Curriculum Vitae


Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy

He was born on October 31, 1936 in the village Negrilesti, Galati, Romania.

In 1959 he graduated the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Mathematics.

From 1959 to 1963 we worked as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Mathematics of the Bucharest University. In the period 1963-1975 we worked at Institute of Mathematics in Bucharest. During the period 1975-1990 he worked at INCREST and since 1990 by now, he works as a senior researcher at the Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy.

In 1965 he received the Ph.D. degree in mathematics from the University of Bucharest with a thesis on stability of differential equations with random parameters.

He is the author or coauthor of two monographs and over 120 scientific papers dedicated to various topics on Differential Equations and Control Theory.

In 1972 he was awarded the ''Gh. Lazar'' prise of the Romanian Academy.

He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal: Mathematical Reports.

He is also a member of the IEEE Committee on ''At Risk'' Scientists and Engineers.

He is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the International Journal of Innovational Computing and Information Control.

He was member of the Editorial Board of Stochastic Analysis and Applications (1983-2000).



A. Monographs

  1. Stabilitatea sistemelor cu parametri aleatori, Edit. Academiei R.S.R, 1969.
  2. Mathematical Methods in Robust Control of Linear Stochastic Systems (colab. V. Dragan and A. Stoica), Springer, 2006

B. Scientific Papers

  1. Asupra stabilitatii absolute a unor sisteme de reglare automata cu mai multe organe regulatoare, Comunicarile Acad. R.P.R, IX, 10,995-1000, 1959.
  2. Asupra stabilitatii asimptotice in mare a unor sisteme de ecuatii diferentiale, Comunicariile Acad. R. P.R, XI, 1011-1016, 1961.
  3. Remarque sur une note de V. Iacoubovitsch, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. I. Math., 254, 24, 1962.
  4. Sur un probleme de S. Lefschetz I, Contributions to differential Equations, vol.II, 77-83, 1963.
  5. Sur un probleme de S. Lefschetz II, Contributions to Differential Equations, vol.II, 85-90, 1963.
  6. Remarque sur un travail de H. Bunke, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. I.Math., 2049-2053, 1963.
  7. Stabilite des solutions des systemes d'equations differentielles a parametres aleatories, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., t.11, no.2, 211-238, 1966.
  8. The method of V.M. Popov for control systems with random parametres, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 16, 2, 201-215, 1966.
  9. Stability of linear systems with random parametres, J. Differential Equations, 3, 2, 170-179, 1967.
  10. Stability of some linear stochastic systems, J. Differential Equations, 3, 2, 153-170, 1967.
  11. Sur l'aproximation stochastique, C.A. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser . I. Math., 264, 633-636, 1967.
  12. Asupra stabilitatii sistemelor de reglare automata cu parametri aleatori (in ruseste), Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., t.12, no.4, 545-554, 1967.
  13. Asupra stabilitatii pentru perturbatii mici stochastice (in ruseste), Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., t.13, no.1, 71-78, 1968.
  14. Stability of some linear stochastic discrete systems, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., t.13, no.8, 1127-1136, 1968.
  15. Stability of stochastic discrete systems, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 23, 1, 1-10, 1968.
  16. Stability of differential systems with random parametres, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 24, 669-676, 1968.
  17. On the absolute stability of stochastic sampled-data control system, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., t.14, no.6, 829-835, 1969.
  18. Stability of linear systems with random coefficients, Rev. Roumaine ,Math. Pures Appl., t.15, no.5 721-727, 1970.
