Dr. Dan Tudor Vuza
List of Works
- 1. On some inequalities (in
Romanian). Gazeta Mat. seria B 7 (1973), 392 - 394.
- 2. On a class of rational functions (in
Romanian). Gazeta Mat. seria B 8 (1976), 286 - 290.
- 3. On the representation of linear maps
on vector and affine spaces. In the volume "Students' Scientific
Contributions" (in Romanian), p. 191 - 197. The Lithograph of the
University of Bucharest, 1976.
- 4. An abstract theory for the
measurability in Jordan's sense (in Romanian).Studii si Cercetari mat.
30, 2 (1978), 237 - 248.
- 5. Sur les homomorphismes invariants
par rapport à un monoide. Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 23, 10 (1978),
1607 - 1616.
- 6. A generalization of Ghika's rings
(in Romanian). Studii si cercetari mat. 31, 2 (1979), 251- 274.
- 7. Sur les espaces vectoriels réticules
complexes. Rev . Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 25, 4 (1980), 663 - 674.
- 8. Sur les ouverts a frontière lisse
dans un espace de Hilbert (in collaboration with N. Buruiana). Bull.
Math. Soc. Sci. Math. R.S.R. 25, 1 (1981), 9 - 13.
- 9. A characterization of Hilbert space
using sn and dn numbers. Analele Univ. Craiova 9
(1981), 11 -12.
- 10. The Hahn - Banach extension theorem
for modules over ordered rings. Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 27, 9
(1982), 989 - 995.
- 11. Aspects mathématiques dans la
théorie modale d'Anatol Vieru. Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 27, 2
(1982), 219 - 248.
- 12. Aspects mathématiques dans la
théorie modale d'Anatol Vieru II. Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 27, 10
(1982), 1091 -1099.
- 13. Aspects mathématiques dans la
théorie modale d'Anatol Vieru III. Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 28, 7
(1983), 665 - 673.
- 14. Aspects mathématiques dans la
théorie modale d'Anatol Vieru IV. Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 28, 8
(1983), 757 - 773.
- 15. Classes modales partitionnantes.
Muzica 5 (1983), 45 - 47.
- 16. The perfect M - tensor product of
perfect Banach lattices. In Proceedings of the First Romanian - GDR
Seminar on Banach Space Theory and its Applications (Bucharest 1981), p.
272 - 295. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 991, Springer, Berlin -
Heidelberg - New York - Tokyo 1983.
- 17. Strongly lattice - ordered modules
over function algebras I. Analele Univ. Craiova 11 (1983), 52 - 63.
- 18. Strongly lattice - ordered modules
over function algebras II. Analele Univ. Craiova 12 (1984), 1 - 9.
- 19. Principal modules of linear maps
and their applications. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference
on Operator Algebras, Ideals and their Applications in Theoretical Physics
(Leipzig 1983), p. 212 - 219. Teubner Texte Math. vol. 67, Teubner,
Leipzig 1984.
- 20. Propriétés des suites périodiques
utilisées dans la pratique modale. Muzica 2 (1984), 44 - 48.
- 21. Ideals and bands in principal
modules. Arch. Math. 45 (1985), 306 - 322.
- 22. La propriété faible de Fatou et la
propriété d'Egoroff. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 301 (1985), 115 - 117.
- 23. Sur les treillis vectoriels, en
tant que modules principaux sur une f algèbre. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris
301 (1985), 797 - 800.
- 24. The theory of principal modules and
its applications to linear operators on Riesz spaces. Semesterbericht
Funktionalanalysis, p. 211 - 222, Tübingen, Sommersemester 1985 and
Analele Univ. Craiova 13 (1985), 1 - 11.
- 25. En forant le domaine (in
collaboration with Anatol Vieru). Muzica 4 (1985), 43 - 48.
- 26. Sur le rythme périodique. Revue
Roumaine de Linguistique - Cahiers de Linguistique Théorique et Appliquée
22, 1 (1985), 73 - 103. Reprinted in Musikometrika I (editor : M.G.
