- Monographs:
1987: "The Homogenization Method - applications for the
compozite materials"(in romanian)
with prof. Dr. Horia ENE, Publishing by the Romanian Academy, 200 p.
Papers published or accepted in international Journals
1. Homogenization of a transmission
problem with microscopic forces, with
Dan Polisevski, 1981, Numer. Funct. Anal.
Optimiz., 3(1), 95-104.
2. A convergence theorem for a periodic
media with thermoelastical
properties, 1983, Int. J. Engng. Sci., 21(11), 1313-1319.
3. Bounds for effective coefficients of periodic
materials, 1989, SIAM J. Math. Analysis, 20(1), 106-115.
4. Instability of interfaces in oil recovery,
,with Dan Polisevski, 1992,
Int. J. Engng. Sci., 30(2), 161-167.
5. Estimations for non-symmetric effective coefficients,
1994, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 54(3), 731-737.
6. An existence theorem for a control problem in oil recovery,
1996, Numer. Funct. Anal. Optimiz.,
17 (9-10), 911-923.
7. An optimal viscosity profile in the secondary oil recovery,
with Claude Carasso, 1998,
M2AN - Modelisation Mathematique et
Analyse Numerique, 32(2), 211-221.
8. Approximate Computation of the Permeability
Tensor of a Periodic
Porous Medium,
with Claude Carasso, 1999,
Numer. Funct. Anal. Optimiz., 20(7-8), 651-660.
9. A modified Green function for a control problem in oil
recovery, with Claude Carasso, 2000, Journal CMAME -
Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng., 190(8-10), 1197-1207.
10. Estimations for the Characteristic Values of a Sturm-Liouville
problem, 2002, Z A M P, 53(6), 973-979.
11. A new optimal formula for the growth constant in
Hele-Shaw instability, 2002,Transport In Porous Media, 49(1), 27-40.
12. An optimal viscosity profile in anhanced oil recovery by
polymer flooding, with Prabir Daripa, 2004, accepted to
Int. J. Engng. Sci.
13. A class of viscosity profiles for oil displacement in porous media
Hele-Shaw cell, with Olivier Titaud,
2004, accepted to Transport in Porous Media,
ref. number TIPM 1853.
Notes in C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris
Homogeneisation de corps composites sous
l'action des forces de grande
frequence spatiale, ,
1979, with Francoise Fleury and Dan Polisevski,
289 Serie B, 241-244.
Convergence et correcteurs pour
des equations avec termes libres
oscillant rapidement,
1984, 299, Serie I no, 20, 1037-1039.
Borne superieure optimale
pour le tenseur de permeabilite, with
Claude Carasso, 1996, 323,
Serie b , 385-390.
Papers published in Proceedings of International
- Bounds for homogenized coefficients in
the non-symmetric case, 1990, Proc. Conf.
VII Journees Nat. sur les Composites", Lyon, 725-733.
Estimation and calculation of effective
coefficients of a periodic
composite material,
1992, Proc. Symp. "Experimental Techniques in
Composite Materials", Cagliary, 269-275.
Linear Stability in Secondary Oil Recovery,
1999, Proc. Conf.
"Modern Approaches in Porous Media", Moscova, Rusia,
The control of Saffman-Taylor instability,
2003, Proc. Conf. "Anal. Optimiz. and Diff. Systems",
(Constanta, Romania, 2002), 291-295, Kluwer Acad. Publ. Boston, MA.
accepted to Internationals Conferences
- 1984, Int. Conf. Appl. Math.. and Mechanics, Varna,
1984, Euromech 182, Bruxelles, Belgia
1990, ICCM (Int. Conf. Composites Materials), Honolulu, USA
1997 - 1999, Conf. Nat. Analyse Numerique, France
2001, Conf.
Homog. Mult. Scales, Timisoara, Romania
2001, Conf. Franco - Chiliana Appl. Mathematics, Santiago,
2004, Colloque Franco - Roumain, Craiova, Romania
Papers in the Journals of Roumanian Academy
- Calculus of Taylor's vortices, 1977, St. Cerc. Mat.,
29(6), 679-691.
Macroscopic behaviour of an heterogeneous medium,
1980, with
Dan Polisevski, St. Cerc. Mat., 445-450.
Homogeneisation d'un probleme non-lineaire,
1981, Ann. Univ. A. I. Cuza
Iasi, Tomul XXVII Seria Ia, f.2, 375-380.
Homogenization of a hydrodynamic
model, 1982, with Dan Polisevski, St. Cerc. Mat., 34(4),
On a rotational flow, 1987,St. Cerc. Mat., 39(6),
On the effective coefficients of
fiber - reinforced materials, 1987, St. Cerc. Mat., 39(4),
About an averaging method, 1989, St. Cerc. Mat., 41(1),
Bounds for effective coefficients of a periodic
material in the
non-symmetric case, 1992, St. Cerc. Mat., 44(2), 135-140.
An existence theorem for a problem in oil recovery,
1994, Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn. Mach. Appl., 39(2), 173-181.
On the macroscopic domain of plasticity, Rev. Roum.
1996, Sci. Techn. Mech. Appl., 41(3-4), 233-239.
A control problem depending on
the coefficients, arising from an industrial
process with Claude Carasso, 1996,
An. Univ. A. I. Cuza, Iasi, Tomul XLII, S I a,
f2., 343 - 353
The growth constant and Euler solution in Oil Recovery,
2000, Proc. Roum. Acad., 1(2), 75-77.
A new expression for the permeability tensor of a periodic
porous medium, 2001, Proc. Roum. Acad., 2(3), 75-76.
Linear Stability in Oil recovery,
2003, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl., 48(2), 193-204.
Flow of a fluid trough a fabric - the sweat problem,
with Claude Carasso and Michael Panfilov,
2003, Math. Reports, 5(55), 27-35.