  19. On the stochastic approximation, Reve Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., t.15, no.5, 729-733, 1970.
  20. Stability of linear discrete system with random coefficients, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., t.15, no.6, 883-896, 1970.
  21. On stability of some linear systems with random coefficients, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., t.16, no.2, 269-1226, 1971.
  22. On boundedness of solutions stochastic discrete systems, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., t.18, no.2, 269-282, 1973.
  23. Necessary and sufficient conditions of stability of stochastic discrete systems, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., t.18, no.2, 255-267, 1973.
  24. Stability of some stochastic discrete control systems, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., t.18, no.3, 369-389, 1973.
  25. On mean square exponential stability of some stochastic systems, Rev., Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., t.20, no.1, 75-82, 1975.
  26. On the stability of stochastic discrete systems, Rev. Roumanie Math. Pures Appl., t.20, no.9, 1079-1089, 1975.
  27. Foundations of dynamic programming approach for discrete-time stochastic control problems, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., t.22, no.6, 797-804, 1977.
  28. On Lp asymptotic stability of stochastic discrete systems, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., t.22, no.6, 805-809, 1977.
  29. Asymptotic state estimation for some stochastic discrete systems, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., t.22, no.9, 1267-1277, 1977.
  30. Stabilization by linear feedback of linear discrete stochastic systems, (in colaborare cu A. Halanay), Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., t.23, no.4, 561-571, 1978.
  31. On the convergence of some random processes related to stochastic approximation, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., t.24, no.8, 1229-1236, 1979.
  32. Stochastic stability and control for discrete-time systems with jump Markov disturbances, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., t.24, no.1, 111-127, 1979.
  33. Dynamic programming for some discrete-time control systems with random perturbations, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., t.25, no.7, 1065-1083, 1980.
  34. On the stochastic stability of nonlinear discrete-time systems with jump Markov perturbations, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., t.26, no.1, 121-134, 1981.
  35. Stability and control of some linear discrete-time systems with jump Markov perturbations, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., t.26, no.1, 101-119, 1981.
  36. Teoreme de tip Fubini pentru integrale stochastice, Stud. Cerc. Mat., t.34, no.1, 51064, 1982.
  37. Dynamic programming for some discrete-time stochastic control problems, An. Univ. Craiova Mat. Fiz. Chim., no.10, 32-40, 1982.
  38. Stabilization of some stochastic discrete-time control systems, Stochastic Anal. Appl., 1, 89-116, 1983.
  39. Optimal stationary control for dynamic systems with Markov perturbations, Stochastic Anal. Appl., 3, 299-325, 1983.
  40. Stability of some stochastic nonlinear discrete-time systems, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., t.29, no.10, 871-878, 1984.
  41. Stabilizarea unor sisteme liniare de ecuatii diferentiale de comanda cu perturbatii markoviene, Stud. Cerc. Mat., t.37, no.3, 282-284, 1985.
  42. Periodic solutions of affine stochastic differential equations, Stochastic Anal. Appl., 1, 87-110, 1986.
  43. Feedback optimal stabilizant pentru sisteme discrete de comanda cu peturbatii aleatoare, Stud. Cerc. Mat., t.38, no.4, 365-372, 1986. Bounded and periodic solutions of affine stochastic differential equations, Stud. Cerc. Mat., t.38, no.6, 523-527, 1986.
  44. Bounded solutions of affine stochastic differential equations and stability, (in colaborare cu A. Halanay si C. Tudor), Casopis Pest. Mat., 111, 127-132, 1986.
  45. Periodic solutions of stochastic discrete-time systems, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. T.32, no.4, 351-365, 1987.
