Computing with space: a tangle formalism for chora and difference (abridged version)
Sections 3-9 of the original arXiv:1103.6007
3 Colorings of tangle diagrams
- 3.1 Oriented tangle diagrams and trivalent graphs
- 3.2 Colorings with idempotent right quasigroups
- 3.3 Emergent algebras and tangles with decorated crossings
- 3.4 Decorated binary trees
- 3.5 Linearity, self-similarity, Reidemeister III move
- 3.6 Acceptable tangle diagrams
- 3.7 Going to the limit: emergent algebras
- 4 The difference as a universal gate
- 5 The chora
- 6 How to perform Reidemeister III moves
- 7 Appendix I: From maps to dilation structures
- 8 Appendix II: Dilation structures
- 9 Supplementary material
3 Colorings of tangle diagrams
The idempotent right quasigroups are related to algebraic structures appearing in knot theory. J.C. Conway and G.C. Wraith, in their unpublished correspondence from 1959, used the name ”wrack” for a self-distributive right quasigroup generated by a link diagram. Later, Fenn and Rourke [17] proposed the name ”rack” instead. Quandles are particular case of racks, namely self-distributive idempotent right quasigroups. They were introduced by Joyce [19], as a distillation of the Reidemeister moves.
The axioms of a (rack ; quandle ; irq) correspond respectively to the (2,3 ; 1,2,3 ; 1,2) Reidemeister moves. That is why we shall use decorated braids diagrams in order to explain what emergent algebras are.
The basic idea of racks and quandles is that these are algebraic operations related to the coloring of tangles diagrams.
3.1 Oriented tangle diagrams and trivalent graphs
Visually, a oriented tangle diagram is the result of a regular projection on a plane of a properly embedded in the 3-dimensional space, oriented, one dimensional manifold, together with additional over- and under-information at crossings (adapted from the ”Tangle, relative link” article from Encyclopaedia of mathematics. Supplement. Vol. III. Edited by M. Hazewinkel. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2001, page 395).
Because the tangle diagram is oriented, there are two types of crossings, indicated in the next figure.
The tangle which projects to the tangle diagram is to be seen as a ”parameterization” of the tangle diagram. In this sense, by using the image of the tangle diagram with over- and under-crossings, it is easy to define an ”arc” of the diagram as the projection of a (part of a) 1-dimensional embedded manifold from the tangle. Arcs can be open or closed. An arc decomposes into connected parts (again by using the first image of a tangle diagram) which are called segments.
An input segment is a segment which enters (with respect to its orientation) into a crossing but it does not exit from a crossing. Likewise, an output segment is one which exits from a crossing but there is no crossing where this segment enters.
Oriented tangle diagrams are considered only up to continuous deformations of the plane.
Further I shall use, if necessary, the name ”first image of a tangle diagram”, if the oriented tangle diagram is represented with this convention. There is a ”second image”, which I explain next. In a sense, the true image of a tangle diagram is the second one, mainly because in this paper the fundamental object is the oriented tangle diagram, NOT the tangle which projects on the plane to the oriented tangle diagram.
For the second image I use a chord diagram, or a Gauss diagram type of indication of crossings. See [13] [20] for more on the mathematical aspects of chord diagrams.
We may see a crossing like a gate, or black box with two inputs and two outputs. We open the black box and inside we find a combination of two simpler gates, among the following three available: the FAN-OUT, the and the gate.
By using these gates we may transform the oriented tangle diagram into a oriented planar graph with 3-valent 2-valent or 1-valent nodes, that is into a circuit made only with these gates, connected by wires which could cross (crossings of wires in this graph has no meaning). The graph is planar in the sense that each trivalent node, which represents one of these 3 gates, inherits an orientation coming from the plane. A trivalent node is either undecorated, if it belongs to a FAN-OUT gate, or decorated by a or a , if it belongs to a gate or a gate respectively.
This graph is obtained by the following procedure. 1-valent nodes represent input or output tangle segments. 2-valent nodes are used for closing an arc. These 2-valent nodes can be replaced by 3-valent nodes (corresponding to FAN-OUT gates), with the price of introducing also a 1-valent node. Crossings are replaced by combinations of trivalent nodes, as explained in the next figure.
In the second image of a tangle diagram, all segments are wires connecting the nodes of the graph, but some wires are not segments, namely the ones which connect a FAN-OUT with the corresponding gate or gate (i.e. with the gate which constitutes together with the respective FAN-OUT a coding for a over- or under-crossing). The wires which are not segments are called ”chords”.
Arcs appear as connected unions of segments with compatible orientations (such that we can choose a segment of the arc and then walk along the whole arc, by following the local directions indicated by each segment). By walking along an arc, we can recognize the crossings: undecorated nodes correspond to over-crossings and decorated nodes to under-crossings.
As a circuit made by gates (in the second image), a tangle diagram appears as an ordered list of its crossings gates, each crossing gate being given as a pair of FAN-OUT and one of the other two gates. 1-valent nodes appear as input nodes (in a separate INPUT list), or as output nodes (in the OUTPUT list). The wiring is given as a matrix of connectivity, namely the element corresponding to the pair of nodes (from the trivalent and 1-valent graph, independently on the pairing of nodes given by the crossings) is equal to if there is a wire oriented from to to , otherwise is equal to . The definition is unambiguous because from to can be at most one oriented wire.
3.2 Colorings with idempotent right quasigroups
Let be a set of colors which will be used to decorate the segments in a (oriented) tangle diagram. There are two binary operations on related to the coloring, as shown in the next figure.
Notice that only matters the orientation of the arc which passes over.
We have therefore a set endowed with two operations and . We want these operations to satisfy some conditions which ensure that the decoration of the segments of the tangle diagram rest unchanged after performing a Reidemeister move I or II on the tangle diagram. This is explained further. We show only the part of a (larger) diagram which changes during a Reidemeister move, with the convention that what is not shown will not change after the Reidemeister move is done.
The first condition, related to the Reidemeister move I, is depicted in the next figure.
It means that we can decorate ”tadpoles” such that we may remove them (by using the Reidemeister move I) afterwards. In algebraic terms, this condition means that we want the operations and to be idempotent:
for all .
The second condition is related to the Reidemeister II move. It means that we can decorate the segments of a pair of arcs as shown in the following picture, in such a way that we can perform the Reidemeister II move and eliminate a pair of ”opposite” crossings.
This condition translates in algebraic terms into saying that is a right quasigroup. Namely we want that
for all . This is the same as asking that for any and in , the equation has a solution, which is unique, then denote the solution by . All in all, a set which has the properties related to the first two Reidemeister moves is called an idempotent right quasigroup, or irq for short.
Definition 3.1
A right quasigroup is a set with a binary operation such that for each there exists a unique such that . We write the solution of this equation .
An idempotent right quasigroup (irq) is a right quasigroup such that for any . Equivalently, it can be seen as a set endowed with two operations and , which satisfy the following axioms: for any
The Reidemeister III move concerns the sliding of an arc (indifferent of orientation) under a crossing. In the next figure it is shown only one possible sliding movement.
