Analyse de quelques problèmes aux limites elliptiques non linéaires,
Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), 25 février 2003
Analyse de quelques problèmes liés à l'équation de
Ginzburg-Landau, Thèse de doctorat, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), 29 juin 1995
Methods of Operator Theory in Nonlinear Analysis, Ph. D. Dissertation, University
of Craiova, 17 December 1993
(with T. Andreescu and T.-L. Radulescu) Problem Solving in Mathematical Analysis,
Springer-Verlag, New York, to appear.
Partial Differential Equations,
Craiova University Press, 1999 (pdf).
Treatment Methods of the Elliptic Problems, Craiova University Press, 1998.
Editor of Special Issues
Guest Editor of the Special Issue Degenerate and Singular
Partial Differential Equations and Phenomena, to be published in
the Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2008.
Guest Editor (with Hervé Le Dret - Université Pierre et Marie Curie- Paris 6 and
Roderick Wong, City University of Hong Kong) of the Special Issue
of Communications in Pure and Applied Analysis dedicated to the 70th anniversary of
Professor Philippe G. Giarlet, 2008.
Guest Editor (with M. Iosifescu) of the Proceedings of the Seventh Franco-Romanian Colloquium on Applied Mathematics, Held in Craiova, August 30 - September 3, 2004, Annals Univ. Craiova Ser. Mat. Inform., 32 (2005).
Guest Editor (with M. Iosifescu and M. Sofonea) of the Proceedings of the Sixth Franco-Romanian Colloquium on Applied Mathematics, Held in Perpignan, September 2-6, 2002, Annals Univ. Craiova Ser. Mat. Inform., 30 (2003).
H. Brezis, Analyse fonctionnelle: théorie, méthodes et applications,
Masson, Paris, 1992.
Translation from French. Romanian title: Analiză funcţională: teorie, metode şi aplicaţii,
Editura Academiei Române, Bucureşti, 2002 (pdf).
Course Notes
H. Brezis, Equations de Ginzburg-Landau
et singularités, Notes de cours à l'Université Pierre
et Marie Curie (Paris 6) rédigées par Vicentiu Radulescu, 2001
Publications in Refereed Journals
Subspaces with the 1½-ball property in Banach spaces,
Ann. Univ. Craiova XV (1987), 19-25.
A generalization of a classical result concerning the duality of regular
spaces, Revue Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 33 (1988), 785-788.
A study of some special functions with Lie theory,
Studii Cerc. Mat. 43 (1991), 67-71.
Mountain pass type theorems for non-differentiable functions and
applications, Proc. Japan Acad. 69A (1993), 193-198.
(with P. Mironescu) A bifurcation problem associated to a convex, asymptotically
linear function, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 316 (1993), 667-672.
On the Volterra theorem, Ann. Univ. Craiova XX (1993), 11-12.
(with P. Mironescu) Periodic solutions of the
equation -Δv=v(1-|v|²),
Houston Math. Journal 20 (1994), 653-670.
Vector norms and duality properties in Riesz spaces,
Annals New York Acad. 728 (1994), 330-338.
(with C. Lefter) On the Ginzburg-Landau energy with weight, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I
319 (1994), 843-848.
Mountain pass type theorems for non-differentiable convex functions,
Revue Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 39 (1994), 53-62.
(with P. Mironescu) On a duality theorem (in Romanian), Studii Cerc. Mat. 46
(1994), 393-396.
(with C. Lefter) On the Ginzburg-Landau energy with vanishing weight, Ann. Univ.
Craiova XXI (1994), 3-11.
A Lusternik-Schnirelman type theorem for locally Lipschitz functionals
with applications to multivalued periodic problems, Proc. Japan Acad.
71A (1995), 164-167 (pdf).
(with P. Mironescu) A multiplicity theorem for locally Lipschitz periodic
functionals, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 195 (1995), 621-637 (pdf).
(with C. Lefter) The renormalized energy associated to a harmonic map, PanAmerican
Math. Journal 3 (1995), No. 2, 1-7.
Locally Lipschitz functionals with the strong Palais-Smale property,
Revue Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 40 (1995), 355-372.
(with C. Lefter) Convergence properties for general solutions of the Ginzburg-Landau
energy with weight, Revue Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 40 (1995), 633-639.
(with C. Lefter) Minimization problems and renormalized energies related to the
Ginzburg-Landau equation, Ann. Univ. Craiova XXII (1995), 1-13.
Nontrivial solutions for a multivalued problem with strong resonance,
Glasgow Math. Journal 38 (1996), 53-61.