  46. Tracking almost periodic signals under white noise perturbations, (in colaborare cu A. Halanay, si C. Tudor), Stochastics, v.21, 287-301, 1987.
  47. Bounded, periodic and almost periodic solutions of affine stochastic discrete-time systems, Rev. Roumanie Math. Pures Appl., 32, 8, 1987, 711-718.
  48. Tracking discrete almost periodic signals under random perturbations, (in colaborare cu A. Halanay si C. Tudor), Int. J. Control, 47, 1, 1998, p. 381-392.
  49. Adaptive stabilization and tracking under white noise perturbations, (in colaborare cu A. Halanay), Int. J. Control, 49, 2, 1989, 533-544.
  50. Performance estimaties in tracking under write-noise perturbations, (in colaborare cu A. Halanay si V. Dragan), Int. J. Control, 50, 6, 1989, 2269-2283.
  51. Almost periodic solutions of affine I to equations, ( in colaborare cu C. Tudor), Stochastic Analysis and Appl. 7, 4, 1989, 451-474.
  52. Almost periodic solutions of affine discrete-time systems with random perturbations, St. Cerc. Mat. 41, 1989, 297-312.
  53. Discrete-time stabilizing compensators for continuous-time systems with state dependent noise (in colaborare cu A. Halanay), Studii si Cerc. Mat. 44, 6, 1992, 471-488.
  54. Discrete-time Riccati equations connected with quadratic control for linear systems with independent random perturbations, Revue Roum. Math. Pures et Appl. 37, 3, 1992, 233-246.
  55. Optimal stabilizing compensators for linear discrete-time system under independent random perturbations (in colaborare cu A. Halanay) Revue Roum. Math. Pures et Appl. 37, 3, 1992, 213-224.
  56. Optimal stabilizing conpensators for linear systems with state dependent noise (in colaborare cu V. Dragan si A. Halanay) Stochastic Analysis and Appl. 10, 5, 1992, 557-572.
  57. Cost of tracking for discrete-time systems with independent random perturbations, Studii si Cerc. Mat., 45, 4, 1993, 313-317.
  58. Stochastic uniform observability and Riccati equations of stochastic control, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 38, 9, 1993, 771-781.
  59. Asymptopic almost periodic solutions for Riccati equations of stochastic contril, Stud. Cerc. Mat. , 46, 6, 1994, 603-612.
  60. Almost periodic solutions for Riccati equations of stochatisc control, Appl. Math. Optim. 30, 1994, 127-133.
  61. Stability and control for linear systems with jump Markov perturbations, Stoch. Analysis and, Appl., 13, 1, 1995, 91-110.
  62. Cost of tracking under white multiplicative noise perturbations, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl. , 40, 5-6, 1995, 463-469.
  63. Stability and control for linear discrete-time systems with Markov perturbations , Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl. , 40, 1995, 471-494.
  64. Stability radii of some stochastic differential equations, Stochastics, 54, 1995, 281-291.
  65. Parametrized Riccati equations associated to input-output operators for time-varying stochastic differential equations with state-dependent noise, Preprint Series of Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy no.37, 1995
  66. Dual linear quadratic problem for linear control systems with jump Markov perturbations, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Appl., 41, 5-6, 1996, 363-377.
  67. Mixed input-output optimization with state feedback under white noise perturbations (in colab. cu A. Halanay si V. Dragan ), Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems, 2,(1996), 219-235.
  68. Stability radii of some discrete-time systems with independent random perturbations, Stochastics Analysis and Appl., 15,3, 1997, 375-386.
  69. Stability radii of some time-varying linear stochastic differential systems, Stochastic Analysis and Appl. 15, 3, 1997, 387-397.
  70. Mixed input-output optimization for time-varying Ito systems with state-dependent noise (in colab. cu V.Dragan ), Dynamics of Contin., Discrete and Impulsive systems, 3, 1997, 317-333.
  71. Global solutions to a game-theoretic Riccati equations of Stochastic control (in colab. cu V. Dragan), J. Diff. Eqs., 38, 2, 1997, 328-250.