Such a sliding move is possible, without modifying the coloring, if and only if the operation is left distributive with respect to the operation . (For the other possible choices of crossings, the ”sliding” movement corresponding to the Reidemeister III move is possible if and only if is distributive with respect to and also the operations and are self distributive).
With this self-distributivity property, is called a quandle. A well known quandle (therefore also an irq) is the Alexander quandle: consider with the operations
The operations in the Alexander quandle are therefore dilations in euclidean spaces.
Important remark.
Further I shall NOT see oriented tangle diagrams as objects associated to a tangle in three-dimensional space. That is because I am going to renounce to the Reidemeister III move. This interpretation, of being projections of tangles in space, is only for keeping a visually based vocabulary, like ”over”, ”under”, ”sliding an arc under another” and so on.
3.3 Emergent algebras and tangles with decorated crossings
I shall adapt the tangle diagram coloring, presented in the previous section, for better understanding of the formalism of dilation structures. In fact we shall arrive to a more algebraic concept, more basic in some sense that the one of dilation structures, named ”emergent algebra”.
The first step towards this goal is to consider richer decorations as previously. We could decorate not only the connected components of tangle diagrams but also the crossings. I use for crossing decorations the scale parameter. Formally the scale parameter belongs to a commutative group . In this paper is comfortable to think that with the operation of multiplication or real numbers.
Here is the rule of decoration of tangle diagrams, by using a dilation structure:
In terms of idempotent right quasigroups, instead of one , we have a family , for all . In terms of dilation structures, the operations are:
This implies that virtual crossings are allowed. A virtual crossing is just a crossing where nothing happens, a crossing with decoration .
Equivalent with the first two axioms of dilation structures, is that for all the triples are idempotent right quasigroups (irqs), moreover we want that for any the mapping
to be an action of on . This reflects into the following rules for combinations of decorated crossings.
The equality sign means that we can replace one tangle diagram by the other.
In particular, we get an interpretation for the crossing decorated by a scale parameter. Look first to this equality of tangle diagrams.
If we fix the , take for example , then any crossing decorated by a power of this is equivalent with a chain of crossings decorated with , with virtual crossings inserted in between.
The usual interpretation of virtual crossings is that these are crossings which are not really there. Alternatively, but only to get an intuitive image, we may imagine that a crossing decorated with is equivalent with the projection of a helix arc with turns around an imaginary cylinder.
Thus, for example if we take as a ”basis”, then a crossing decorated with the scale parameter could be imagined as the projection of a helix arc with turns.
The sequence of irqs is the same as the algebraic object called a -irq. The definition is given further (remember that for the needs of this paper ).
Definition 3.2
Let be a commutative group. A -idempotent right quasigroup is a set with a function such that for any the pair is a irq and moreover for any and any we have
Rules concerning wires.
(W1) We may join two wires decorated by the same element of the -irq and with the same orientation.
(W2) We may change the orientation in a wire which passes over others, but we must invert (power ”-1”) the decoration of each crossing.
3.4 Decorated binary trees
Here I use the second image of a oriented tangle diagram in order to understand the rules of decoration and movements described in the previous section.
In this interpretation an oriented tangle diagram is an oriented planar graph with 3-valent and 1-valent nodes (input or exit nodes), connected by wires which could cross (crossings of wires in this graph has no meaning).
In fact we consider trivalent oriented planar graphs (together with 1-valent nodes representing inputs and outputs), with wires (and input, output nodes) decorated by elements of a -irq . The nodes are either undecorated (corresponding to FAN-OUT gates) or decorated by pairs or , with . The rules of decoration are the following.
The trivalent graph is obtained from the tangle diagram by the procedure of replacing crossings with pairs of gates consisting of one FAN-OUT and one of the or gates, explained in the next figure.
In terms of trivalent graphs, the condition (R1) from definition 3.1 applied for the irq is graphically translated into the following identity (passing from one term of the identity to another is a ”Reidemeister I move”).
There are two more groups of identities (or moves), which describe the mechanisms of coloring trivalent graphs -irqs. The first group consists in ”triangle moves”. This corresponds to Reidemeister move II and to the condition from the end of definition 3.2.
The second groups is equivalent with the re-wiring move (W1) and the relation .
3.5 Linearity, self-similarity, Reidemeister III move
Let be an invertible function. We can use the tangle formalism for picturing the function . To is associated a special curved segment, figured by a double line. The crossings passing under this double line are colored following the rules explained in this figure.
Suppose that and are endowed with a -irq structure (in particular, we may suppose that they are endowed with dilation structures). Consider the following sliding movement.
The crossing decorated with from the left hand side diagram is in (as well as the rules of decoration with the -irq of ). Similarly, the crossing decorated with from the right hand side diagram is in . Therefore these two diagrams are equal (or we may pass from one to another by a sliding movement) if and only if transforms an operation into another, equivalently if is a morphism of -irqs.
This sliding movement becomes the Reidemeister III move in the case of and equal to a dilation of , .
Definition 3.3
A function is linear if and only if it is a morphism of -irqs (of and respectively). Moreover, if and are endowed with dilation structures then is linear if it is a morphism, written in terms of dilations notation as: for any and any
which is also a Lipschitz map from to as metric spaces.
A dilation structure is self-similar (for a and , different from , the neutral element of ) if the dilation is linear from to itself and moreover for any we have
A dilation structure is linear if it is self-similar with respect to any and .
Thus the Reidemeister III move is compatible with the tangle coloring by a dilation structure if and only if the dilation structure is linear.
Conical groups are groups endowed with a one-parameter family of dilation morphisms. From the viewpoint of -irqs, they are equivalent with linear dilation structures (theorem 6.1 [6], see also the Appendix).
A real vector space is a particular case of Carnot group. It is a commutative (hence nilpotent) group with the addition of vectors operation and it has a one-parameter family of dilations defined by the multiplication of vectors by positive scalars.
Carnot groups which are not commutative provide therefore a generalization of a vector space. Noncommutative Carnot groups are aplenty, in particular the simplest noncommutative Carnot groups are the Heisenberg groups, that is the simply connected Lie groups with the Lie algebra defined by the Heisenberg noncommutativity relations.
For me Carnot groups, or conical groups, are just linear objects. (By extension, manifolds, which are assemblies of open subsets of vector spaces, are locally linear objects as well. Moreover, they are ”commutative”, because the model of the tangent space at a point is a commutative Carnot group.)
It is also easy to explain graphically the transport of a dilation structure, or of a -irq from to , by using .
The transport operation amounts to adding a double circle decorated by , which overcrosses the whole diagram (in this case a diagram containing only one crossing). If we use the map-territory distinction, then inside the circle we are in , outside we are in .
It is obvious that is linear if and only if the transported dilation structure on (by ) coincides with the dilation structure on . Shortly said, encirclings by linear functions can be removed from the diagram.
In this tangle decoration formalism we have no reason to suppose that the dilations structures which we use are linear. This would be an unnecessary limitation of the dilation structure (or emergent algebra) formalism. That is why the Reidemeister III move is not an acceptable move in this formalism.
The last axiom (A4) of dilation structures can be translated into an algebraic statement which will imply a weak form of the Reidemeister III move, namely that this move can be done IN THE LIMIT.
