- O miscare plana cu vârtej constant în prezenta unui
obstacol plan. St. Cerc. Mat. 15, 4, 471-476 (1964) (with M. Oprica).
- Generalizarea unei probleme din miscarea apelor arteziene. St.
Cerc. Mec. Apl. 19, 4, 1043-1049 (1965).
- Miscari plane rotationale ale unui fluid perfect în prezenta
unor obstacole. St. Cerc. Mat. 17, 5, 781-791 (1965).
- Mouvements plan rotationnels des fluides parfaits, incompressibles
en presence d'un corps poreux homogene. Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl.
XI, 3, 335-340 (1966).
- Asupra unor miscari fluide cu vârtej constant. St. Cerc.
Mat. 18, 5, 679-680 (1966)
(with I.I. Cristea).
- Aplicarea metodei lui A.B. Tayler la o miscare în canale.
St. Cerc. Mat. 18, 10, 1567-1571 (1966).
- Asupra unei probleme din miscarea apelor arteziene. St. Cerc.
Mat. 19, 1, 53-57 (1967).
- Asupra metodei lui A.B. Tayler. St. Cerc. Mat. 19, 6, 825-829
- Mouvements plans rotationnels des fluides parfaites, incompressibles
en presence d'un corps poreux non-homogene. Rev. Roum. Math. Pures
Appl. XII, 7, 945-953 (1967).
- Asupra unei probleme la limita care apare în miscarea unui
fluid perfect în prezenta unui corp poros neomogen. St. Cerc.
Mat. 19, 10, 1425-1431 (1967).
- Asupra miscarii fluidelor compresibile în prezenta unui corp
poros omogen. St. Cerc. Mat. 20, 9, 1317-1322 (1968).
- Sur le probleme de Hartmann pour le mouvement d'un fluide electroconducteur
dans un milieu poreux homogene. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris A, t. 268, 564-565
- Sur quelques problemes de la magnetohydrodynamique des milieux poreux.
C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris A, t. 271, 569-572 (1970).
- On the subsonic flow past a porous body. J. Sci. Eng. Res. (India)
- Magnetohidrodinamica mediilor poroase. St. Cerc. Mat. 23, 3,
341-400 (1971).
- Perturbation d'un ecoulement produite par une sphere aimantee entouree
d'une enveloppe poreuse hommogene. Colloque Euromech 25, Paris (1971).
- Sur les equations de la magnetohydrodynamique des milieux poreux.
Fundamentals of transport phenomena in porous media, Elsevier, 203-212
- Equations et conditions aux limites pour un modèle de milieu
poreux. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris A, t. 277, 257-259 (1973) (with E. Sanchez-Palencia),
translated in english Equations and limit conditions for a porous medium
model, Materials and Building Research 34, 85-87 (1975) si editura
Construction Press.
- Principii de reciprocitate pentru medii poroase neomogene. Petrol
si Gaze 24, 4, 221-224 (1974).
- Equations et phénoménes de surface pour l'écoulement
dans un modèle de milieu poreux. J. Mécanique 14, 1,
73-108 (1975) (with E. Sanchez-Palencia).
- Perturbatii singulare pentru ecuatii de tip eliptic. In Analiza
neliniara si aplicatii, ed. D. Pascali, Ed. Academiei Bucarest, 225-257
- On mixed convection in porous media. Hydraulics and Soil Mechanics
Studies, 121-128 (1976) (with E. Ungureanu-David).
- Probleme de calcul ale zonei de racord a drenajului vertical cu
ecranul antifiltrant de adâncime, în cadrul solutiilor mixte
de aparare si drenaj a teritoriilor. St. Cerc. Constr. Hidr. Mec. Roc.
XIX, 114-164 (1977) (with C. Ivan si E. Ungureanu-David).
- Solutions périodiques par rapport aux variables d'espace
pour les équations de Navier-Stokes et applications. Proc. Conf.
Diff. Eqs. Appl., Iaisi, Ed. Academiei, 131-133 (1977)
(with E. Sanchez-Palencia).
- On the electrohydrodynamic equations of the permeable media. Bull.
Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie 21(69), 3-4, 275-286 (1977) (with E. Ungureanu-David).
- Sur les équations du mouvement dans les milieux poreux déformables.
Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl. XXII, 3, 405-410 (1978).
- Les équations du mouvement dans les milieux poreux. Studia
Geotech. Mech. 1, 3, (1978) (with W. Derski).
- Asupra fenomenelor de suprafata în cazul miscarii vâscoase
în prezenta corpurilor poroase. St. Cerc. Math. 30, 6, 599-620
- Asupra unei probleme de elecroconvectie în medii poroase.
St. Cerc. Mat. 32, 309-320 (1980) (with E. Ungureanu-David).
- Sur le probleme du mouvement de l'aire en présence d'un obstacle
isolé. Rev. Roum. Méc. Appl. 25, 1, 75-84 (1980) (with
V. Tigoiu).
- On the thermodynamic theory of mixtures. Int. J. Eng. Sci. 19,
405-414 (1981).
- Some thermal problemes in flow through a periodic model of porous
media. Int. J. Eng. Sci. 19, 117-127 (1981) (with E. Sanchez-Palencia).
- Sur la propagation de la chaleur dans les milieux poreux. C.R.
Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 292, II, 1181-1184 (1981) (with E. Sanchez-Palencia).
- On heat transfer in porous media. Flow and Transport in Porous
Media, ed. A. Verruijt and F.B.J. Barends, 153-157, A.A. Balkema, Roterdam
(1981) (with E. Sanchez-Palencia).
- On thermal equations for flow in porous media. Int. J. Eng.
Sci. 20, 5, 623-630 (1982)
(with E. Sanchez-Palencia).
- On linear thermoelasticity of composite materials. Int. J. Eng.
Sci. 21, 5, 434-448 (1983).
- Asupra miscarii cu suprafata libera într-un mediu poros.
St. Cerc. Mec. Apl., 42, 2, 104-108 (1983) (with E. Ungureanu-David).
- On the viscoelastic behaviour of a porous saturated medium.
Int. J. Eng. Sci. 22, 3, 243-246 (1984) (with M. Melicescu-Receanu).
- Ecuatia constitutiva elastoviscoplastica a unui mediu poros saturat.
St. Cerc. Mat. 36, 5, 419-423 (1984) (with M. Melicescu-Receanu).
- Un exemplu de modelare matematica a infiltratiilor din versanti:
barajul de la Malaia. Hidrotehnica 5 (1984) (with N.P. Botezatu).
- On the elastic behaviour of a porous saturated medium. Proc.
Int. Conf. on Nonlinear Mechanics, October 28-31, 1985, Sanhai, China,
Science Press, Beijing, China, 1198-1202 (1985).
- Homogenization of a singular perturbation problem. Rev. Roum.
Math. Pures. Appl. 30, 815-822 (1985) (with B. Vernescu).
- Utilizarea metodei omogenizarii în mecanica materialelor compozite.
St. Cerc. Mat. 37, 3, 199-239 (1985).
- On the hygrothermomechanical behaviour of a composite material.
Int. J. Eng. Sci. 24, 5, 841-847 (1986).
- On the hygrothermomechanical behaviour of a composite material II.
Mechanical Behaviour of Composite and Laminates, eds. W.A. Green and M.
Mounovic, 192-198, Elsevier Appl. Sci. (1987).
- On the hygrothermomechanical behaviour of a composite material III.
Proc. I Conf. Mechanics, Prague (1987).
- The use of the homogenization method to describe the viscoelastic
behaviour of a porous saturated medium. Rock and Soil Rheology, Lecture
Notes in Earth Sciences 14, 33-42, Springer-Verlag (1988).
- Application of the homogenization method to transport in porous
media. Dynamics of Fluids in Hierarchical Porous Media, Ch. VIII, 223-241,
Academic Press (1990).
- Steady convection in a porous layer with translational flow.
Acta Mechanica 84, 13-18 (1990) (with D. Polisevschi).
- Effects of anisotropy on the free convection from a vertical plate
embedded in a porous medium. Transport in Porous Media, 6, 183-194
- Macroscopic transport equations as consequences of the microscopic
properties of a porous medium. Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media,
Hemisphere Publ. Corporation, Washington (1991).
