Institute of Mathematics
P.O. Box 1-764
70109 Bucharest , Romania
Phone 40 1 686 6671, Fax 40 1 222 982
E-mail Mihaela.Suliciu@imar.ro


Name: Mihaela (born Mihailescu) Suliciu;
Place of Birth: Bucharest,Romania;
Date of Birth; May 9, 1941


1974 Ph.D. Mathematics (Mechanics) University of Bucharest 1962 Diploma Mathematics - Mechanics University of Bucharest


1990 -    Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Mathematics,       

1977-90   Senior Research Fellow, Mathematics Dept.,INCREST,      

1975-77   Research Fellow, ICEMENERG, Bucharest
1962-75   Research Fellow, Institute of Mathematics, Bucharest


1968-69   Institute of Fundamental Problems in Technology, Poland 
          (four months)
1970      CISME, Italy (one month)

1991      Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept.of Ocean    
          Engineering, Visiting Scientist (two months)
1992      II Universita di Roma, Depto.di Engegneria Civile Edile, 
          Visiting Professor (two months)
1995      Universite Pierre et Marie Curie Paris, Laboratoire
          d'Analyse Numerique, Invited Professor (5 months)


Constitutive equations in viscoelasticity and viscoplasticity. Wave propagation theory. Numerical methods for hyperbolic partial differential equations.


Participated in permanent research seminaries at the Mathematics-Mechanics Faculty, University of Bucharest. Participated in many scientific meetings in Romania, Poland, Italy, France. At the University of Bucharest I taught courses in Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations. Awarded, in 1984-85 (with W.O.Williams and D.Owen from Carnegie-Mellon University and I.Suliciu from INCREST) an NSF-CNST research grant, "Studies of rate-sensitive materials". Member of New York Academy of Sciences since 1995.


An approximation method for the deformation of loading curves, St. Cerc. Mat.,15 (1964) 45-54 and 16 (1964) 217-224 (in Romanian)

Elastic-plastic waves in thick bars, St.Cerc.Mat.,18 1966 829-838 (in Romanian)

(with N.Cristescu) On dynamic relaxation, Rheologica Acta, 6 (1967) 144-146
The quasilinear constitutive equation in the case of plane waves, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Appl.,13 (1967) 815-828

(with I.Suliciu) On constitutive equations for materials of the rate-type, Rev.Roum.Math.Pures et Appl.,15 (1970)

(with I.Suliciu) Riemann and Goursat step data problems for extensible strings, J.Math.Anal.Appl.,52 (1975) 10-24

(with I.Suliciu) Riemann and Goursat step data problems for extensible strings with non-convex stress-strain relation, Rev.Roum.Math.Pures et Appl., 20 (1975) 551-559

(with I.Suliciu) Finite and symmetric thermomechanical waves in materials with internal state variables, Int.J.Solids Structures, 12 (1976) 559-575

On dynamic compatibility conditions for hyperbolic systems of conservation laws in two independent variables, Rev.Roum.Math.Pures et Appl.,22 (1977) 251-254

(with I.Suliciu) On the semilinear theory for materials with internal state variables, Analele St.Univ. Al.I.Cuza,Iasi, 24(1978) 403-416

(with I.Suliciu) Energy for hypoelastic constitutive equations,Arch.Rational Mech.Anal.,71 (1979) 327-344

Contributions to the study of motions with discontinuities in deformable solids, St.Cerc.Mat.,32 (1980) 527-548 and 669-695 (in Romanian)

(with I.Suliciu) A rate-type constitutive equation for the description of the corona effect, IEEE Trans.Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol.PAS-100, (1981) 3681-3685
(with I.Suliciu) On the method of characteristics in rate-type viscoelasticity, ZAMM, 65 (1985) 479-486

On the energy monotony in rate-type viscoelasticity, Int. J. NonLinear Mechanics, 21 (1986) 169-173

(with I.Suliciu) On tensile shock waves in rubber-like materials, ASME J.Appl.Mech., 54 (1987) 498-502

(with C.Faciu) The energy in one-dimensional rate-type semilinear viscoelasticity, Int.J.Solids Structures, 23 (1987) 1505-1520

(with I.Suliciu and W.O.Williams) On viscoplastic and elasto-plastic oscillators, Quart.Appl.Math., 47 (1989) 105-116

(with I.Suliciu) On the method of characteristics in rate-type viscoelasticity with non-monotone equilibrium curve, ZAMM, 72 (1992) 667-674

(with C.Faciu) Convex and non-convex energy in rate-type semilinear viscoelasticity, Int. J. Engng. Sci., 29 (1991) 549-559

(with I.Suliciu) An energetic control on numerical instability for a rate-type viscoplastic oscillator, in Anisotropy and localization of plastic deformation. Proceedings of Plasticity'91, the third International Symposium on Plasticity and its current Applications. Editors Jean-Paul Boehler and Akhtar S.Khan, Elsevier Applied Sciences, pp. 639-642, 1991

(with I. Suliciu) Stable numerical solution to dynamic problem for a softening material, Mech. Res Comm. 20, pp. 475-480, 1993. (with I. Suliciu) Energy estimates and energy control of numerical stability in coupled dynamic thermoelasticity, Mech. Res Comm., Vol. 22, pp. 467-472, 1995

(with I. Suliciu) Hypoelasticity and rate independent plasticity theory, Studii Cercet. Mat., Vol. 48, pp. 49-84, 1996

(with I. Suliciu, T. Wierzbicki and M.S. Hoo Fatt) Transient response of an impulsively loaded plastic string on a plastic foundation, Quart. Appl. Math., Vol. 54, pp. 327-343, 1996.

(with I. Suliciu) An energetic restriction on a numerical scheme in one dimensional dynamic thermoelasticity, J. Thermal Stresses, to appear.

(with M. Mihailescu-Suliciu and S. Tanimura) On the linear instantaneous elastic response in
thermo-visco{e/p}lasticity, Rev. Roum. Pures et Appl., to appear

(with M. Mihailescu-Suliciu) Energy estimates for piecewise rate-type thermo-viscoelastic models
with van der Waals equilibrium surface, in Proceedings of IUTAM symposium of
"Rheology of bodies with defects" held in Beijing China 2-5 Sept. 1997 and edited by Ren
Wang pp.67-86, Kluwer Academic Publ. 1999.

(with T. Wierzbicki and M.Hoo Fatt) Large deflection dynamic plastic response of long cylinders under local pressure pulse, in preparation

(with T. Wierzbicki) Some exact solutions of rigid plastic membranes subjected to local pressure pulses, submitted.

(with D. Cioranescu and I. Suliciu) Energy eatimates for Navier-Stokes fluids exhibiting
phase transitions, submitted.

(with M. Mih\u{a}ilescu-Suliciu) Professor Nicolae Dan Cristescu --the 70$^{th}$ Birthday
Anniversary--., Revue Roum. Math. Pures et Appl., to appear.