3.6 Acceptable tangle diagrams
Consider a tangle diagram with decorated crossings, but with undecorated segments.
A notation for such a diagram is , where are decorations of the 3-valent nodes (in the second image) or decorations of the crossings (in the first image of a tangle diagram).
A tangle diagram is ”acceptable” if there exists at least a decoration of the input segments such that all the segments of the diagram can be decorated according to the rules specified previously, maybe non-uniquely.
A set of parameters of an acceptable tangle diagram is any coloring of a part of the segments of the diagram such that any coloring of the input segments which are already not colored by parameters, can be completed in a way which is unique for the output segments (which are not already colored by parameters).
Given an acceptable tangle diagram which admits a set of parameters, we shall see it as a function from the colorings of the input to the colorings of the output, with parameters from the set of parameters and with ”scale parameters” the decorations of the crossings.
Given one acceptable tangle diagram which admits a set of parameters, given a set of parameters for it, we can choose one or more crossings and their decorations (scale parameters) as ”scale variables”. This is equivalent to considering a sequence of acceptable tangle diagrams, indexed by a multi-index of scale variables (i.e. taking values in some cartesian power of ). Each member of the sequence has the same tangle diagram, with the same set of parameters, with the same decorations of crossings which are not variables; the only difference is in the decoration of the crossings chosen as variables.
Associated to such a sequence is the sequence of input-output functions of these diagrams. We shall consider uniform convergence of these functions with respect to compact sets of inputs.
All this is needed to formulate the emergent algebra correspondent of axiom A4 of dilation structures.
3.7 Going to the limit: emergent algebras
Basically, I see a decorated tangle diagram as an expression dependent on the decorations of the crossings. More precisely, I shall reserve the letter for an element of which will be conceived as going to zero. This is the same kind of reasoning as for the zoom sequences in the section dedicated to maps.
Why is such a thing interesting? Let me give some examples.
Finite differences.
We use the convention of adding to the tangle diagram supplementary arcs decorated by homeomorphisms. Let such a homeomorphism. I want to be able to differentiate the homeomorphism , in the sense of dilation structures.
For this I need a notion of finite differences. These appear as the following diagram.
Indeed, suppose for simplicity that and are finite dimensional normed vector spaces, with distance given by the norm and dilations
Then we have:
Pansu [26] generalized this definition of finite differences from real vector spaces to Carnot groups, which are nilpotent graduated simply connected Lie groups, a particular example of conical groups.
It is true that the diagram which encodes finite differences is not, technically speaking, of the type explain previously, because it has a segment (the one decorated by ), which is different from the other segments. But it is easy to see that all the mathematical formalism can be modified easily in order to accommodate such edges decorated with homeomorphism.
The notion of differentiability of is obtained by asking that the sequence of input-output functions associated to the ”finite difference” diagram, with parameter ”” and variable ””, converges uniformly on compact sets. See definition 8.12.
Difference gates.
For any , the -difference gate, is described by the next figure.
Here is a construct made from operations , . It corresponds to the difference coming from changing the viewpoint, in the map-territory frame. In terms of dilation structures, is the approximate difference which appears in axiom A4. In terms of notations of a -irq, from the figure we can compute as
The geometric meaning of is that it is indeed a kind of approximate difference between the vectors and , by means of a generalization of the parallelogram law of vector addition. This is shown in the following figure, where straight lines have been replaced by slightly curved ones in order to suggest that this construction has meaning in settings far more general than euclidean spaces, like in Carnot-Caratheodory or sub-riemannian geometry, as shown in [2], or generalized (noncommutative) affine geometry [3], for length metric spaces with dilations [5] or even for normed groupoids [11].
The -sum gate is described in the next figure.
Similar comments can be made, concerning the sum gate. It is the approximate sum appearing in the axiom A4 of dilation structures.
Finally, there is another important tangle diagram, called -inverse gate. It is, at closer look, a particular case of a difference gate (take in the difference diagram).
The relevant outputs of the previously introduced gates, namely the approximate difference, sum and inverse functions, are described in the next definition, in terms of decorated binary trees (trivalent graphs). I am going to ignore the trees constructed from FAN-OUT gates, replacing them by patterns of decorations (of leaves of the binary trees). In the following all tree nodes are decorated with the same label and edges are oriented upwards.
Definition 3.4
We define the difference, sum and inverse trees given by:
The following proposition contains the main relations between the difference, sum and inverse gates. They can all be proved by this tangle diagram formalism. In [2] I explained these relations as appearing from the equivalent formalism using binary decorated trees.
Proposition 3.5
Let be a -irq. Then we have the relations:
(difference is the inverse of sum)
(sum is the inverse of difference)
(difference approximately equals the sum of the inverse)
(inverse operation is approximatively an involution)
(approximate associativity of the sum)
(neutral element at right).
We shall use the tree formalism to prove some of these relations. For complete proofs see [2].
For example, in order to prove (b) we do the following calculus:
The relation (c) is obtained from:
Relation (e) (which is a kind of associativity relation) is obtained from:
Finally, for proving relation (g) we use also the rule (R1).
Emergent algebras.
See [7] for all details.
Definition 3.6
A -uniform irq, or emergent algebra is a separable uniform space which is also a -irq, with continuous operations, such that:
the operation is compactly contractive: for each compact set and open set , with , there is an open set with for any and for any and , we have ;
the following limits exist for any
and are uniform with respect to in a compact set.
Dilation structures are also emergent algebras. In fact, emergent algebras are generalizations of dilation structures, where the distance is no longer needed.
The main property of a uniform irq is the following. It is a consequence of relations from proposition 3.5.
Theorem 3.7
Let be a uniform irq. Then for any the operation gives the structure of a conical group with the dilation .
Pass to the limit in the relations from proposition 3.5. We can do this exactly because of the uniformity assumptions. We therefore have a series of algebraic relations which can be used to get the conclusion.
4 The difference as a universal gate
Because Reidemeister 3 moves are forbidden, the following configurations, called difference gates, become important. Each of them is related to either the -sum or -difference functions.
There are 8 difference gates. Remark that in these 4 drawings the line which passes under the other two is not oriented. This line can be oriented in two possible ways, therefore to each of the 4 figures correspond two figures with all lines oriented. Also, depending on the choice of the input-output, differences are converted into sums.
We may take this diagrams as primitives, as universal gates. It is enough to notice that a decorated crossing can be expressed as a difference diagram, or gate.
In the spirit of Conservative Logic of Fredkin and Toffoli [29], we can see a decorated tangle diagram as a circuit build from several gates, all derived from the universal difference gates. From this point of view, the following gate could be seen as a kind of approximate fan-out gate, called -fan-out.
The -inverse gate can be seen as a NOT gate, in particular because it is involutive.
A difference is constructed from three crossings. Each crossing in turn may be expressed by a difference gate. By recycling data and garbage, we see that a difference is self-similar: it decomposes into three differences, as shown in the next figure.
