Curriculum Vitae
- Personal data
- Born in Bucharest, Romania, July, 14-th, 1960.
Married since 1984. Two children: Irina, born in 1987; Matei, born in 1989.
- Education
- 1980-1984 University of Bucharest, Faculty of Mathematics.
1984-1985 Specialization in Algebra-Geometry (Master degree equivalent)
at the same University.
- Doctorate
- 1992 Doctor in Mathematics at the University of Bucharest with the thesis
Geometrical structures on complex manifolds. Locally conformal Kähler
- Summer schools
- "Structure of compact Lie groups", Constanta, June 1989, organized by
the Mathematical Institute of the Romanian Academy.
"Convex geometry", Bucharest, July 1997, organized by the Dortmund
University (Tempus program).
- Present position
Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Bucharest
(since 1995).
- Teaching activity
Courses and tutorials of Linear algebra and geometry (I-st year),
Differential geometry of curves and surfaces (II-nd year), Manifolds
and Riemannian geometry (III-rd year), Variational calculus (IV-th year),
Complements of Riemannian Geometry (IV-th year), Foundations of geometry
(IV-th year).
- Previous positions
- 1985-1987 Mathematics teacher in High school nr. 6, Tîrgoviste.
- 1987-1990 Mathematician, Institute for Computer Science, Bucharest.
- 1990-1991 Assistant Professor at the Politechnical University, Bucharest.
- 1991-1995 Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics,
University of Bucharest.
- Fields of interest
- Differential geometry of Hermitian manifolds, quaternionic
structures, contact (Sasakian) structures.
- Research in foreign universities and institutes
- 1990, 1 month in Paris 7. (Financed by Fondation pour une entraide intelectuelle
- 1993, 3 months at the Université Libre de Bruxelles.
(Financed by E.C.)
- 1994, 6 months at "La Sapienza" University in Rome.
(Financed by Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy by a fellowship for foreign
- 1996, 10 days at Debrecen University, Hungary (Visiting professor).
- 1997, "La Sapienza" University in Rome (C.N.R. visiting professor).
- 1997, 2 months at Dortmund University (Tempus program).
- 1997-1998, 5 months at Paris 6 University (Research fellowship).
- 1998, 1 month at "La Sapienza" University in Rome.
- 1998, 2 months in "Max-Planck Institut für Mathematik" Bonn.
- 1999, 2 weeks at Kumamoto University, Japan.
- 1999, 2 months at the "International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Abdus Salam", Trieste. (Visiting professor).
- 1999, 2 weeks at the "Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics", Vienna.
- 2000, 1 month at "La Sapienza" University in Rome (C.N.R.
visiting professor).
- 2000 and 2001, 1 month at Tokyo Metropolitan University.
- Lectures given in foreign universities and institutes
Rome (1991, 1994, 1998, 2000), Bruxelles (1993, 1997), Leuven (1993),
Lecce (1994),
Potenza (1994, 1997, 1998), Palermo (1994), Debrecen (1996),
Cagliari(1997, 1999, 2000),
Mulhouse, Nice, Angers, Paris 6, Bonn (1998),
Ochanomizu (1999), ICTP Trieste (1999), ESI Vienna (1999), Tokyo
(1999, 2000).
- International conferences
- Second international meeting on quaternionic structures in mathematics
and physics (Rome, September 1999).
- Perspectives in calibrations and gauge theories (Martina Franca, May
- Integrable systems in differential geometry (Tokyo, July 2000).
- Varia
Prize "Gheorghe Titeica" of the Romanian Academy in 1998.
Member of the
Romanian Society of Mathematicians, American
Mathematical Society.
Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblatt
für Mathematik.
- Spoken languages
- Romanian, French, English, Italian.
Selected publications
- CR-submanifolds of a locally conformal Kähler manifold,
Demonstratio Mat., 19, (1986), 863-869, MR 90g:53072
- Complex hypersurfaces of a generalized Hopf manifold,
Publications de l'Inst. Math. (Béograd), 42, (1987), 123-129, (in
collaboration with S. Ianus, K. Matsumoto) MR 89f:53079
- Complex hypersurfaces with planar geodesics in generalized Hopf
manifolds, Mathematika Balkanica 3 (1989) 92-96, MR 90g:53072
- Minimal real hypersurfaces of a generalized Hopf manifold,
Analele St. Univ. "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi, 2, (1990), 137-142,
MR 92i:53019
- A class of antiinvariant submanifolds of a generalized Hopf manifold,
Bull. Math. de la Soc. Sci. Math. de Roumanie, 34, (1990), 115-123,
(in collaboration with S. Ianus), MR 91m:53039
- A theorem on nonnegatively curved locally conformal Kähler manifolds,
Rendiconti di Matematica (Roma), serie VII, 12, (1992), 257-262, MR
- Conformal geometry of Riemannian submanifolds. Gauss, Codazzi and
Ricci equations, Rendiconti di Matematica (Roma), 15, (1995),
233-249, (in collaboration with G. Romani). Zbl. 833:53015.
