Metode diferentiale deterministe si stocastice in studiul unor modele de evolutie

Contract de Cercetare in cadrul Programului de Cercetare de Excelenta al ANCS
Nr. 2-CEx06-11-18/2006

Octombrie 2006 - Noiembrie 2008

(english version)




  • Cooperare cu Proiectul SPECT al European Science Foundation si GDR - Mathematique et Physique Quantique in organizarea celei de a 10-a editii a Conferintei Internationale Quantum Mathematics.
  • Cooperare cu Proiectul AMaMeF al European Science Foundation.

    Carti Publicate

    1. M. Ghergu si V. Radulescu, Singular Elliptic Problems Bifurcation & Asymptotic Analysis, Oxford University Press, 2008, 320 pp.

    Volume editate

    1. I. Beltita, Gh. Nenciu, R. Purice Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics, World Scientific, 2008, 312 pp.

    Lucrari Publicate

    1. M. Ghergu si V. Radulescu, On a class of singular Gierer-Meinhardt systems arising in morphogenesis (Asupra unei clase de sisteme singulare de tip Gierer-Meinhardt din morfogeneza), C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 344 (2007)., pp. 163-168.
    2. M. Ghergu si V. Radulescu, On the influence of a subquadratic convection term in singular elliptic problems, in Proceedings of the Conference on Applied Analysis and Differential Equations, Iasi (Romania), 4-9 September 2006, World Scientific, sub tipar.
    3. L. Dupaigne, M. Ghergu si V. Radulescu, Lane-Emden-Fowler equations with convection and singular potential, Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees 87 (2007), pp. 563-581.
    4. F. Cirstea, V. Radulescu, Boundary blow-up in nonlinear elliptic equations of Bieberbach-Rademacher type, Transactions Amer. Math. Soc. 359 (2007), 3275-3286.
    5. M. Mihailescu, V. Radulescu, Nonhomogeneous boundary value problems in Orlicz-Sobolev spaces, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 344 (2007), 15-20.
    6. M. Mihailescu, V. Radulescu, On a nonhomogeneous quasilinear eigenvalue problem in Sobolev spaces with variable exponent, Proceedings Amer. Math. Soc. 135 (2007), 2929-2937.
    7. C. Tudor, Some properties of the sub-fractional Brownian motion, Stochastics 79(5), 431-447, 2007
    8. M. Tudor: A strong approximation for double subfractional integrals. Applicable Analysis 86(8), 1037-1048, 2007
    9. D. Tiba, G. Wang, M. Yamamoto, Applications of convexity in some identification problems, Math Reports, vol. 9(59), no.1 (2007), p.123-133.
    10. A. Moroianu, S. Moroianu The Dirac spectrum on manifolds with gradient conformal vector fieldsJournal of Functional Analysis 253, 1 (2007) 207-219
    11. A. Jensen, G. Nenciu, Uniqueness results for transient dynamics of quantum systems, sub tipar la Contemporary Mathematics.
    12. V. Dragan, T. Morozan, Discrete-time Riccati type equations and the tracking problem. ICIC Express Letters 2, Iunie 2008.
    13. V. Iftimie, M. Mantoiu, R. Purice: Commutator Criteria for Magnetic Pseudodifferential Operators. Comm. Partial Diff. Eq. 35 (2010), 1058 -- 1094.
    14. V. Iftimie, M. Mantoiu, R. Purice: Estimating the number of negative eigenvalues of a relativistic Hamiltonian with regular magnetic field. Aparuta in Topics in applied mathematics and mathematical physics, 97--129, Ed. Acad. Române, Bucharest, 2008.
    15. V. Iftimie, M. Mantoiu, R. Purice: The magnetic formalism; new results. Aparuta in Contemporary Mathematics 500 (2009), American Mathematical Society, p. 123.
    16. V. Iftimie, M. Mantoiu, R. Purice: Unicity of the Integrated Density of States for Relativistic Schrödinger Operators with Regular Magnetic Fields and Singular Electric Potentials. Integral Equations and Operator Theory, DOI: 10.1007/s00020-010-1777-8 (2010).
    17. M. Mantoiu, R. Purice: The modulation mapping for magnetic symbols and operators. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 138 (2010), 2839-2852.
    18. I. Beltita, A. Melin, Analysis of the quadratic term in the backscattering transfromation, Math. Scand. 105 (2009), 218--234.

    Lucrari in curs de publicare:

    1. D. Tiba, Applications of the control variational method Preprint IMAR 4/2007.
    2. J. Sprekels, D. Tiba, An optimal control approach to curved rods WIAS Preprint No. 1209, (2007);
    3. V. Dragan, T. Morozan, Exponential stability in mean square for a general class of discrete-time linear stochastic systems. Preprint IMAR 2/2007.
    4. V. Dragan, T. Morozan, The Linear quadratic optimization problem for a class of discrete-time stochastic linear systems Preprint IMAR 8/2007.
    5. V. Dragan, T. Morozan, H_2 optimal control for a wide class of discrete-time linear stochastic systems Preprint IMAR 9/2007.
    6. B. Iftimie, I. Molnar, C. Varsan, Stochastic differential equations with jumps; Liapunov exponents, asymptotic behaviour of solutions and applications to financial mathematics Preprint IMAR 10/2007.
    7. S. Golenia, Sergiu Moroianu, Spectral Analysis of Magnetic Laplacians on Conformally Cusp Manifolds
    8. A. Kristaly si V. Radulescu, Sublinear eigenvalue problems on compact Riemannian manifolds with applications in Emden-Fowler equations, (in curs de elaborare)
    9. L. Denis, A. Matoussi, L. Stoica, Maximum principle and comparaison theorem for quasilinear stochastic PDE's
    10. L. Beznea, N. Boboc, Feynman-Kac formula for left continuous additive functionals

    Comunicari si Expuneri in Conferinte Internationale:

    1. V. Radulescu Phenomenes singuliers dans l'etude des equations aux derivees partielles elliptiques, expunere plenara la a 8-a editie a Colocviului Franco-Roman de Matematici Aplicate (Chambery, 28 august - 2 septembrie 2006)
    2. I. Beltita L^2-Sobolev estimates for the backscattering transfrom, expunere plenara la a 10-a editie a Confrintei Internationale Quantum Mathematics (Moeciu, 10 - 15 Septembrie 2007)
    3. R. Purice A Beals type criterion for pseudidifferential operators with a magnetic field, expunere plenara la a 10-a editie a Confrintei Internationale Quantum Mathematics (Moeciu, 10 - 15 Septembrie 2007)
    4. D. Tiba Optimal control methods in shape optimization, expunere la Workshopul Optimal Control of Coupled Systems of PDE (Oberwolfach, 2 - 8 Martie 2008)

    Teze de Doctorat:

    Seminar stiintific

    organizat de IMAR la care vor fi prezentate si discutate rezultate moderne privind Teoria Proceselor Stochastice cu Salturi si Aplicatii ale acestora in Modelarea Financiara

    Conferinte prezentate la IMAR:

    1. George Yin (Wayne State University): Asymptotic properties of switching diffusion processes
      Vineri 9 Mai, 2008 ora 16:00
    2. Akira Ichikawa (Kyoto University): Minimum energy control with applications to spacecraft rendezvous and docking
      Marti 21 August 2007, ora 10:00
    3. Liliana Gratie (City University of Hong-Kong): A New Approach to Elasticity Theory
      Marti 23 Octombrie 2007, ora 11:00