5 The chora
5.1 Definition of chora and nested tangle diagrams
The origin of the name ”chora” is in Plato’ dialogue Timaeus, see relevant quotations form this dialogue in the section dedicated to it. The name ”chora” means ”place” in ancient greek. In the light of the introduction, indeed a chora decorated with and scale parameter seems appropriate for defining a part of the territory around , seen at scale . A chora is a oriented tangle diagram with decorated crossings which can be transformed after a finite number of moves into a diagram like the one figured next.
The chora has a ”boundary”, which is decorated in the figure by and an ”interior”, which is a braid, such that several conditions are fulfilled.
Boundary of a chora.
As is seen in the preceding figure, the boundary of a chora is equivalent by re-wiring to a simple closed curve oriented in the counter-clock sense, decorated by an element , such that it passes over in all crossings and it is not involved in any virtual crossing. Moreover, all crossings where the boundary is involved are decorated with the same scale variable ( in the figure).
After re-wiring, a chora (and its boundary) looks like this:
As explained in the first section, we adopt the following notation for a chora: we choose not to decorate the crossings with the simple closed curve obtained by joining segments decorated with , because they all have the same decoration , but instead decorate the whole curve with .
Interior of a chora.
The interior of a chora is the diagram located in the bounded region of the plane encircled by the close curve which defines the chora. The diagram is such that it can be transformed by Reidemeister II moves into a braid, which has an input (segments entering into the chora), output (segments going out from the chora) and parameters which decorate input segments connected with output segments (the arcs figured in the first drawing of a chora, which connect inputs with outputs).
Nested choroi.
A nested configuration of choroi (”choroi” is the greek plural of ”chora”) is a collection of simple closed curves satisfying the conditions of a boundary of a chora, such that for any two such curves either the interior of one is inside the other, or they have disjoint interiors.
Here is an example of a diagram containing three choroi, in a nested configuration. (The irrelevant decorations of the segments were ignored.)
On parameters.
By definition, a simple chora is one without parameters, i.e. without arcs connecting inputs with outputs. We want to be able to have nested configurations of choroi. For this we need parameters.
Indeed, look at the preceding figure, at the chora . Let us transform it into a chora diagram as the one figured at the beginning of this section. At the beginning the diagram looks like this. ”1”, ”2” are the inputs, ”3”, ”4” are the outputs.
After re-wiring, the diagram starts to look like a chora, only that the interior is not a braid.
We pull the boundary of chora down, slide it under the boundary of chora and we finally obtain a figure like the first one in this section.
The new segment which appeared is decorated by the parameter . By the rules of decoration, we have a relation between :
so the chora is in fact decorated by .
Note that, however, a ”chora” is a notation on the tangle diagram. We choose to join segments in a simple closed curve, but this could be done in several ways, starting from the same decorated tangle diagram. In this sense, as Plato writes, a chora ”is apprehended without the help of sense, by a kind of spurious reason, and is hardly real; […] Of these and other things of the same kind, relating to the true and waking reality of nature, we have only this dreamlike sense, and we are unable to cast off sleep and determine the truth about them.”
For example, look at the first diagram from the next figure. This diagram is called an ”elementary chora”. Such a diagram could be obtained from several other diagrams, among them the following two (second and third from the next figure), called states of the elementary chora.
By making Reidemeister 2 moves, we may split a big chora diagram into smaller choroi. Conversely, we may join two choroi in a bigger chora. Moreover, starting from a big chora, we can split it into into elementary choroi. An example is figured further.
5.2 Decompositions into choroi and differences
An elementary chora can be decomposed in two ways into two differences and a crossing. Therefore an elementary chora is a particular combination of three universal difference gates.
Likewise, the chora inside a chora diagram decomposes into a chora and four difference gates.
Here I applied repeatedly a trick based on the Reidemeister II move, look at the small parts of the diagram encircled by dashed curves.
Imagine now that we contemplate a diagram presenting a nested collection of choroi. In order to simplify it as much as possible, we can apply the chora-inside-a-chora decomposition, but this operation could leave us with difference-inside-a-chora diagrams.
By applying a trick involving Reidemeister II moves, resembling with the preceding one, we find out that the difference-inside-a-chora decomposes as four differences.
Theorem 5.1
Let be an acceptable oriented tangle diagram formed by a collection of nested choroi, colored with a uniform -irq, such that any crossing is either a crossing with a chora or is inside a chora. For this diagram take as scale variables and parameters the decorations of the choroi. Then is equivalent with a diagram made only with difference gates with crossings decorated by one of the scale variables and with elementary choroi decorated with products of the scale variables and with elements of which are expressed as functions of scale variables, parameters, and input decorations.
The hypothesis is such that we can apply repeatedly chora-in-chora or difference-in-chora decompositions, until we transform all choroi into elementary choroi. We see that the difference gates which appear will be decorated by scale variables and that the decorations from of the intermediate and final choroi are all expressible as outputs of diagrams decorated with scale variables, parameters, input and output decorations. But the output decorations are themselves functions of parameters, scale parameters and inputs.
6 How to perform Reidemeister III moves
In this formalism we cannot perform the Reidemeister III move. However, we can do this move inside a chora, in a approximate sense.
Indeed, I shall use for this a void chora, equivalently, a particular decorated braid which is equivalent by Reidemeister 2 moves (in the language of tangles) with the identity braid. In the next figure we see this braid at the left and the equivalent void chora at the right.
Let us put this void chora at the right of the diagram which is the subject of a Reidemeister III move (inside a chora). The diagrams interact by re-wiring and Reidemeister II moves.
Now we see that the Reidemeister III move was performed (the diagram from the right of the last line), only that there is a residual diagram, the one from the left of the last line. I reproduce this residue, in two equivalent forms, in the next figure.
Theorem 6.1
With the notation of the last figure, we have:
uniformly with respect to in compact sets.
Let us look at a decorated elementary chora.
Because it decomposes into difference and sum gates which converge as goes to zero, in follows that the (input-output function associated to the) elementary chora diagram converges, uniformly with respect to in compact sets, to a (function associated to) the gate:
Here the function is the dilation structure in the tangent space at . Equivalently, is the limit, as goes to zero, of the transport of the original dilation structure by the ”map” . This is a linear dilation structure, fact which ”explains” why Reidemeister III move can be done in the limit (that is, for tangles decorated with linear dilation structures).
I shall exploit the fact that the convergence is uniform. A written proof with lots of symbols can be easily written, but instead I draw the residue diagram in the following equivalent form (using the chora-inside-chora decomposition and some Reidemeister II moves):
What we see is that inside the chora we compose two elementary choroi: the transport of the original dilation structure by (at the left) with the inverse of the transport of the original dilation structure by (at the right). Otherwise said, we compare the map of the territory at scale with the one at scale , as goes to zero. I explained previously that the axiom A4 of dilation structures (or the last axiom of uniform -irqs, more generally) is an expression of the stability of the ”ideal foveal maps” provided by the dilations, which translates into the fact that this composition converges to the identity map. There is though a supplementary observation to make: the basepoint of these maps is not , but , which moves, as goes to zero, to . Here is where I use the uniformity of the convergence, which implies that the convergence to the identity still holds, even for this situation where the basepoint itself converges to .
7 Appendix I: From maps to dilation structures
Imagine that the metric space represents a territory. We want to make maps of in the metric space (a piece of paper, or a scaled model).
In fact, in order to understand the territory , we need many maps, at many scales. For any point and any scale we shall make a map of a neighbourhood of , ideally. In practice, a good knowledge of a territory amounts to have, for each of several scales an atlas of maps of overlapping parts of (which together form a cover of the territory ). All the maps from all the atlasses have to be compatible one with another.
The ideal model of such a body of knowledge is embodied into the notion of a manifold. To have as a manifold over the model space means exactly this.
Examples from metric geometry (like sub-riemannian spaces) show that the manifold idea could be too rigid in some situations. We shall replace it with the idea of a dilation structure.
We shall see that a dilation structure (the right generalization of a smooth space, like a manifold), represents an idealization of the more realistic situation of having at our disposal many maps, at many scales, of the territory, with the property that the accuracy, precision and resolution of such maps, and of relative maps deduced from them, are controlled by the scale (as the scale goes to zero, to infinitesimal).
There are two facts which I need to stress. First is that such a generalization is necessary. Indeed, by looking at the large gallery of metric spaces which we now know, the metric spaces with a manifold structure form a tiny and very very particular class. Second is that we tend to take for granted the body of knowledge represented by a manifold structure (or by a dilation structure). Think as an example at the manifold structure of the Earth. It is an idealization of the collection of all cartographic maps of parts of the Earth. This is a huge data basis and it required a huge amount of time and energy in order to be constructed. To know, understand the territory is a huge task, largely neglected. We ”have” a manifold, ”let be a manifold”. And even if we do not doubt that the physical space (whatever that means) is a boring , it is nevertheless another task to determine with the best accuracy possible a certain point in that physical space, based on the knowledge of the coordinates. For example GPS costs money and time to build and use. Or, it is rather easy to collide protons, but to understand and keep the territory fixed (more or less) with respect to the map, that is where most of the effort goes.
A model of such a map of in is a relation , a subset of a cartesian product of two sets. A particular type of relation is the graph of a function , defined as the relation
but there are many relations which cannot be described as graphs of functions.
Imagine that pairs are pairs
(point in the space , pixel in the ”map space” Y)
with the meaning that the point in is represented as the pixel in .
I don’t suppose that there is a one-to-one correspondence between points in and pixels in , for various reasons, for example: due to repeated measurements there is no unique way to associate pixel to a point, or a point to a pixel. The relation represents the cloud of pairs point-pixel which are compatible with all measurements.
I shall use this model of a map for simplicity reasons. A better, more realistic model could be one using probability measures, but this model is sufficient for the needs of this paper.
For a given map the point in the space is associated the set of points in the ”map space” . Similarly, to the ”pixel” in the ”map space” is associated the set of points in the space .
A good map is one which does not distort distances too much. Specifically, considering any two points and any two pixels which represent these points, i.e. , the distortion of distances between these points is measured by the number
7.1 Accuracy, precision, resolution, Gromov-Hausdorff distance
Notations concerning relations.
Even if relations are more general than (graphs of) functions, there is no harm to use, if needed, a functional notation. For any relation we shall write or if . Therefore we may have and with , if and . In some drawings, relations will be figured by a large arrow, as shown further.
The domain of the relation is the set such that for any there is with . The image of is the set of such that for any there is with . By convention, when we write that a statement is true, we mean that is true for any choice of , such that .
The inverse of a relation is the relation
and if , are two relations, their composition is defined as
I shall use the following convenient notation: by we mean a positive function such that .
In metrology, by definition, accuracy is [25] 2.13 (3.5) ”closeness of agreement between a measured quantity value and a true quantity value of a measurand”. (Measurement) precision is [25] 2.15 ”closeness of agreement between indications or measured quantity values obtained by replicate measurements on the same or similar objects under specified conditions”. Resolution is [25] 2.15 ”smallest change in a quantity being measured that causes a perceptible change in the corresponding indication”.
For our model of a map, if then represent the measurement of . Moreover, because we see a map as a relation, the definition of the resolution can be restated as the supremum of distances between points in which are represented by the same pixel. Indeed, if the distance between two points in is bigger than this supremum then they cannot be represented by the same pixel.
Definition 7.1
Let be a relation which represents a map of into . To this map are associated three quantities: accuracy, precision and resolution.
The accuracy of is defined by:
(13) |
The resolution of at is
(14) |
and the resolution of is given by:
(15) |
The precision of at is
(16) |
and the precision of is given by:
(17) |
After measuring (or using other means to deduce) the distances between all pairs of points in (we may have several values for the distance ), we try to represent the collection of these distances in . When we make a map we are not really measuring the distances between all points in , then representing them as accurately as possible in .
What we do is that we consider a relation , with domain which is -dense in , then we perform a ” cartographic generalization”101010, ”Cartographic generalization is the method whereby information is selected and represented on a map in a way that adapts to the scale of the display medium of the map, not necessarily preserving all intricate geographical or other cartographic details. of the relation to a relation , a map of in , for example as in the following definition.
Definition 7.2
A subset of a metric space is -dense in if for any there is such that .
Let be a relation such that is -dense in and is -dense in . We define then by: if there is such that and .
If is a relation as described in definition 7.2 then accuracy , and control the precision and resolution . Moreover, the accuracy, precision and resolution of are controlled by those of and , , as well. This is explained in the next proposition.
Proposition 7.3
Let and be as described in definition 7.2. Then:
Remark that (a), (b) are immediate consequences of definition 17 and that (c) and (d) must have identical proofs, just by switching with and with respectively. I shall prove therefore (c) and (e).
For proving (c), consider . By definition of we write
Therefore we get
By taking the supremum over all we obtain the inequality
For the other inequality, let us consider and such that . Then:
Take now a supremum and arrive to the desired inequality.
For the proof of (e) let us consider for such that . It is then enough to take absolute values and transform the following equality
into well chosen, but straightforward, inequalities.
The following definition of the Gromov-Hausdorff distance for metric spaces is natural, owing to the fact that the accuracy (as defined in definition 17) controls the precision and resolution.
Definition 7.4
Let , , be a pair of metric spaces and . We shall say that is admissible if there is a relation such that , , and . The Gromov-Hausdorff distance between and is the infimum of admissible numbers .
As introduced in definition 7.4, the Gromov-Hausdorff (GH) distance is not a true distance, because the GH distance between two isometric metric spaces is equal to zero. In fact the GH distance induces a distance on isometry classes of compact metric spaces.
The GH distance thus represents a lower bound on the accuracy of making maps of into . Surprising as it might seem, there are many examples of pairs of metric spaces with the property that the GH distance between any pair of closed balls from these spaces, considered with the distances properly rescaled, is greater than a strictly positive number, independent of the choice of the balls. Simply put: there are pairs of spaces , such that is impossible to make maps of parts of into with arbitrarily small accuracy.