(with C. Lefter) On the Ginzburg-Landau energy with weight,
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré, Analyse Non Linéaire
13 (1996), 171-184 (pdf).
(with P. Mironescu) The study of a bifurcation problem associated to an asymptotically linear
function, Nonlinear Analysis, T.M.A. 26 (1996)
857-875 (pdf).
(with C. Niculescu) A Saddle Point type theorem and applications to the study of some
problems with strong resonance at infinity, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fennicae
21 (1996), 117-131 (dvi)
(with C. Lefter) Minimization problems and corresponding renormalized energies, Diff.
Integral Equations 9 (1996), 903-918 (pdf).
(with C. Lefter) Asymptotics for the minimizers of the Ginzburg-Landau energy with
vanishing weight, Advances Math. Sci. Appl. 7 (1997), 259-271.
Sur l'équation multigroupe stationnaire de la diffusion des neutrons, C. R.
Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 323 (1996), 765-768.
(with M. Bocea) Problèmes elliptiques avec non-linéarité discontinue
et second membre L1, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 324 (1997),
169-172 (pdf).
(with D. Motreanu) Existence theorems for some classes of
boundary value problems involving the p-Laplacian, PanAmerican Math.
Journal 7 (1997), No. 2, 53-66.
(with P. D. Panagiotopoulos) Perturbations of hemivariational inequalities with constraints and
applications, J. Global Optimiz. 12 (1998), 285-297 (pdf).
Multivalued problems with strong resonance at infinity and L1 data,
Revue Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 43 (1998), 533-540.
(with M. Bocea) An eigenvalue Dirichlet problem with weight and L1 data,
Math. Nachr. 198 (1999), 5-17.
(with M. Fundos and P. D. Panagiotopoulos) Existence theorems of Hartmann-Stampacchia type for hemivariational
inequalities and applications, J. Global Optimiz.
15 (1999), 41-54 (pdf).
(with F. Cîrstea) Existence and uniqueness of positive solutions to a semilinear elliptic
problem in RN, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 229 (1999), 417-425 (pdf).
(with M. Bocea and P. D. Panagiotopoulos) A perturbation result for a double eigenvalue
hemivariational inequality and applications, J. Global
Optimiz. 14} (1999), 137-156 (pdf).
(with M. Degiovanni) Perturbations of nonsmooth symmetric nonlinear eigenvalue
problems, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 329 (1999), 281-286 (pdf).
Perturbations of hemivariational inequalities with constraints,
Revue Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 44 (1999), 455-461.
(with M. Bocea and P. D. Panagiotopoulos) Double eigenvalue hemivariational inequalities with non-locally
Lipschitz energy functional, Commun. Appl. Nonlin. Anal. 6 (1999), No. 4, 17-29.
Approximation of the ground state with solutions on bounded domains
with corners, Revue Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 44 (1999), 845-855.
(with C. Vladimirescu) KKM techniques for hemivariational inequalities and
applications, Ann. Univ. Craiova XXVI (1999), 29-42.
(with F. Cîrstea) Multiple solutions of degenerate perturbed elliptic problems
involving a subcritical Sobolev exponent, Topol. Meth. Nonlin. Anal. 15 (2000),
281-298 (pdf)
(with F. Gazzola) A nonsmooth critical point theory approach
to some nonlinear elliptic equations in unbounded domains, Diff.
Integral Equations 13 (2000), 47-60 (pdf)
(with F. Cîrstea) Existence and nonexistence results for quasilinear problems
with nonlinear boundary condition, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 244 (2000), 169-183 (pdf).
(with M. Degiovanni and M. Marzocchi) Multiple solutions of hemivariational inequalities with
area-type term, Calculus of Variations and PDE 10 (2000), 355-387 (pdf).
(with F. Cîrstea) Multiplicity of solutions for a class of non-symmetric
eigenvalue hemivariational inequalities, J. Global Optimiz.
17 (1/4) (2000), 43-54 (pdf).
(with L. Ignat and C. Lefter) Minimization of the renormalized energy in the unit ball of
R2, Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde 5/1, No. 3 (2000), 150-152 (pdf).
(with D. Motreanu) Existence results for inequality problems with lack of
convexity, Numer. Funct. Anal. Optimiz. 21 (2000),
No. 7-8, 869-884 (pdf)
(with F. Cîrstea) On a double bifurcation quasilinear
problem arising in the study of anisotropic continuous media,
Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 44 (2001), 527-548 (pdf)
(with F. Cîrstea) Existence implies uniqueness for a class of singular anisotropic
elliptic boundary value problems, Math. Methods Appl. Sciences
24 (2001), 771-779 (pdf).
