BEGIN { # # this file forked from copy_check_and_balance.awk version 17.09.2014. owner: chorasimilarity (Marius Buliga, ) # count_lines=0; # # tutext will be eventually the max over ports, so that tutext* will be something which is not the name of an existing port # # count_lines will be the number of nodes, so that later count_lines+* will be something which is not the name of an existing node (used for FRIN and FROUT nodes) # tutext=""; } { count_lines++; # # node has as argument the node number and as value the node record, as read from the input .mol file # # # # for the g-pattern notation see . To this adds the FRIN AND FROUT nodes (see later) # # a .mol file is simply a list of nodes and their ports. Each node is on a line, for example T[a] is written "T a" , Arrow[a,b] is written "Arrow a b" and FO[a,b,c] is written "FO a b c" # # # ignores the lines with less than 2 field if (NF > 1) { uu=NR; node[uu]=$0; # # node_type has as argument the node number and as value the node type. later will be added the FRIN and FROUT nodes node_type[uu]=$1; e=$1;} if ( NF == 2 ) { b=$2; # # in_port has a port as argument and as value the node which has that port as a "in" port # count_in has the port as argument and the number of times is a "in" port as value. If count_in[i] > 1 then something is wrong # # same for the pair out_port and count_out # # here "FROUT" is a free port out, which is seen as a node with one "in" port. # if ( e == "T" || e == "FROUT" ) { in_port[b]=NR; count_in[b]++; } # terminal_edge has as argument a port of a "T" node and as value the number of times (can be only 1) the port belongs to a "T" node # active_edge has as argument a port which is potentially active and as value the number of times the port appears in one of those positions (so if active_edge[i] == 2 it means that there is potential for a move there if (e == "T" ) { terminal_edge[b]++; active_edge[b]++; } # # likewise, FRIN is a free port in, which is seen as a node with one "out" port # if ( e == "FRIN" ) { out_port[b]=NR; count_out[b]++; } # # used_port has the port as argument and the number of times the port is used as variable # used_port[b]++; # # node_port_i has the number of node as argument and the i'th port as variable # node_port_1[NR]=$2; if ( tutext < b ) { tutext=b; } } # # for NF=3 it has to be an Arrow # if ( NF == 3 ) { b=$2; c=$3; if ( tutext < b ) { tutext=b; } if (tutext < c) { tutext=c;} in_port[b]=NR; count_in[b]++; used_port[b]++; out_port[c]=NR; count_out[c]++; used_port[c]++; node_port_1[NR]=b; node_port_2[NR]=c; } if (NF == 4) { b=$2; c=$3; d=$4; if ( tutext < b ) { tutext=b; } if ( tutext < c ) { tutext=c; } if ( tutext < d ) { tutext=d; } node_port_1[NR]=b; used_port[b]++; node_port_2[NR]=c; used_port[c]++; node_port_3[NR]=d; used_port[d]++; if ( e == "FI" ) { in_port[b]=NR; count_in[b]++; in_port[c]=NR; count_in[c]++; out_port[d]=NR; count_out[d]++; active_edge[d]++; } if ( e == "A" ) { in_port[b]=NR; count_in[b]++; in_port[c]=NR; count_in[c]++; out_port[d]=NR; count_out[d]++; active_edge[d]++; active_edge[b]++; } if ( e == "L" ) { in_port[b]=NR; count_in[b]++; out_port[c]=NR; count_out[c]++; out_port[d]=NR; count_out[d]++; active_edge[d]++; } if ( e == "FO" ) { in_port[b]=NR; count_in[b]++; out_port[c]=NR; count_out[c]++; out_port[d]=NR; count_out[d]++; active_edge[b]++; # fo_node has as argument the number of a FO node and counts the number of times this node appears (i.e. 1) this is used