Any measurement is equivalent with making a map, say of (the territory of the phenomenon) into (the map space of the laboratory). The possibility that there might a physical difference (manifested as a strictly positive GH distance) between these two spaces, even if they both might be topologically the same (and with trivial topology, say of a ), is ignored in physics, apparently. On one side, there is no experimental way to confirm that a territory is the same at any scale (see the section dedicated to the notion of scale), but much of physical explanations are based on differential calculus, which has as the most basic assumption that locally and infinitesimally the territory is the same. On the other side the imposibility of making maps of the phase space of a quantum object into the macroscopic map space of the laboratory might be a manifestation of the fact that there is a difference (positive GH distance between maps of the territory realised with the help of physical phenomena) between ”small” and ”macroscopic” scale.
7.2 Scale
Let . A map of into , at scale is a map of into . Indeed, if this map would have accuracy equal to then a value of a distance between points in equal to would correspond to a value of the distance between the corresponding points on the map in equal to .
In cartography, maps of the same territory done at smaller and smaller scales (smaller and smaller ) must have the property that, at the same resolution, the accuracy and precision (as defined in definition 17) have to become smaller and smaller.
In mathematics, this could serve as the definition of the metric tangent space to a point in , as seen in .
Definition 7.5
We say that () represents the (pointed unit ball in the) metric tangent space at of if there exist a pair formed by:
a ”zoom sequence”, that is a sequence
such that , , for any and
a ”zoom modulus” such that ,
such that for all we have .
Using the notation proposed previously, we can write , if there is no need to precisely specify a zoom modulus function.
Let us write again the definition of resolution, accuracy, precision, in the presence of scale. The accuracy of is defined by:
(18) |
The resolution of at is
(19) |
and the resolution of is given by:
(20) |
The precision of at is
(21) |
and the precision of is given by:
(22) |
If represents the (pointed unit ball in the) metric tangent space at of and is the sequence of maps at smaller and smaller scale, then we have:
(23) |
(24) |
(25) |
Of course, relation (23) implies the other two, but it is interesting to notice the mechanism of rescaling.
7.3 Scale stability. Viewpoint stability
I shall suppose further that there is a metric tangent space at and I shall work with a zoom sequence of maps described in definition 7.5.
Let be two scales. Suppose we have the maps of the territory , around , at scales and ,
made into the tangent space at , . The ball has then two maps. These maps are at different scales: the first is done at scale , the second is done at scale .
What are the differences between these two maps? We could find out by defining a new map
(26) |
and measuring its accuracy, with respect to the distances (on the domain) and (on the image).
Let us consider and such that . Then:
We have therefore an estimate for the accuracy of the map , coming from estimate (23) applied for and :
(27) |
This explains the cascading of errors phenomenon, namely, for fixed , as goes to the accuracy of the map becomes smaller and smaller, meaning that the maps of the ball at the scales (properly rescaled) are more and more alike. On the contrary, for fixed , as goes to , the bound on the accuracy becomes bigger and bigger, meaning that by using only the map at scale , magnifications of a smaller scale region of this map may be less accurate than the map of this smaller region done at the smaller scale.
I shall add a supplementary hypothesis to the one concerning the existence of the metric tangent space. It is somehow natural to suppose that as converges to the map converges to a map . This is described further.
Definition 7.6
Let the zoom sequence be as in definition 7.5 and for given , the map be defined as in (26). We say that the zoom sequence is scale stable at scale if there is a relation such that the Haussorff distance between and , in the metric space with the distance
can be estimated as:
with . Such a function is called a scale stability modulus of the zoom sequence .
This means that for any there is a sequence such that
Proposition 7.7
Indeed, for any let us consider such that
Then we get the following inequality, using also the cascading of errors inequality (27),
We pass with to in order to obtain the conclusion.
Instead of changing the scale (i.e. understanding the scale stability of the zoom sequence), we could explore what happens when we change the point of view.
This time we have a zoom sequence, a scale and two points: and . To the point from the map space corresponds a point such that
The points are neighbours, in the sense that . The points of which are in the intersection
are represented by both maps, and . These maps are different; the relative map between them is defined as:
(28) |
and it is called ”difference at scale , from to , as seen from ”.
The viewpoint stability of the zoom sequence is expressed as the scale stability: the zoom sequence is stable if the difference at scale converges in the sense of Hausdorff distance, as goes to .
Definition 7.8
There is a proposition analoguous with proposition 7.7, stating that the difference relation is the graph of an isometry of .
7.4 Foveal maps
The following proposition shows that if we have a scale stable zoom sequence of maps as in definitions 7.5 and 7.6 then we can improve every member of the sequence such that all maps from the new zoom sequence have better accuracy near the ”center” of the map , which justifies the name ”foveal maps”.
Definition 7.9
Let be a scale stable zoom sequence. We define for any the -foveal map made of all pairs such that
if then ,
or else .
Proposition 7.10
Let be a scale stable zoom sequence with associated zoom modulus and scale stability modulus . The sequence of -foveal maps is then a scale stable zoom sequence with zoom modulus . Moreover, the accuracy of the restricted foveal map is bounded by , therefore the right hand side term in the cascading of errors inequality (27), applied for the restricted foveal map, can be improved to .
Let . Then there are and such that , , , and
Let and such that . According to the definition of , it follows that there are uniquely defined such that and . We then have:
Thus we proved that the accuracy of the restricted foveal map
is bounded by :
(29) |
If and then , therefore
Suppose now that and but . We have then:
We proved that the sequence of -foveal maps is a zoom sequence with zoom modulus .
In order to prove that the sequence is scale stable, we have to compute , graphically shown in the next figure.
We see that implies that or . From here we deduce that the sequence of foveal maps is scale stable and that
is a scale stability modulus for the foveal sequence.
8 Appendix II: Dilation structures
From definition 7.9 we see that
(30) |
Remark that if the -foveal map coincides with the chart for every (that is, if the zoom sequence is already so good that it cannot be improved by the construction of foveal maps), then relation (30) becomes
(31) |
By proposition 7.7, it follows that -foveal map at scale is just a dilation of a part of the -foveal map at scale .
An idealization of these ”perfect”, stable zoom sequences which cannot be improved by the -foveal map construction for any , are dilation structures.
There are several further assumptions, which clearly amount to yet other idealizations. These are the following:
the ”map is the territory assumption”, namely , the ”map space” is included in , the ”territory”, and .
”functions instead relations”, that is the perfect stable zoom sequences are graphs of functions, called dilations. That means:
”hidden uniformity”, that is: in order to pass to the limit in various situations, we could choose the zoom modulus and stability modulus to not depend on . This innocuous assumption is the least obvious, but necessary one.
With these idealizations in force, remember that we want our dilations to form a stable zoom sequence and we want also the subtler viewpoint stability, which consists in being able to change the point of view in a coherent way, as the scale goes to zero. These are the axioms of a dilation structure.
We shall use here a slightly particular version of dilation structures. For the general definition of a dilation structure see [2]. More about this, as well as about length dilation structures, see [5].
Definition 8.1
Let be a complete metric space such that for any the closed ball is compact. A dilation structure over is the assignment to any and of a homeomorphism, defined as: if then , else , with the following properties.
For any the sets are open neighbourhoods of . There are such that for any and any we have:
Moreover for any compact set there are and such that for all and all , we have .