(with F. Cîrstea and D. Motreanu) Weak solutions of quasilinear problems with nonlinear
boundary conditions, Nonlinear Analysis, T.M.A. 43 (2001), 623-636 (pdf).
(with E. Montefusco) Nonlinear eigenvalue problems for quasilinear operators
on unbounded domains, Nonlinear Diff. Equations Appl. (NoDEA) 8 (2001), 481-497 (pdf).
(with F. Cîrstea) On a class of quasilinear eigenvalue problems on unbounded domains,
Archiv der Mathematik (Basel) 77 (2001), 337-346 (pdf).
(with F. Cîrstea) Blow-up solutions for semilinear elliptic problems,
Nonlinear Analysis, T.M.A. 48 (2002), 541-554 (pdf).
(with F. Cîrstea) Existence and uniqueness of blow-up solutions for a class of
logistic equations, Commun. Contemp. Math. 4 (2002), 559-586
(with D. Smets and M. Willem) Hardy-Sobolev inequalities with remainder terms,
Topol. Meth. Nonlin. Anal. 20 (2002), 145-149 (ps).
(with F. Cîrstea) Uniqueness of the blow-up boundary solution
of logistic equations with absorbtion, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 335 (2002),
447-452 (pdf).
(with F. Cîrstea) Entire solutions blowing-up at infinity for semilinear
elliptic systems, J. Math. Pures Appliquées (Journal de Liouville) 81 (2002), 827-846 (pdf).
(with M. Ghergu and C. Niculescu) Explosive solutions of elliptic equations with absorption and nonlinear gradient term,
Proc. Indian Acad. (Math. Sciences) 112 (2002), 1-11 (pdf).
(with M. Willem) Elliptic systems involving finite Radon measures,
Differential and Integral Equations 16 (2003), 221-229
(dvi) (pdf).
(with F. Cîrstea) Asymptotics for the blow-up
boundary solution of the logistic equation with absorption,
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 336 (2003), 231-236 (pdf).
(with S. Dabuleanu) Multi-valued boundary value problems involving Leray-Lions
operators and discontinuous nonlinearities, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo
52 (2003), 57-69 (pdf).
(with M. Ghergu) Bifurcation and asymptotics for the Lane-Emden-Fowler equation,
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 337 (2003), 259-264 (pdf).
(with F. Cîrstea) Solutions with boundary blow-up for a class of nonlinear elliptic problems,
Houston J. Math. 29 (2003), 821-829 (pdf).
(with C. Ciulcu and D. Motreanu) Multiplicity of solutions for a class of non-symmetric eigenvalue hemivariational
inequalities, Math. Methods Appl. Sciences 26 (2003), 801-814 (pdf).
(with M. Mihailescu) Ground state solutions of nonlinear singular
Schrödinger equations with lack of compactness, Math. Methods Appl. Sciences
26 (2003), 897-906 (pdf).
(with M. Ghergu) Sublinear singular elliptic problems with two parameters,
J. Differential Equations 195 (2003), 520-536 (pdf).
(with D. Smets) Critical singular problems on infinite cones,
Nonlinear Analysis, T.M.A. 54 (2003), 1153-1164 (pdf).
(with I. Ionescu) Nonlinear eigenvalue problems arising in earthquake
initiation, Adv. Differential Equations 8 (2003), 769-786
(with M. Ghergu) Existence and nonexistence of entire solutions to the
logistic differential equation, Abstract and Applied Analysis 17 (2003), 995-1003 (pdf).
(with M. Bocea and P. D. Panagiotopoulos) Inequality problems with nonlocally Lipschitz energy
functional: existence results and applications to nonsmooth
mechanics, Applicable Anal. 82 (2003), 561-574 (pdf).
(with M. Ghergu) Explosive solutions of semilinear elliptic systems with gradient term,
RACSAM Revista Real Academia de Ciencias (Serie A, Matemáticas) 97 (2003), 437-445
(with M. Ghergu) Nonradial blow-up solutions of sublinear elliptic equations
with gradient term, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 3 (2004), 465-474
(with M. Ghergu) Bifurcation for a class of singular elliptic problems with quadratic
convection term, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 338 (2004),
831-836 (pdf).
(with F. Cîrstea) Extremal singular solutions for degenerate logistic-type equations in
anisotropic media, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 339 (2004), 119-124 (pdf).
Finitely many solutions for a class of boundary value
problems with superlinear convex nonlinearity, Archiv der Mathematik (Basel)
84 (2005), 538-550 (pdf).
(with M. Ghergu) On a class of sublinear singular elliptic problems
with convection term, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 311 (2005), 635-646 (pdf).
