Institute of Mathematics "Simion Stoilow" 
of the Romanian Academy

Bucharest - Institute of Mathematics "Simion Stoilow" of the Romanian Academy 
21, Calea Grivitei; 3-rd floor
June 15-June 25, July 05- July 12, 2003


June 15 - 25, 2003

D. Yafaev (University of Rennes)   19 June - 12h00   Scattering in magnetic fields I  
D. Yafaev (University of Rennes)   20 June - 10h00   Scattering in magnetic fields II  
M. Dadarlat (Purdue University)   23 June - 10h00   An introduction to exact groups I  
M. Mantoiu (IMAR)  23 June - 11h00   C*-algebras associated with quantum Hamiltonians I  
M. Dadarlat (Purdue University)   23 June - 13h00   An introduction to exact groups II  
M. Rordam (University of Southern Denmark)   24 June - 10h00   Purely infinite C*-algebras I  
M. Mantoiu (IMAR)   24 June - 11h00   C*-algebras associated with quantum Hamiltonians II  
G. Elliott (Universities of Toronto and Copenhagen)   24 June - 13h00   The theory of amenable C*-algebras I  
G. Pedersen (University of Copenhagen)   25 June - 10h00   Convex trace inequalities for functions of several variables  
G. Elliott (Universities of Toronto and Copenhagen)   25 June - 11h00   The theory of amenable C*-algebras II  
M. Rordam (University of Southern Denmark)   25 June - 13h00   Purely infinite C*-algebras II  

July 5 - 12, 2003

J. S. Moller (Mainz University)   7 July - 10:00   The C(A) class for non-self-adjoint operators  
G. Scharf (Zurich Univeristy)   8 July - (10:00-11:00)   Quantum Gauge Theories  
F.-H. Vasilescu (Lille 1 University)   8 July - (11:00-13:00)   Operatorial measures and moment problems I  
D. E. Evans (Cardiff University)   8 July - (14:00-15:00)   Operator Algebras and Mathematical Physics  
G. Scharf (Zurich Univeristy)   10 July - (10:00-11:00)   Supersymetric Gauge Theories  
F.-H. Vasilescu (Lille 1 University)   10 July - (11:00-13:00)   Operatorial measures and moment problems II  

Last updated: 23/06/2003