Florin Panaite


Professional adress:

Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy,
P.O.Box 1-764, RO-014700, Bucharest, Romania
e-mail: Florin(dot)Panaite(at)imar(dot)ro

Academic rank:

Senior Researcher I (CS I), Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy (IMAR)


Educational history:


The prize "Gheorghe Lazar" of the Romanian Academy for 1999 (awarded in 2001)

Research visits abroad:

Research fields:

Quantum algebra (Hopf algebras, quantum groups)

Research summary:

My field of research is the theory of Hopf algebras and quantum groups, including extensions of these concepts (quasi-Hopf algebras, quantum groupoids, Hom-bialgebras etc). In my research I have treated various aspects of the theory, such as: quasitriangular structures, ribbon and charmed elements, monoidal, braided and ribbon categories, links with braid groups, Clifford algebras, octonions and Cayley-Dickson algebras, various kinds of crossed products (smash products and biproducts, double crossed products, diagonal crossed products, L-R-smash products, twisted tensor products of algebras, Brzezinski crossed products), twistings of algebras and Rota-Baxter type operators, integrals and Maschke-type theorems, quantum traces and dimensions, actions and coactions, cleft extensions, the study of some classes of pointed Hopf algebras, (anti) Yetter-Drinfeld modules and Hopf (bi)modules, the quantum Yang-Baxter equation and the pentagonal equation, vertex groups, the Drinfeld double and the Heisenberg double, combinatorial and homological aspects, extensions, deformations etc.

See the list of publications.

Talks at Conferences:

Talks at Seminars, Workshops etc:

Other Conferences, Workshops and Summer Schools attended:

List of publications: