on he attended one-year specialization courses in Functional Analysis at the same faculty. His specialization work, Strongly lattice-ordered modules over function algebras, was written under Academician Romulus Cristescu's supervision.
He obtained the Doctor degree in Mathematics from the University of Bucharest in 1984, with the thesis Modules over commutative ordered rings written under Academician Romulus Cristescu's supervision.

Dr. Vuza worked as a mathematician (1979 - 1983) and as a researcher in mathematics (1983 - 1989) in the Department of Mathematics of the National Institute for Scientific and Technical Creation (INCREST) in Bucharest. Since 1990 he is working as a senior researcher in mathematics in the Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy. Since 1996 he holds the position of senior researcher degree I at the named institute.
Dr. Vuza is a member of the Committee for Functional Analysis of the Romanian Academy.
His works on the theory of principal modules and their applications to linear operators were awarded the Prize "Simion Stoilov" by the Romanian Academy in 1987.
In 2002 Dr. Vuza was awarded a prize for his scientific activity by the National Foundation for Science and Art of the Romanian Academy.

Dr. Vuza was invited to participate in several international conferences, including:
He was also invited to give lectures at the following scientific institutes:

During 1994 - 2000, Dr. Vuza collaborated with the Institute for the Applications of Mathematics from Naples (Italy) on the topics of estimations of signals from samples affected by noise and fast algorithms for wavelet transforms. He was visiting the named institute in 1994 when awarded a NATO-CNR fellowship, in 1995 when invited by the institute and in 1996 in the framework of the protocol of the session of the 12-th Italian - Romanian Commission for scientific and technological cooperation.

During September 1995 - October 1995, March 1996 - April 1996 and October 1998 - May 1999 he collaborated with SafeGames Inc. and Mikohn Gaming Corporation, both of Las Vegas (U.S.A.) on developing several systems for real-time activity monitoring. In collaboration with SafeGames Inc. and Philips Semiconductors he worked on several topics in Radio Frequency Identification Systems.

Dr. Vuza received Romanian Academy Grants in 1997 and 1998.

He is holding a patent for an ISA Extension Card and Method for Protection of IBM-PC and Compatible Computers against Unauthorized Persons Use. This invention has been awarded a Diploma and Silver Medal at the 31-th International Salon of Inventions in Geneva, April 3003.