Boroda), p. 83 - 126. Studienverlag Dr. N. Brockmeyer, Bochum 1988.
- 27. Mathematical methods in music.
In the volume "Mathematics in the Present and Future World", p.
277 - 286 (in Romanian; collective volume coordinated by Academician Caius
Iacob). The Romanian Academy Publishing House, 1985.
- 28. Ideal properties of order bounded
operators on ordered Banach spaces which are not Banach lattices. In
Proceedings of the 9 International Conference on Operator Theory
(Timisoara and Herculane 1984), p. 353 - 368. Operator Theory: Advances
and Applications, vol. 17, Birkhäuser, Basel - Boston Stuttgart 1986.
- 29. Opérateurs oru - compacts. C.
R. Acad. Sci. Paris 303 (1986), 707 - 710.
- 30. Aspects mathématiques dans la
théorie modale d'Anatol Vieru V. Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 31, 5
(1986), 399 - 413.
- 31. Les structures modales, instrument
d'étude des modes et des rythmes. Revue Roumaine de Linguistique -
Cahiers de Linguistique Théorique et Appliquée 23, 1 (1986), 55 - 68.
- 32. On some results of Buskes, Dodds,
de Pagter and Schep. Analele Univ. Craiova 14 (1986), 10 - 16.
- 33. Oru - compact operators. In
Proceedings of the 9-th International Conference on Operator Theory
(Bucharest 1985), p. 333 - 354. Operator Theory: Advances and
Applications, vol. 24, Birkhäuser, Basel - Boston - Stuttgart 1987.
- 34. Les composantes d'un opérateur
positif. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 304 (1987), 291 - 294.
- 35. Strongly modular and strongly
latticial classes of operators. Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 32, 7
(1987), 631 - 671.
- 36. Characterization of regular Riesz
spaces using oru - compact operators. Arch. Math. 51 (1988), 547 -
- 37. Alfsen - Effros type order
relations defined by vector norms (in collaboration with C. P.
Niculescu). Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 33, 9 (1988), 751 - 766.
- 38. Some Mathematical Aspects of David
Lewin's Book Generalized Musical Intervals and Transformations.
Perspectives of New Music 26, 1 (1988), 258 - 287.
- 39. Factorization of convolution
operators (in collaboration with I. M. Popovici). Analele Univ.
Craiova 16 (1988), 1 - 8.
- 40. Opérateurs de type convolution.
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 308 (1989), 265 - 268.
- 41. Characterization of Carleman
operators. Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. van Wetensch. 92, 3 (1989), 343 -
- 42. Continuity properties of the
distance constant function (in collaboration with F. Pop). J. Operator
Theory 22 (1989), 73 - 84.
- 43. Elements of mathematical theory of
rhythm (in Romanian). Tribuna Musicologica 2 (1989), 89 - 114.
- 44. Factoring compact operators and
approximable operators (in collaboration with I. M. Popovici). Z. Anal
Anwend. 9, 3 (1990), 221 - 233.
- 45. Uniform continuity and uniform
convergence. Demonstratio Math. 23, 1 (1990), 113 -121.
- 46. Supplementary sets and regular
complementary unending canons (Part One). Perspectives of New Music,
29, 2 (1991), 22 - 49.
- 47. Supplementary sets and regular
complementary unending canons (Part Two). Perspectives of New Music,
30, 1 (1992), 184 - 207.
- 48. Supplementary sets and regular
complementary unending canons (Part Three). Perspectives of New Music,
30, 2 (1992), 102 - 125.
- 49. Supplementary sets and regular
complementary unending canons (Part Four). Perspectives of New Music,
31, 1 (1993), 270 - 305.
- 50. On L-M duality in real Banach
spaces (in collaboration with C.P. Niculescu). Rev. Roum. Math. Pures
Appl. 38, 3 (1993), 275 - 279.
- 51. Interpolation and approximation
from the M - theory point of view (in collaboration with C.P.