  72. Parametrized Riccati equations for linear discrete-time systems with Markov perturbations, Rev. Roum. Pures Appl., 43, 7-8, (1998), 761-777.
  73. Parametrized Riccati equations for controlled linear differential systems with jump Markov perturbations, Stochastic Analysis and Appl., 16, 4, (1998), 661-682.
  74. Parametrized Riccati equations associated to input-output operators for discrete-time systems with state-dependent noise, Stochastic Analysis and Appl., 16, 5 (1998), 915-931.
  75. Parametrized Riccati equations and input-output operators for time-varying stochastic differential equations with state-dependent noise, Math. Reports, nr.1, 1999, 99-115.
  76. Almost periodic solutions of parametrized Riccati equations, Math. Reports, nr.4, 1999, 583-585.
  77. Game-theoretic coupled Riccati equations associated to controlled linear differential systems with jump Markov perturbations (colab. V. Dragan), Stochastic Analysis and Appl., nr.5, 2001.
  78. Almost periodic solutions of discrete-time parametrized Riccati equations, Math. Reports, 2, nr. 3, 2000, 327-335.
  79. Linear quadratic control and tracking problems for time-varying stochastic differential systems perturbed by a Markov chain, Rev. Roum. Pures Appl., 25, 6, 2001, 783-804.
  80. Stability and robust stabilization to linear stochastic systems described by differential equations with Markovian jumping and multiplicative white noise (colab. V. Dragan), Preprint Inst. Mat. nr. 17, 1999, Stochastic Analysis and Appl., nr.1, 2002, 33-92.
  81. Exponential stability for a class of linear time-varying singularly perturbed stochastic systems, Dynamics Cont. Discrete and Impulsive Syst., February 2002, nr. 9, 213-230.
  82. Asymptotic properties of input output operators norm associeted with singularly perturbed systems multiplicative white noise (colab. V. Dragan and Peng Shi), SIAM J. Control Optim., 41.1, 2002, 141-163
  83. Systems of matrix rational differential equations arising in connection with linear stochastic systems with Markovian jumping (colab. V. Dragan) Journal of Diff. Eqs., 194, 1, 2003, 1-38
  84. Stability radii for a class of differential stochastic systems (colab. V. Dragan and A. Stoica) Math. Reports, 5, (55), no. 4, 2003, 301-314
  85. Optimal $H_2$ state feedback control for linear systems with Markovian jumps (colab. V. Dragan and A. Stoica), Revue Roum. des Sciences Techn., Serie Electotechn. et Energ., 48, 4, 2003, 523-527
  86. The linear quadratic optimization problems for a class of linear stochastic systems with multiplicative white noise and Markovian jumping (colab. V. Dragan), IEEE Trans. Aut. Control, 49, 1, 2004, 665-675
  87. $H^2$ optimal control for linear stochastic systems (colab. V. Dragan and A. Stoica), Automatica, 40, 2004, 1103-1113
  88. A class of nonlinear differential equations on the space of symmetric matrices (colab. V. Dragan, G. Freiling and A. Hockhaus), Electronic Journal of Diff. Eqs., 2004, nr. 96, 1-50.
  89. Stochastic observability and Applications (colab. V. Dragan), IMA Journal of Math. Control and Information, 21, 2004, 323-344
  90. Stochastic version of Bounded Real Lemma and Applications (colab. V. Dragan and A. Stoica), Math. Reports, 5, 4, 2004, 389-430.
  91. Stochastic H2-optimal control for a class of linear systems with periodic coefficients (colab. V. Dragan), European Journal of Control, 11, 6, 2005, 619-631.
  92. Differential equations with positive evolutions and some applications (colab. V. Dragan, P. Damm and G. Freiling), Result. Math. 48, 2005,206-236.
  93. Exponential stability for discrete-time linear equations defined by positive operators (colab. V. Dragan), Integr. equ. oper. theory, 54, 2006, 465-493.
  94. Observability and detectability of a class of discrete-time stochastic linear systems, (colab. V. Dragan), IMA Journal of Math. Control and Inf., 23, 2006, 371-394.
  95. Mean square exponential stability for some stochastic linear discrete-time systems (colab. V. Dragan), European Journal of Control, 11 (4), 2006, 1-23.