in the LOC-PR-FO fo_node[NR]++; } } } END { # # check to see if ports are used more than 2 times. A collection of graphical elements (here called "nodes") with the property that a port variable appears more than 2 times is literarry called a "mess" # count_mess=0; for (i in used_port) { count_e= used_port[i]; if (used_port[i] > 2) { print "the port " i " is used " used_port[i] " times."; count_mess++; } } if (count_mess > 0) { print "You have a mess here!"; exit;} # # check to see if a port appears more than once as a "in" port (aso a "mess") # count_double_in=0; for (i in count_in ) { if ( count_in[i] > 1 ) { print "the port " i "is used " count_in[i] " times."; count_double_in++; } } if (count_double_in > 0 ) { print " You used the same port name for more than one port in."; exit; } # # check to see if a port appears more than once as a "out" port (a "mess" too) # count_double_out=0; for (i in count_out ) { if ( count_out[i] > 1 ) { print "the port " i "is used " count_out[i] " times."; count_double_out++; } } if (count_double_out > 0 ) { print " You used the same port name for more than one port out."; exit; } # # define first edges between nodes, in edge, which takes as argument a port (used twice) and as value the pair of nodes, first being the one where the port appears as an out port # # then define the FRIN and FROUT ports by adding them to the arrays node_type, node_port_1, in_port and out_port. Mind that edge still contains only the internal edges # count_new_nodes=0; count_max_nodes=count_lines; for (i in used_port) { count_e=used_port[i]; if (count_e == 2) { edge[i]=out_port[i] " " in_port[i]; } else { count_new_nodes++; if ( i in count_in ) { new_node_number=count_lines+count_new_nodes; node_type[new_node_number]="FRIN"; out_port[i]=new_node_number; node_port_1[new_node_number]=i; node[new_node_number]="FRIN" " " i; free_edge[i]=out_port[i] " " in_port[i]; count_max_nodes=new_node_number; } else { new_node_number=count_lines+count_new_nodes; node_type[new_node_number]="FROUT"; in_port[i]=new_node_number; node_port_1[new_node_number]=i; node[new_node_number]="FROUT" " " i; free_edge[i]=out_port[i] " " in_port[i]; count_max_nodes=new_node_number; } } } # # count_max_nodes keeps the max nodes number for the moment # # # print what you got until now in temporary files # # first is the internal edges, in file temp_internal_edges_before for (i in edge) { printf(i " " edge[i] "\n") > "temp_internal_edges_before"; } # # the nodes, with numbers in the first column, with FRIN and FROUT nodes too in the file temp_numbered_nodes_before and temp_nodes_before. # # # # for (i in node_type ) { j=node_type[i]; # printf("node " i " has node type " j " and is: " node[i] "\n"); printf( i " " node[i] "\n") > "temp_numbered_nodes_before"; printf(node[i] "\n") > "temp_nodes_before"; } # # the free in and free out edges in temp_free_edges_before # for (i in free_edge ) { printf(i " " free_edge[i] "\n") > "temp_free_edges_before"; } # # the moves: see # # # count_move_left_node has node ID as argument and counts the number of times a node is in a LEFT pattern for a move # left_move_left_node had active edge ID as argument and node ID as value, if the node is at left in a LEFT pattern # left_move_right_node active edge ID as argument and node ID as value, if the node is at right in a LEFT patern # type_move has active edge ID as argument and the move type as value # for BETA, FAN-IN, DIST the active edge is the 