- Estimations du tenseur de perméabilité, C.R. Acad.
Sci. Paris, t. 312, II, p. 1269-1272 (1991).
- Viscosity dependent behaviour of viscoelastic porous media, IMA
Preprint Series 878, October 1991, University of Minnesota (with B. Vernescu),
publicata în Asymptotic theories for plates and shells, eds. R.P.
Gilbert and K. Hackl, Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series 319,
Langman 1995.
- Fluid flows in dielectric porous media. Int. Series of Numerical
Mathematics, vol. 107, p. 3-10 (1992). Birkhauser Verlag, Basel (with Doina
Cioranescu si Patrizia Donato).
- Effets de l'anisotropie sur la convection libre dans une plaque
verticale introduite dans un milieu poreux, Rencontre Hydrologiques
Franco-Roumaines, Contribution au Programme Hidrologique International
organisée par les comités nationaux francais et roumain de
l'AISH et du PH I, Unesco, Paris (1962), p. 65-70.
- Macroscopic modelling of heat transfer in composites with interfacial
termal barrier (în colaborare cu J.L. Auriault), International
Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 37-18, 2885-2892 (1994).
- Homogenization of the Stokes problem with non-homogeneous slip boundary
condition (with Doina Cioranescu si Patrizia Donato), Mathematical
Methods in the Applied Sciences, vol. 19, 857-881 (1996).
- Thermal flow, cap. 7 al cartii Homogenization and Porous Media,
editor U. Hornung, Springer Verlag, 1996, Interdisciplinary Appl. Math.,
vol. 6.
- Feding memory effects in elastic-viscoelastic composites (with
L. Mascarenhas si J. Saint Jean Paulin), Mathematical Modelling and Numerical
Analysis, vol. 31, no. 7, 927-952 (1997).
- Non-Newtonian effects in solid or fluid suspension (with
J. Saint Jean Paulin), va apare în Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburg.
- On the macroscopic behaviour of clays, Proceedings of the Inst.
Conf. Math. Models of transport in Porous Media, St.-Etienne 1996 (with
B. Vernescu).
- On heat transfer in porous media p. 240-248 în volumul
Proceedings of the International Conference "Analysis and Numerical
Computation in Fluid Mechanic" University of the West Timisoara, 19-21
- Probleme în teoria filtratiei. Ed. Academiei, Bucarest
(1973) (with S. Gogonea).
- Metoda omogenizarii. Aplicatii la teoria materialelor compozite.
Ed. Academiei, Bucarest (1986) (with G. Pasa) (tradusa în limba
- Thermal Flow in Porous Media. D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht,
Boston, Lancaster, Tokyo (1987) (with D. Polisevschi).
- Rock and Soil Rheology. Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences 14,
Springer-Verlag (1987) (eds. with N. Cristescu).
- Hidrodinamica mediilor poroase neomogene. Ed. Tehnica, Bucarest
(with E. Ungureanu-David si S. Gogonea).
- Mecanica generala-curs litografiat, Univ. Pitesti (1998).
Other papers
- Asupra miscarii unui punct material sub actiunea unor forte electromagnetice.
Gazeta Matematica, A, LXXVII, 4, 129-135 (1972).
- Intuitie si rigoare în predarea unor notiuni de mecanica în
Liceu. Matematica în liceu I, 112-118, S.S.M. Bucarest (1976).
- Professor Stefan I. Gheorghita (1926-1978). J. Math. Phy. Sci.
13, 2 (1979).
- Din istoria biomecanicii. Gazeta Matematica, A, 1-2, 79-81 (1985).
- Arii si logaritmi. Gazeta Matematica, A, 1-2, 3-15 (1984).
- Transformari conforme si aplicatii. Gazeta Matematica, 12, 445-449
- Stefan I. Gheorghita (1926-1978). Gazeta Matematica, A, 2, 92
- Elemente de analiza matematica pentru clasele a IX-a si a X-a.Gazeta
Matematica, A, 1, 2, 3, (1989).