C. Scientific papers in Proceedings

  1. Boundedness propreties for stochastic systems, Proceed. of Intern. Symposium on Stability of Stochastic Dynamical Systems, Warwick, England 1972, Lecture Notes Math, vol 294, 1972, 21-29.
  2. Stabiliatea unor sisteme discrete stochastice , Colocviul de teoria sistemelor, Brasov, Rom., 1973, 86-96.
  3. On the stochastic stability of some discrete systems with random parameters, Colocviul de teoria probabilitatilor Brasov, Rom., 1974, 233-238.
  4. On the stability of stochastic discrete systems, Proceed. of Autumn Course on Control theory and Topics in Funct. Analysis, Trieste , Italy, 1974, IAEA, Vienna, 1976, vol.3.
  5. Stability and control of some linear discrete-time systems with jump Markov perturbations, Proceed. of Second Conference on Diff Eqs, Rousse, Bulg, 1981.
  6. Periodic solutions of some affine stochastic differential equations, Proceed. of Conference on Diff. Eqs. Cluj-Napoca, 1985.
  7. Tracking almost periodic signals under white-noise perturbations, (in colab. cu A. Halanay), Proceed. Sixth I F I P Conference on Stochastic Systems and Optimization, Warsaw, Poland, 1984.
  8. Affine stochastics differential equations with almost periodic coefficients, Proceed. Conference on Diff. Eqs. And Control Theory, Iasi, Rom., 1990, Pitman Researk Notes in Math. Series vol. 250, 1991, Edit. V. Barbu, 217-221.
  9. On the Riccati equations of stochastic control, Proceed. of First Franco- Roum. Conference, Iasi, 1992, Intern. Series of Num., Math., vol 1 7, 1992, Edit. V. Barbu.
  10. Liapunov and Riccati equations connected with stability and quadratic control for time - varying lineur systems with jump Markov perturbations, Collection Papers on Qualitative Problems for Diff. Eqs. and Control theory, Edit. C. Corduneanu, World Scientific, 1995, 177-184.
  11. Disturbance attention problem for discrete-time stochastic systems. The periodic case., (in colab. cu V. Dragan) Proceed. of ECC 97, Bruxelles, TH-M, E1, 1997.
  12. Stabilizing solutions for Riccati equations for controlled systems with jump Markov perturbations (colab. V. Dragan), Proceed. MTNS'98 Symp., Padova, Italy, 605-609.
  13. Stabilizing solutions to coupled matrix Riccati differential equations associated to linear systems with Markovian jumping and multiplicative noise, (colab. V. Dragan), Proceed. European Control Conference ECC'99, Karlsruhe, Germany, 1999.
  14. Exponential stability for a class of singularly perturbed Ito differential equations (colab. V. Dragan), Proceed. Sixth Colloquium on the Qualitative Theory Diff. Eqs., Szeged, Hungary, 1999.
  15. Robust stabilization of linear stochastic systems with Markovian jumping, (colab. V. Dragan), CD Fourteenth Int. Symp. of Math. Theory of Networks and Systems, MTNS 2000, Perpignan, France, June 2000.
  16. Linear quadratic optimization problem with indefinite control weight costs for stochastic systems with multiplicative white noise and Markovian jumping (colab. V. Dragan), Proceed. of 7-th IEEE Int. Conf. Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR), 28-31, August 2001, Polonia.
  17. An addendum to the problem of stochastic observability (colab. V. Dragan) FA3, Proceed Fifteenth Int. Symp. on Math. Theory of Networks and Systems, Univ. of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, 2002
  18. Iterative procedures for stabilizing solutions of Riccati differential equations arising in stochastic control (colab. V. Dragan and A. Stoica) Proceed. Intern. Conf. Analysis and Optim. Diff. Eqs., Sept. 2002, Constanta, Roum., Kluwer Acad. Publ. (Eds. V. Barbu et all) 2003, 133-144
  19. The disturbance attenuation problem for a general class of linear stochastic systems (colab. V. Dragan and A. Stoica) Advances in Automatic Control, (Ed. M. Voicu), Kluwer Acad. Publ. 2003, 39-54
  20. Optimization and Riccati equations (colab. V. Dragan) Proceed. Int. Workshop "Differential Systems and Financial Mathematics", 15-23 Sept. 2003.
  21. H2-optimal control for a class of periodic stochastic linear systems (colab. V. Dragan), Proceed. of 30-th Int. Conference of the Military Tech. Academy, Bucharest, 2003 (CD-ROM).
  22. $H^2$ optimal control for linear stochastic periodic systems (colab. V. Dragan) Proceed. Sixteenth Int. Symp. on Math. Theory of Networks and Systems, MTNS 2004, Leuven, Belgium
  23. An iterative procedure for computation of the maximal solution of a class of generalized Riccati differential equations, (colab. V. Dragan, G. Freiling and A. Hockhaus), Proceed. Sixth. Int. Symp. on Math. Theory of Network and Systems, MTNS 2004, Leuven, Belgium
  24. Mean square exponential stability of discrete-time linear stochastic systems with Markovian jumping (colab. V. Dragan), Proceed. of 8-th SACCS, Iasi, Romania, 2004 (CD-ROM)
  25. The linear quadratic optimization problem for a class of discrete-time linear stochastic systems (colab V. Dragan), Proceed. of 31-th Int. Conference of the Military Tech. Academy, Bucharest, 2005 (CD-ROM).
  26. Mean square exponential stability for discrete-time time-varying linear systems with markovian switching (colab. V. Dragan), Proceed. of Int. Symp. on Math. Theory of Network and Systems, MTNS, 2006, Kyoto, Japan