For any and . Consider the closure of the set
seen in endowed with the product topology. The function , is continuous, admits a continuous extension over and we have .
For any , and , whenever one of the sides are well defined we have the equality .
For any there is a distance function , defined for any in the closed ball (in distance d) , such that uniformly with respect to in compact set we have the limit:
Let us define . Then we have the limit, uniformly with respect to in compact set,
8.1 Dilations as morphisms: towards the chora
It is algebraically straightforward to transport a dilation structure: given a dilation structure and a uniformly continuous homeomorphism from (as a topological space) to another topological space (actually more than a topological space, it should be a space endowed with an uniformity), we can define the transport of by as the dilation structure . The distance is defined as
which is a true distance, because we supposed to be a homeomorphism. For any and , we define the new dilation based at , of coefficient , applied to as
It is easy to check that this is indeed a dilation structure.
In particular we may consider to transport a dilation structure by one of its dilations. Visually, this corresponds to transporting the atlas representing a dilation structure on to a neighbourhood of one of its points. It is like a scale reduction of the whole territory to a smaller set.
Inversely, we may transport the (restriction of the) dilation structure from to , by using as the transport function . This is like a magnification of the ”infinitesimal neighbourhood” . (This neighbourhood is infinitesimal in the sense that we may consider as a variable, going to when needed. Thus, instead of one neighbourhood , there is a sequence of them, smaller and smaller).
This is useful, because it allows us to make ”infinitesimal statements”, i.e. statements concerning this sequence of magnifications, as .
Let us compute then the magnified dilation structure. We should also rescale the distance on by a factor . Let us compute this magnified dilation structure:
the space is
for any the (transported) distance between them is
for any and scale parameter (we could take but then we have to be careful with the domains and codomains of these new dilations), the transported dilation based at , of coefficient , applied to , is
It is visible that working with such combinations of dilations becomes quickly difficult. This is one of the reasons of looking for more graphical notations.
Important remark.
This sequence of magnified dilation structures, around , at scale , with the parameter seen as a variable converging to , is related to the ”chora”, or place at scale varepsilon.
In particular, the transported dilation (32) appears in relation with the ”elementary chora”.
Definition 8.2
Let be a dilation structure. A property
is true for sufficiently close if for any compact, non empty set , there is a positive constant such that is true for any with .
For a dilation structure the metric tangent spaces have the algebraic structure of a normed group with dilations.
We shall work further with local groups, which are spaces endowed with a locally defined operation which satisfies the conditions of a uniform group. See section 3.3 [2] for details about the definition of local groups.
8.2 Normed conical groups
This name has been introduced in section 8.2 [2], but these objects appear more or less in the same form under the name ”contractible group” or ”homogeneous group”. Essentially these are groups endowed with a family of ”dilations”. They were also studied in section 4 [3].
In the following general definition appear a topological commutative group endowed with a continuous morphism from to the group with multiplication. The morphism induces an invariant topological filter on (other names for such an invariant filter are ”absolute” or ”end”). The convergence of a variable to this filter is denoted by and it means simply in .
Particular, interesting examples of pairs are: with identity, which is the case interesting for this paper, with the modulus of complex numbers, or (with addition) with the exponential, which is relevant for the case of normed contractible groups, section 4.3 [3].
Definition 8.3
A normed group with dilations is a local group with a local action of (denoted by ), on such that
the limit exists and is uniform with respect to in a compact neighbourhood of the identity .
the limit is well defined in a compact neighbourhood of and the limit is uniform with respect to , .
the following relation holds: , where the limit from the left hand side exists in a neighbourhood of and is uniform with respect to .
Moreover the group is endowed with a continuous norm function which satisfies (locally, in a neighbourhood of the neutral element ) the properties:
for any we have ; if then ,
for any we have ,
for any we have ,
the limit exists, is uniform with respect to in compact set,
if then .
Theorem 8.4
(Thm. 15 [2]) Let be a locally compact normed local group with dilations. Then is a dilation structure, where the dilations and the distance are defined by: .
Moreover is linear, in the sense of definition 3.3.
Definition 8.5
A normed conical group is a normed group with dilations such that for any the dilation is a group morphism and such that for any .
A normed conical group is the infinitesimal version of a normed group with dilations ([2] proposition 2).
Proposition 8.6
Let be a locally compact normed local group with dilations. Then is a locally compact, local normed conical group, with operation , dilations and homogeneous norm .
8.3 Tangent bundle of a dilation structure
The most important metric and algebraic first order properties of a dilation structure are presented here as condensed statements, available in full length as theorems 7, 8, 10 in [2].
Theorem 8.7
Let be a dilation structure. Then the metric space admits a metric tangent space at , for any point . More precisely we have the following limit:
Theorem 8.8
If is a dilation structure then for any the triple is a locally compact normed conical group, with operation , neutral element and inverse .
The conical group can be seen as the tangent space of at . We shall denote it by , or by if are clear from the context.
The following proposition is corollary 6.3 from [3], which gives a more precise description of the conical group . In the proof of that corollary there is a gap pointed by S. Vodopyanov, namely that Siebert’ proposition 5.4 [28], which is true for conical groups (in our language), is used for local conical groups. Fortunately, this gap was filled by the theorem 1.1 [15], which states that a locally compact, locally connected, contractible (with Siebert’ wording) group is locally isomorphic to a contractive Lie group.
Proposition 8.9
Let be a dilation structure. Then for any the local group is locally a simply connected Lie group whose Lie algebra admits a positive graduation (a homogeneous group), given by the eigenspaces of for an arbitrary .
There is a bijection between linear (in the sense of definition 3.3) dilation structures and normed conical groups. Any normed conical group induces a linear dilation structure, by theorem 8.4. Conversely, we have the following result (see theorem 6.1 [6] for a more general statement).
Theorem 8.10
Let be a linear dilation structure. Then, with the notations from theorem 8.8, for any , the dilation structure coincides with the dilation structure of the conical group .
8.4 Differentiability with respect to dilation structures
For any dilation structure or there is an associated notion of differentiability (section 7.2 [2]). For defining differentiability with respect to dilation structures we need first the definition of a morphism of conical groups.
Definition 8.11
Let and be two conical groups. A function is a conical group morphism if is a group morphism and for any and we have .
The definition of the derivative, or differential, with respect to dilations structures is a straightforward generalization of the definition of the Pansu derivative [26].
Definition 8.12
Let and be two dilation structures and be a continuous function. The function is differentiable in if there exists a conical group morphism , defined on a neighbourhood of with values in a neighbourhood of such that
(33) |
The morphism is called the derivative, or differential, of at .
The definition also makes sense if the function is defined on a open subset of .
9 Supplementary material
9.1 Gregory Bateson on maps and difference
The following are excerpts from the Nineteenth Annual Korzybski Memorial Lecture ”Form, Substance and Difference”, delivered by Bateson on January 9, 1970, under the auspices of the Institute of General Semantics, re-printed from the General Semantics Bulletin, no. 37, 1970, in Steps to an Ecology of Mind (1972).
