Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy,
P.O. Box 1-764, RO-70700 Bucharest, Romania
16.04.1957, Bucharest (Romania)
- 1976-1981: Faculty of Mathematics, University of Bucharest
- 1980: Licence in Mathematics, University of Bucharest
- 1981: Master Degree in Algebra and Geometry, University of Bucharest
- 1988: Doctor degree in Mathematics, Bucharest
- 1981-1983: Professor of Mathematics at the School 65, Bucharest
- 1983-1990: Researcher at the Department of Mahtematics of INCREST
- 1990-1997: Research master at the Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy
- since 1997: Senior researcher at the same Institute
- oct.1990-apr.1991: DFG grant at the University Bayreuth, Germany
- apr.1991-june1991: CNR grant at the University Trento, Italy
- july1991-aug.1992: Postdoctoral grant at the University Bayreuth
- nov.1992-febr.1993: DFG grant at the University Saarbruecken, Germany
- june 1993: Visit at the University Bergen, Norway
- oct.-dec. 1993: Postdoctoral grant at the University Paris VII
- febr.-apr. 1997: Visting professor at the University Angers, France
- may-july 1999: Visiting researcher at the University Kaiserslautern, Germany
- 11-25 febr. and 22 oct.-5 nov. 2001: Research visits at the University Kaiserslautern, Germany
- 15 oct.-30 nov. 2002: DFG grant at the University Kaiserslautern, Germany
- nov. 2004: Research visit at the University Kaiserslautern, Germany
- 16-20 april 2007: Research visit at the University Kaiserslautern, Germany
- june 2010: Research visit at the University Pau, France
- Main field: Algebraic Geometry
- Other fields: Commutative Algebra, Homological Algebra
- Current research interests: Vector bundles on projective spaces and curves, Space curves
- On a theorem Elencwajg-Forster. (Romanian) Stud. Cerc. Mat., Tom 35, No. 1 (1983), 3-9.
- Existence of rank 3 vector bundles with given Chern classes on homogeneous rational 3-folds. Manuscripta math. 51(1985), 121-143 (with C. Banica).
- The Chern classes of the stable rank 3 vector bundles on P^3. Math. Ann. 273(1985), 65-79.
- On the spectrum of a stable rank 3 reflexive sheaf on P^3. J. reine angew. Math. 367 (1986), 155-171.
- On the duals of the stable rank 3 reflexive sheaves on P^3 with maximal c_3. Ann. Univ. Ferrara, Sez.VII, Sc.Mat., XXXII (1986), 71-78.
- Rank 3 vector bundles on projective spaces. (Romanian) Stud. Cerc. Mat., Tom 41, No. 5 (1989), 337-378.
- About restricting 2-bundles on P^3 to planes. Math. Ann. 291 (1991), 147-152.
- On Barth's restriction theorem. J. reine angew. Math. 428 (1992), 97-110.
- Restriction theorems for vector bundles via the methods of Roth and Strano. J. reine angew. Math. 487 (1997), 1-25.
- Irreducibility and smoothness of the moduli space of mathematical 5-instantons over P_3. Intern. J. Math. 14, no.1 (2003), 1-45 (with A. Tikhomirov and G. Trautmann).
- On the Bernstein-Gel'fand-Gel'fand correspondence and a result of Eisenbud, Floystad and Schreyer. J. Math. Kyoto Univ. 43, no.2 (2003), 429-439.
- Horrocks theory and the Bernstein-Gel'fand-Gel'fand correspondence . Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 358, no.3 (2006), 1015-1031 (with G. Trautmann).
- The splitting criterion of Kempf and the Babylonian tower theorem. Communications in Algebra 34, no.7 (2006), 2485-2488 (with G. Trautmann).
- A Babylonian tower theorem for principal bundles over projective spaces. J. Math. Kyoto Univ. 49, no.1 (2009), 69-82 (with I. Biswas and G. Trautmann).
- The Horrocks correspondence for coherent sheaves on projective spaces. Homology, Homotopy and Applications 12, no.1 (2010), 327-353.
- Infinitely stably extendable vector bundles on projective spaces. Arch. Math. 94 (2010), 539-545.
- On the stability of syzygy bundles. International J. Math. (to appear).