Niculescu and G. Paltineanu). Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 38, 6 (1993),
531 - 544.
- 52. A survey of the theory of principal
modules and its applications to the theory of regular operators. Rev.
Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 38, 10 (1993), 861 892.
- 53. Modern methods for compressing
fingerprints images (in Romanian; in collaboration with D. Tâlvescu).
Analele Univ. Craiova 7 (1994), 107 - 117.
- 54. Supplementary sets - theory and
algorithms. Muzica 1 (1995), 75 - 99.
- 55. Interpolating ideals in locally
convex lattices (in collaboration with G. Paltineanu). Rev. Roum.
Math. Pures Appl. 41, 5 - 6 (1996), 379 - 396.
- 56. An alternate proof of a result of
Johnstone and Silverman concerning wavelet threshold estimators for data
with correlated noise (in collaboration with U. Amato). Rev. Roum.
Math. Pures Appl. 41, 7 - 8 (1996), 431 - 438.
- 57. Differential Representation of
Measures and Functions (in collaboration with G. Isac). J. Math.
Analysis and Appl. 206 (1997), 518 - 531.
- 58. Besov regularization, thresholding
and wavelets for smoothing data (in collaboration with U. Amato).
Numer. Funct. Anal. and Optimiz. 18, 5 - 6 (1997), 461 - 493.
- 59. Wavelet Approximation of a Function
from Samples Affected by Noise (in collaboration with U. Amato). Rev.
Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 42, 7 - 8 (1997), 481 - 493.
- 60. Fully Adaptive Wavelet
Regularization for Smoothing Data (in collaboration with U. Amato and
M.R. Occorsio). In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on
Functional Analysis and Approximation Theory, Acquafredda di Maratea
(Potenza, Italy), September 1996, Vol. I, p. 207-222. Suppl. Rendiconti
del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II, 52 (1998).
- 61. A Generalization of the Bishop
Approximation Theorem for Locally Convex Lattices of AM Type (in
collaboration with G. Paltineanu). In Proceedings of the Third
International Conference on Functional Analysis and Approximation Theory,
Acquafredda di Maratea (Potenza, Italy), September 1996, Vol. II, p.
687-694. Suppl. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II, 52
- 62. Smoothing Data with Correlated
Noise by Wavelet Regularization (in collaboration with U. Amato). Rev.
Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 43, 3 - 4 (1998), 253 - 275.
- 63. Wavelet simultaneous approximation
from samples affected by noise (in collaboration with U. Amato).
Computers & Mathematics with applications, 36, 5 (1998), 101-111.
- 64. A Mathematica Algorithm for the
Computation of the Coefficients for the Finite Interval Wavelet Transform (in
collaboration with U. Amato). Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 44, 5 - 6
(1999), 707-736.
- 65. Smoothing data: when finite and
infinite dimensional help between each other (in collaboration with U.
Amato). In Finite Versus Infinite (editors: C. Calude and G. Paun), p.
1-16. Springer, 2000.
- 66. Optimization of Synchronous
Detection Signal Processing Circuits for Intensity-Modulated Optical
Sensors (in collaboration with M. Vlădescu), Proceedings of the
23rd International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology, Budapest
University of Technology and Economics, May 2000, 395-400.
- 67. Signal Processing Method for
Optical Sensors - Implementation, Simulation and Experimental Results
(in collaboration with M. Vlădescu), Proceedings of the 5th
International Symposium on Microelectronic Technologies and Microsystems,
Pitesti, June 2001, 195-200.
- 68. On Some Properties of Periodic
Sequences in Anatol Vieru's Modal Theory (in collaboration with M.
Andreatta), Tatra Mt. Math. Publ., 23 (2001), 1-15.
- 69. A Generalization of a Theorem of
Bernard concerning Frontal Sets (in collaboration with C. P. Niculescu
and G. Paltineanu), Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Mat. Palermo,
Serie II, 68 (2002), 699-710.