3-1 edge # for LOC-PR for A and FI the active edge is the 3-1 edge # for LOC-PR for L with two T the active edge is the node_port_1[node] # for LOC-PR for FO with one T the active edge is the other out port of FO # there is no direct move for FO with two T, the preference is, if any choice, to reduce first the # move_left has the active edge ID as argument and the LEFT pattern as value # move_right has the active edge ID as argument and the RIGHT pattern as value # for (i in active_edge) { if (active_edge[i] == "2") { ji=tutext i; u=in_port[i]; v=out_port[i]; n_out=node_type[v]; n_in=node_type[u]; # temporary file of active edges temp_edges_active printf(i " " node[v] " " node[u] "\n") > "temp_edges_active"; # first the check of the moves BETA, FAN-IN, DIST if (n_out == "L" && n_in == "A") { # temporary file of proposed moves, before any priority check printf("BETA" " " node[v] " " node[u] " " "REPLACED BY" " " "Arrow" " " node_port_1[v] " " node_port_3[u] " " "Arrow" " " node_port_2[u] " " node_port_2[v] "\n") > "temp_proposed_moves"; count_move_left_node[v]++; count_move_left_node[u]++; left_move_left_node[i]=v; left_move_right_node[i]=u; type_move[i]="BETA"; # move_left has as argument the active edge and as value the lines of the LEFT pattern # move_right has as argument the active edge and as value the lines of the RIGHT pattern # for BETA move the active edge is the 3-1 edge move_right[i]="Arrow" " " node_port_1[v] " " node_port_3[u] "\n" "Arrow" " " node_port_2[u] " " node_port_2[v] "\n"; move_left[i]=node[v] "\n" node[u] "\n"; } # for FAN-IN the active edge is the 3-1 edge if (n_out == "FI" && n_in == "FO") { printf("FAN-IN" " " node[v] " " node[u] " " "REPLACED BY" " " "Arrow" " " node_port_1[v] " " node_port_3[u] " " "Arrow" " " node_port_2[v] " " node_port_2[u] "\n") > "temp_proposed_moves"; count_move_left_node[v]++; count_move_left_node[u]++; left_move_left_node[i]=v; left_move_right_node[i]=u; type_move[i]="FAN-IN"; move_right[i]="Arrow" " " node_port_1[v] " " node_port_3[u] "\n" "Arrow" " " node_port_2[v] " " node_port_2[u] "\n"; move_left[i]=node[v] "\n" node[u] "\n"; } # for DIST-L the active edge is the 3-1 edge # here we use the system of naming the new ports from the RIGHT pattern of the DIST move by using the trick with the max over ports if (n_out == "L" && n_in == "FO") { count_move_left_node[v]++; count_move_left_node[u]++; left_move_left_node[i]=v; left_move_right_node[i]=u; type_move[i]="DIST"; t_1="FO" " " node_port_1[v] " " ji "c" " " ji "d"; t_2="FI" " " ji "b" " " ji "a" " " node_port_2[v]; t_3="L" " " ji "c" " " ji "a" " " node_port_2[u]; t_4="L" " " ji "d" " " ji "b" " " node_port_3[u]; printf("DIST" " " node[v] " " node[u] " " "REPLACED BY" " " t_1 " " t_2 " " t_3 " " t_4 "\n") > "temp_proposed_moves"; move_right[i]=t_1 "\n" t_2 "\n" t_3 "\n" t_4 "\n"; move_left[i]=node[v] "\n" node[u] "\n"; } # for DIST-A the active edge is the 3-1 edge # here we use the system of naming the new ports from the RIGHT pattern of the DIST move by using the trick with the max over ports if (n_out == "A" && n_in == "FO") { count_move_left_node[v]++; count_move_left_node[u]++; left_move_left_node[i]=v; left_move_right_node[i]=u; type_move[i]="DIST"; t_1="FO" " " node_port_1[v] " " ji "a" " " ji "b"; t_2="FO" " " node_port_2[v] " " ji "c" " " ji "d"; t_3="A" " " ji "a" " " ji "c" " " node_port_2[u]; t_4="A" " " ji "b" " " ji "d" " " node_port_3[u]; printf("DIST" " " node[v] " " node[u] " " "REPLACED