European partnership on several problems in mathematical analysis.

Scientific Cooperation Contract within the Excellence Research Programme of ANCS
Nr. CEx06-M3-102/01.08.2006
August 2006 - July 2008

(romanian version)

OBJECTIVE: Through this project we intend to improve the participation of IMAR on International Research Colaborations by initiating new such cooperations and enhancing our participation on the existing ones, more precisely:
  1. The Marie Curie Research & Training Network - FP6: EU-Noncommutative Geometry (EU-NCG) (contract no. MRTN-CT-2006-031962), June 2007 - May 2011
  2. The Marie Curie Research & Training Network - FP6: Operator Theory and Analysis OPAN (contract nr. MRTN-CT-2006-035659), June 2007 - May 2011
  3. The 5 years Programme AMAMEF (Advanced Mathematical Methods for Finances) organized by European Science Foundation;
  4. The 3 years Programme Applied symplectic geometry and modelling of materials of cooperation with Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne in the frame of SCOPES Programme, October 2005 - September 2008
  5. German-Romanian cooperation project in the frame of the agreement between Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Romanian Academy (Project GZ: 436 RUM 113/23/0-1 Potential Theoretical Methods for the Analysis of Infinite Dimensional Proceses (January 2004-September 2007)
  6. The European Network GDR - Mathematique et Physique Quantique organized by CNRS (France);
  7. Projet Integre de Recherche (PICS 3450) Mathematiques et Applications 2006 - 2008
  8. The bilateral cooperation project: "Aspects mathématiques: du transport fermionique dans les systèmes mésoscopiques et les nanosystèmes et dans les cristaux ioniques; du scattering par des surfaces périodiques" between IMAR and CPT-Marsilia, (in the frame of the bilateral agreement of the Romanian Academy and CNRS - France);
  9. Cooperation with the Project SPECT of the European Science Foundation in organizaing the 10-th edition of the International Conference Series Quantum Mathematics.
  1. Deterministic and stochastic methods: potential theory, control and stochastic equations.
  2. Operator theory and operator algebras.
  3. Structures and methods in mathematical physics.
  4. Complex analysis and quasiconformity.