- 70. Relations between AC and Transient
Simulations of Syncrhonous Detection Circuits Used in Optical Sensors (in
collaboration with M. Mocanu), U.P.B. Sci.Bull., Series C, 64, 2 (2002),
51 – 66.
- 71. Training Program in Electronic
Passive Components Education (in collaboration with P. Svasta, V.
Golumbeanu, C. Ionescu, N. Codreanu, D. Leonescu and M. Vladescu),
Proceedings of the Electronic Components and Technology Conference, San
Diego 2002, 780-787.
- 72. On some theoretical and
computational aspects of Anatol Vieru’s periodic sequences (in
collaboration with M. Andreatta and C. Agon). In Soft Computing
- A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications, Volume
8, Number 9, p. 588 – 596, Springer, 2004.
- 73. Synchronization of Several RFID
Readers at Low Antenna Distances with Avoidance of Mutual Disturbances, SIITME 2005 Conference Proceedings,
Cluj-Napoca, September 2005, 108-112.
- 74. Collision Classification, a
Procedure for Reduction of False Collisions in Identification of Multiple
Transponders, SIITME 2005 Conference Proceedings, Cluj-Napoca,
September 2005, 65-69.
- 75. Anatol Vieru : formalisation
algébrique et enjeux esthétiques (in collaboration with
M. Andreatta, C. Agon, and C. Cazaban). In Penser la musique
avec les mathématiques? - Actes du séminaire
Mathématiques/musique/philosophie, Ircam/Delatour, Paris, 2006.
- 76. An RFID Reader Based on the Atmel
AT91SAM7S64 Micro-Controller (in collaboration with E. Gelinotte, R.
Frosch and L. Pascu), Proceedings of the 1st Electronics Systemintegration
Technology Conference, Dresden, September 2006, 1158-1165.
- 77. Improving
the Reliability of Detection of RFID Tags by Synchronous Demodulation with
Programmable Phase Shift (in collaboration with R. Frosch), SIITME
2006 Conference Proceedings, Iaşi, September 2006, 183-187.
- 78. The Patient’s Family, between the
Right to Know the Truth and the Medical Secret (in Romanian), Revista Română de Bioetică,
4, 3 (2006), 20-38.
Technical reports
- 1. A collection of routines for the
wavelet transform of Daubechies type. Technical Report of Institute
for the Applications of Mathematics 122, Naples 1995.
Books and textbooks
- 1. Problems of Geometry (in
Romanian: in collaboration with N. Buruiana and D. Gogulescu). The
Lithograph of the University of Bucharest, 1979.
- 2. Lessons on Mathematical Theory of
Modes (in Romanian). The Lithograph of the Music Conservatory
"Ciprian Porumbescu", Bucharest 1983.
- 3. The chapter Elements of the Theory
of Modules over Ordered Rings, in the 2-nd volume of the series
"Order Structures in Functional Analysis" (in Romanian;
collective volume coordinated by Academician Romulus Cristescu). The
Romanian Academy Publishing House, Bucharest, 1989.
- 4. The chapter A Class of Regular
Operators, in the 3-rd volume of the series "Order Structures in
Functional Analysis". (in Romanian; collective volume coordinated by
Academician Romulus Cristescu). The Romanian Academy Publishing House,
Bucharest, 1992.
- 5. The chapter Frontal Ideals And
Antisymetric Ideals In Locally Convex
Lattices (in collaboration with G. Paltineanu) in the 4-rd volume of
the series "Order Structures in Functional Analysis". (in
Romanian; collective volume coordinated by Academician Romulus Cristescu).
The Romanian Academy Publishing House, Bucharest, 2001.
- 6. The chapter Strongly Modular And
Strongly Latticial Classes Of Regular Operators", in the 4-rd
volume of the series "Order Structures in Functional Analysis".
(in Romanian; collective volume coordinated by Academician Romulus
Cristescu). The Romanian Academy Publishing House, Bucharest, 2001.