BY" " " t_1 " " t_2 " " t_3 " " t_4 "\n") > "temp_proposed_moves"; move_right[i]=t_1 "\n" t_2 "\n" t_3 "\n" t_4 "\n"; move_left[i]=node[v] "\n" node[u] "\n"; } # now the clear moves LOC-PR, for A and FI if (n_out == "A" && n_in == "T") { count_move_left_node[v]++; count_move_left_node[u]++; left_move_left_node[i]=v; left_move_right_node[i]=u; type_move[i]="LOC-PR"; # for LOC-PR-A and LOC-PR-FI the active edge is the 3 port of A or FI move_right[i]="T" " " node_port_1[v] "\n" "T" " " node_port_2[v] "\n"; move_left[i]=node[v] "\n" node[u] "\n"; printf("LOC-PR" " " node[v] " " node[u] " " "REPLACED BY" " " "T" " " node_port_1[v] " " "T" " " node_port_2[v] "\n") > "temp_proposed_moves"; } if (n_out == "FI" && n_in == "T") { count_move_left_node[v]++; count_move_left_node[u]++; left_move_left_node[i]=v; left_move_right_node[i]=u; type_move[i]="LOC-PR"; move_right[i]="T" " " node_port_1[v] "\n" "T" " " node_port_2[v] "\n"; move_left[i]=node[v] "\n" node[u] "\n"; printf("LOC-PR" " " node[v] " " node[u] " " "REPLACED BY" " " "T" " " node_port_1[v] " " "T" " " node_port_2[v] "\n") > "temp_proposed_moves"; } # the move LOC-PR for L if (n_out == "L" && n_in == "T") { ww=node_port_2[v]; if (ww in terminal_edge) { left_move_left_node[v]=node_port_1[v]; type_move[node_port_1[v]]="LOC-PR"; # for LOC-PR-L the active edge is the port 1 of L move_right[node_port_1[v]]="T" " " node_port_1[v] "\n"; move_left[node_port_1[v]]=node[v] "\n" node[u] "\n" "T" " " ww; printf("LOC-PR" " " node[v] " " node[u] " " "T" " " ww " " "REPLACED BY" " " "T" " " node_port_1[v] "\n") > "temp_proposed_moves"; } } } } # the move LOC-PR for FO. attention! there is no LOC-PR-FO with two T nodes simultaneously. The preference is towards the node_port_2 for such a move. Remark that the FO is replaced by an Arrow! for (j in fo_node) { np_2=node_port_2[j]; np_3=node_port_3[j]; np_np_2=in_port[np_2]; np_np_2_type=node_type[np_np_2]; np_np_3=in_port[np_3]; np_np_3_type=node_type[np_np_3]; if (np_np_2_type == "T") { count_move_left_node[j]++; left_move_left_node[np_2]=j; # for LOC-PR-FO as described the active edge is node_port_2, in case there is a "T" there type_move[np_2]="LOC-PR"; move_right[np_2]="Arrow" " " node_port_1[j] " " node_port_3[j] "\n"; move_left[np_2]=node[j] "\n" node[np_np_2] "\n"; printf("LOC-PR" " " node[j] " " node[np_np_2] " " "REPLACED BY" " " "Arrow" " " node_port_1[j] " " node_port_3[j] "\n") > "temp_proposed_moves"; } else { if (np_np_3_type == "T") { count_move_left_node[j]++; count_move_left_node[np_3]++; left_move_left_node[j]=np_3; # ... otherwise for LOC-PR-FO as described the active edge is node_port_3, in case there is a "T" there but not at node_port_2 type_move[np_3]="LOC-PR"; move_right[np_3]="Arrow" " " node_port_1[j] " " node_port_2[j] "\n"; move_left[np_3]=node[j] "\n" node[np_np_3] "\n"; printf("LOC-PR" " " node[j] " " node[np_np_3] " " "REPLACED BY" " " "Arrow" " " node_port_1[j] " " node_port_2[j] "\n") > "temp_proposed_moves"; } } } # check for PRIORITY CHOICE "VIRAL". This means that DIST-A > BETA , DIST-A > LOC-PR-Y , BETA > LOC-PR-A , FAN-IN > LOC-PR-Y , DIST-L > LOC-PR-Y for ( k in move_left) { tu=type_move[k]; coco=left_move_left_node[k]; coocoo=node_type[coco]; cucu=count_move_left_node[coco]; if (tu == "LOC-PR" && cucu == 2) { delete move_left[k]; delete move_right[k];} if (tu == "DIST" && cucu == 2 && coocoo == "A") { dudu=node_port_1[coco] ; delete move_left[dudu]; delete