- Immersions sphériques dans une variété de Hopf généralisée,
C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 316, Série I, (1993), 63-66, (in
collaboration with S. Ianus, K. Matsumoto), MR 93m:53067
- Submanifolds with parallel second fundamental form in a generalized
Hopf manifold, Ricerche di Matem. (Napoli), XLII, (1993), 3-9,
MR 95d:35066
- The fundamental equations of conformal submersions, Beiträge zur
Algebra und Geometrie / Contrib. to Alg. and Geom., 34, (1993),
233-243, (in collaboration with G. Romani), MR 95a:53055
- Locally conformal Kähler manifolds. A survey, Quaderno n. 12,
Dip. di Mat., Univ. di Roma "La Sapienza", (1994)
- Holomorphic and harmonic maps on locally conformal Kähler manifolds,
Bolletino U.M.I., (7)9-A(1995), 569-579, (in collaboration with S.
Ianus, V. Vuletescu), MR 96i:58037
- Locally conformal Kähler structures in quaternionic geometry,
Transactions Amer. Math. Soc., 349 (1997), 641-655, (in collaboration
with P. Piccinni). MR 97e:53091.
- Weyl structures on quaternionic manifolds, Proceedings of the
Meeting on Quaternionic Structures in Mathematics and Physics, Trieste 1994.
SISSA, Trieste, (1996), 261-267, (in collaboration with P. Piccinni). MR
- Induced Hopf bundles and Einstein metrics, in New developments in
differential geometry, Budapest (1996), 295-306, Kluwer (in collaboration
with P. Piccinni). MR 99k:53099.
- Compact hyperhermitian-Weyl and quaternion Hermitian-Weyl
manifolds, Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry, 16 (1998),
383-398. (in collaboration with P. Piccinni). MR 99k:53097
- Locally conformal Kähler metrics on Hopf surfaces, Annales de
l'Inst. Fourier, 48 (1998), 1107-1127 (in collaboration with P.
- Intersections of Riemannian submanifolds. Variations on a theme by T.
J. Frankel, Rendiconti di Matematica (Roma), 19 (1999), 107-121
(in collaboration with T. Bingh and L. Tamassy).
- On some moment maps and induced Hopf bundles in the quaternionic
projective space, International Journal of Math. (in collaboration with Paolo
- Reduction of Sasakian manifolds, ESI preprint 756/1999 (in
collaboration with G. Grantcharov).
- Locally conformal Kähler geometry, Progress in Mathematics 155,
Birkhäuser, 1998 (in collaboration with Sorin Dragomir).
Selected citations
- E. Bonan, Sur certaines variétés hermitiennes quaternioniques,
C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 320 (1995), no. 8, 981-984. Cites
title [13].
- S. Dragomir, R. Grimaldi, A classification of totally umbilical CR
submanifods of a generalized Hopf manifold, Bolletino U.M.I., (7)9-
A (1995), 557-568. Cites title [8].
- C. P. Boyer, K. Galicki, B. Mann, Quaternionic geometry and 3-
Sasakian manifolds, Proc. of the Meeting on "Quaternionic
structures in Geometry and Physics" Trieste, 5-9 Sept. 1994 (SISSA,
Trieste, 1996), 7-25. Cites title [13].
- K. Galicki, S. Salamon, Betti numbers of 3-Sasakian manifolds,
Geom. Dedicata, 63, (1996), 45-68. Cites title [13].
- N. M. Ostianu, Submanifolds in Differential Manifolds Endowed with
Differential-Geometrical Structures. CR-Submanifolds in Almost Complex
Structure Manifolds, J. Math. Sciences, 78 (3), 287-310, (1996).
Cites title [1].
- P. Tondeur, Geometry of foliations, Birkhäuser, 1997. Cites
title [10].
- Y. Kamishima, Locally conformal Kähler manifolds with a family of
constant curvature tensors, Kumamoto J. Math., 11, 19-41,
(1998). Cites titles [13], [21].
- V. Rovenskii, Foliations on Riemannian manifolds and submanifolds,
Birkhäuser (1998). Cites title [10].
- C. P. Boyer, K. Galicki, B. Mann, Hypercomplex structures from 3-Sasakian
structures, J. Reine Angewandte Math., 501 (1998), 115-141. Cites
titles [13], [21].
- F. A. Belgun, Géométrie conforme et géométrie CR en dimension 3
et 4,
Ph.D. thesis, Ecole Polytechnique 1999. Cites titles [13], [17], [21].
- C. P. Boyer, K. Galicki, 3-Sasakian manifolds, in "Essays on
Einstein manifolds", LeBrun and Wang eds., Int. Press 2000. Cites
title [13].
- D. Calderbank, H. Pedersen, Einstein-Weyl structures, in
"Essays on Einstein manifolds", LeBrun and Wang eds., Int. Press 2000.
Cites titles [13], [16].
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