”Let us go back to the original statement for which Korzybski is most famous – the statement that the map is not the territory. This statement came out of a very wide range of philosophic thinking, going back to Greece, and wriggling through the history of European thought over the last 2000 years. In this history, there has been a sort of rough dichotomy and often deep controversy. There has been a violent enmity and bloodshed. It all starts, I suppose, with the Pythagoreans versus their predecessors, and the argument took the shape of ”Do you ask what it’s made of – earth, fire, water, etc?” Or do you ask ”What is its pattern?” Pythagoras stood for inquiry into pattern rather than inquiry into substance. That controversy has gone through the ages, and the Pythagorean half of it has, until recently, been on the whole submerged half.”
”What is in the territory that gets onto the map?” […] What gets onto the map, in fact, is difference,[…] A difference is a very peculiar and obscure concept. It is certainly not a thing or an event. This piece of paper is different from the wood of this lectern. There are many differences between them – of color, texture, shape, etc. But if we start to ask about the localization of those differences, we get into trouble. Obviously the difference between the paper and the wood is not in the paper; it is obviously not in the wood; it is obviously not in the space between them […]
A difference, then, is an abstract matter. […]
Difference travels from the wood and paper into my retina. It then gets picked up and worked on by this fancy piece of computing machinery in my head.
I suggest to you now that the word ”idea”, in its most elementary sense, is synonymous with ”difference”. Kant, in the Critique of Jugment – if I understand him correctly – asserts that the most elementary aestethic act is the selection of a fact. He argues that in a piece of chalk there are an infinite number of potential facts. The Ding an sich, the piece of chalk, can never enter into communication or mental process because of this infinitude. The sensory receptors cannot accept it; they filter it out. What they do is to select certain facts out of the piece of chalk, which then become, in modern terminology, information.
I suggest that Kant’s statement can be modified to say that there is an infinite number of differences around and within the piece of chalk. Of this infinitude, we select a very limited number, which become information. In fact, what we mean by information – the elementary unit of information – is a difference which makes a difference.”
” We say the map is different from the territory. But what is the territory? Operationally, somebody went out with a retina or a measuring stick and made representations which were then put upon paper. What is on the paper map is a representation of what was in the retinal representation of the man who made the map; and as you push the question back, what you find is an infinite regress, an infinite series of maps. The territory never gets in at all. The territory is Ding an sich and you can’t do anything with it. Always, the process of representation will filter it out so that the mental world is only maps of maps, ad infinitum. Or we may spell the matter out and say that at every step, as a difference is transformed and propagated along its pathway, the embodiment of the difference before the step is a ”territory” of which the embodiment after the step is a ”map”. The map-territory relation obtains at every step. All ”phenomena” are literary appearances.
Or we can follow the chain forward. I receive various sorts of mappings which I call data or information. Upon receipt of these I act. But my actions, my muscular contractions, are transforms of differences in the input material. And I receive again data which are transforms of my actions.”
9.2 Plato about chora
Here are some relevant quotations (source [27]):
”This new beginning of our discussion of the universe requires a fuller division than the former; for then we made two classes, now a third must be revealed. The two sufficed for the former discussion: one, which we assumed, was a pattern intelligible and always the same; and the second was only the imitation of the pattern, generated and visible. There is also a third kind which we did not distinguish at the time, conceiving that the two would be enough. But now the argument seems to require that we should set forth in words another kind, which is difficult of explanation and dimly seen.
What nature are we to attribute to this new kind of being? We reply, that it is the receptacle, and in a manner the nurse, of all generation.
I have spoken the truth; but I must express myself in clearer language, and this will be an arduous task for many reasons, and in particular because I must first raise questions concerning fire and the other elements, and determine what each of them is;”
”…as the several elements never present themselves in the same form, how can any one have the assurance to assert positively that any of them, whatever it may be, is one thing rather than another? No one can. But much the safest plan is to speak of them as follows:-Anything which we see to be continually changing, as, for example, fire, we must not call ”this” or ”that,” but rather say that it is ”of such a nature”…”
”That in which the elements severally grow up, and appear, and decay, is alone to be called by the name ”this” or ”that”; but that which is of a certain nature, hot or white, or anything which admits of opposite equalities, and all things that are compounded of them, ought not to be so denominated.”
””Let me make another attempt to explain my meaning more clearly. Suppose a person to make all kinds of figures of gold and to be always transmuting one form into all the rest-somebody points to one of them and asks what it is. By far the safest and truest answer is, That is gold; and not to call the triangle or any other figures which are formed in the gold ”these,” as though they had existence, since they are in process of change while he is making the assertion; but if the questioner be willing to take the safe and indefinite expression, ”such,” we should be satisfied. And the same argument applies to the universal nature which receives all bodies-that must be always called the same; for, while receiving all things, she never departs at all from her own nature, and never in any way, or at any time, assumes a form like that of any of the things which enter into her; she is the natural recipient of all impressions, and is stirred and informed by them, and appears different from time to time by reason of them.”
”For the present we have only to conceive of three natures: first, that which is in process of generation; secondly, that in which the generation takes place; and thirdly, that of which the thing generated is a resemblance. And we may liken the receiving principle to a mother, and the source or spring to a father, and the intermediate nature to a child; and may remark further, that if the model is to take every variety of form, then the matter in which the model is fashioned will not be duly prepared, unless it is formless, and free from the impress of any of these shapes which it is hereafter to receive from without.”
”Wherefore, the mother and receptacle of all created and visible and in any way sensible things, is not to be termed earth, or air, or fire, or water, or any of their compounds or any of the elements from which these are derived, but is an invisible and formless being which receives all things and in some mysterious way partakes of the intelligible, and is most incomprehensible. In saying this we shall not be far wrong; as far, however, as we can attain to a knowledge of her from the previous considerations, we may truly say that fire is that part of her nature which from time to time is inflamed, and water that which is moistened, and that the mother substance becomes earth and air, in so far as she receives the impressions of them.”
After that, Plato continues:
”…we must acknowledge that there is one kind of being which is always the same, uncreated and indestructible, never receiving anything into itself from without, nor itself going out to any other, but invisible and imperceptible by any sense, and of which the contemplation is granted to intelligence only.
And there is another nature of the same name with it, and like to it, perceived by sense, created, always in motion, becoming in place and again vanishing out of place, which is apprehended by opinion and sense.
And there is a third nature, which is space, and is eternal, and admits not of destruction and provides a home for all created things, and is apprehended without the help of sense, by a kind of spurious reason, and is hardly real; which we beholding as in a dream, say of all existence that it must of necessity be in some place and occupy a space, but that what is neither in heaven nor in earth has no existence. Of these and other things of the same kind, relating to the true and waking reality of nature, we have only this dreamlike sense, and we are unable to cast off sleep and determine the truth about them.”
The ”dreamlike sense” comes from the fact that ”true and exact reason”’ leads to contradiction (52c):
”For an image, since the reality, after which it is modeled, does not belong to it, and it exists ever as the fleeting shadow of some other, must be inferred to be in another… But true and exact reason, vindicating the nature of true being, maintains that while two things [i.e. the image and space] are different they cannot exist one of them in the other and so be one and also two at the same time.”
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