move_right[dudu]; } } for ( ik in move_left ) { printf(move_left[ik]) > "temp_trashed_nodes"; printf(move_right[ik]) > "temp_added_nodes"; } # # removes the nodes from move_left from node array # for ( i in node ) { j=node[i]; occ[j]=i;} susu="\n"; for ( i in move_left ) { lulu=move_left[i]; delete tem; nunu=split(lulu,tem,susu); for (j in tem ) { s=tem[j]; if ( s in occ ) { ss=occ[s]; delete node[ss]; } } delete tem; } # # adds then nodes from move_right to node array # # we use count_max_nodes here # for (i in move_right ) { lili=move_right[i]; delete tem; susu="\n"; nene=split(lili,tem,susu); if (nene > 1) { for (h=1; h "temp_inter_nodes"; } # # identifies the node ports and edges # for (i in inter_node ) { lolo=inter_node[i]; delete tem; susu=" "; nana=split(lolo,tem,susu); if (nana == 2 ) { u=tem[1]; v=tem[2]; inter_node_type[i]=u; inter_node_port_1[i]=v; if ( u == "FRIN" ) { inter_out_port[v]=i; is_not_arrow[i]++; } else { inter_in_port[v]=i;} } if (nana == 3 ) { u=tem[1]; v=tem[2]; w=tem[3]; inter_node_type[i]=u; inter_node_port_1[i]=v; inter_node_port_2[i]=w; inter_in_port[v]=i; inter_out_port[w]=i; is_arrow[v]++; } if (nana == 4 ) { u=tem[1]; v=tem[2]; w=tem[3]; z=tem[4]; is_not_arrow[i]++; inter_node_type[i]=u; inter_node_port_1[i]=v; inter_in_port[v]=i; inter_node_port_2[i]=w; inter_node_port_3[i]=z; inter_out_port[z]=i; if ( u == "A" || u == "FI" ) { inter_in_port[w]=i; } else { inter_out_port[w]=i; } } } # for ( i in is_arrow ) { arroin=inter_out_port[i]; arro=inter_in_port[i]; z=inter_node_port_2[arro]; arroout=inter_in_port[z]; # arroin_type=inter_node_type[arroin]; printf(is_arrow[i] " , " "node " inter_node[arroin] " has type " arroin_type " and links to " inter_node[arro] " who links to " inter_node[arroout] "\n"); } # for (i in is_not_arrow ) {printf( inter_node[i] "\n");} # # the COMB MOVES loop # count_arrow_del=1; while (count_arrow_del > 0 ) { count_arrow_del=0; for ( i in is_arrow ) { if ( is_arrow[i] > 0 ) { arroin=inter_out_port[i]; arro=inter_in_port[i]; z=inter_node_port_2[arro]; arroout=inter_in_port[z]; if ( arroin in is_not_arrow ) { arroin_type=inter_node_type[arroin]; if (arroin_type == "FRIN" ) { inter_node_port_1[arroin]=z; delete inter_node[arro]; inter_out_port[z]=arroin; inter_in_port[z]=arroout; count_arrow_del++; is_arrow[i]--; } if (arroin_type == "A" || arroin_type == "FI" ) { inter_node_port_3[arroin]=z; delete inter_node[arro]; inter_out_port[z]=arroin; inter_in_port[z]=arroout; count_arrow_del++; is_arrow[i]--; } if (arroin_type == "L" || arroin_type == "FO" ) { u=inter_node_port_2[arroin]; v=inter_node_port_3[arroin]; delete inter_node[arro]; if ( u == i ) { inter_node_port_2[arroin]=z; } else { inter_node_port_3[arroin]=z; } inter_out_port[z]=arroin; inter_in_port[z]=arroout; count_arrow_del++; is_arrow[i]--; } } } } } # # removes all other arrow element, because they make loops # for (i in inter_node ) { zuzu=inter_node_type[i]; if ( zuzu == "Arrow" ) { delete inter_node[i]; } if (zuzu == "FRIN" || zuzu == "FROUT" || zuzu == "T" ) { inter_node[i]=zuzu " " inter_node_port_1[i]; } if (zuzu == "A" || zuzu == "L" || zuzu == "FI" || zuzu == "FO" ) { inter_node[i]=zuzu " " inter_node_port_1[i] " " inter_node_port_2[i] " " inter_node_port_3[i]; } } # # print final list of nodes # for ( i in inter_node ) { lele=length(inter_node[i]); if ( lele > 0 ) { printf(inter_node[i] "\n") > "temp_final_nodes";} } #################################################################### }