(with D. Motreanu) Eigenvalue problems for degenerate nonlinear
elliptic equations in anisotropic media, Boundary Value Problems 2 (2005),
107-127 (pdf).
(with F. Cîrstea and M. Ghergu) Combined effects of asymptotically linear and singular
nonlinearities in bifurcation problems of Lane-Emden-Fowler type, J. Math. Pures Appliquées
(Journal de Liouville) 84 (2005), 493-508 (pdf).
(with M. Ghergu) Multiparameter bifurcation and asymptotics for the singular
Lane-Emden-Fowler equation with a convection term, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh:
Section A (Mathematics) 135 (2005), 61-84
(with F. Cîrstea) Nonlinear problems with boundary blow-up: a Karamata regular
variation theory approach, Asymptotic Analysis 46 (2006), 275-298
(with M. Ghergu) Singular elliptic problems with lack of compactness,
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 185 (2006), 63-79 (pdf).
(with M. Mihailescu) A multiplicity result for a nonlinear degenerate
problem arising in the theory of electrorheological fluids,
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 462 (2006), 2625-2641
(tex) (pdf).
(with M. Mihailescu) Existence and multiplicity of solutions for
quasilinear nonhomogeneous problems: an Orlicz-Sobolev space setting, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 330 (2007),
416-432 (tex) (pdf).
(with F. Cîrstea) Boundary blow-up in nonlinear elliptic equations of
Bieberbach-Rademacher type, Transactions Amer. Math. Soc. 359 (2007), 3275-3286
(with M. Mihailescu) Nonhomogeneous boundary value problems in Orlicz-Sobolev spaces, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 344 (2007), 15-20
(with M. Ghergu) On a class of singular Gierer-Meinhardt systems arising in morphogenesis,
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 344 (2007), 163-168
Singular phenomena in nonlinear elliptic problems. From blow-up boundary solutions
to equations with singular nonlinearities, in Handbook of Differential Equations:
Stationary Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 4 (Michel Chipot, Editor), 2007, pp. 483-591
(zip) (pdf).
(with M. Mihailescu) On a nonhomogeneous quasilinear eigenvalue problem in Sobolev
spaces with variable exponent, Proceedings Amer. Math. Soc. 135 (2007), 2929-2937
(with C. Vallée) An infinite dimensional version of the Schur
convexity property and applications, Analysis and Applications 5 (2007), 123-136 (tex)
(with M. Ghergu) Ground state solutions for the singular Lane-Emden-Fowler equation with sublinear convection term, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 333 (2007), 265-273
(tex) (pdf).
(with L. Dupaigne and M. Ghergu) Lane-Emden-Fowler equations with convection and singular potential, J. Math. Pures Appliquées (Journal de Liouville) 87 (2007), 563-581
(tex) (pdf).
(with S. Dumont, L. Dupaigne, and O. Goubet) Back to the Keller-Osserman condition for
boundary blow-up solutions, Advanced Nonlinear Studies 7 (2007), 271-298
(tex) (pdf).
(with M. Mihailescu and P. Pucci) Nonhomogeneous boundary value problems in anisotropic Sobolev spaces, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I, in press
(with M. Mihailescu) Continuous spectrum for a class of nonhomogeneous differential operators, Manuscripta Mathematica, in press
(tex) (pdf).
(with R. Filippucci and P. Pucci) Existence and non-existence results for quasilinear
elliptic exterior problems with nonlinear boundary conditions, Communications in
Partial Differential Equations, in press
(tex) (pdf).
(with M. Mihailescu) Eigenvalue problems associated to nonhomogeneous differential operators in Orlicz-Sobolev spaces, Analysis and Applications, in press.
(with M. Mihailescu and P. Pucci) Eigenvalue problems for anisotropic
quasilinear elliptic equations with variable exponent, J. Math. Anal. Appl., in press
(tex) (pdf).
(with M. Ghergu) A singular Gierer-Meinhardt system with different source
terms, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A (Mathematics), in press
(zip) (pdf).
(with M. Mihailescu) A continuous spectrum for nonhomogeneous differential
operators in Orlicz-Sobolev spaces, Mathematica Scandinavica, in press
(tex) (pdf).
(with A. Kristály) Sublinear eigenvalue problems on compact Riemannian manifolds with applications in Emden-Fowler equations, submitted.
Publications in Refereed Conference Proceedings
Variational aspects of generalized eigenvalue and eigenvector problems, Proceedings of the National Colloquium
on Probability Theory and Operational Research
(Craiova, 1982), 164-167, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, 1982.
Hemivariational inequalities associated to
multivalued problems with strong resonance,
in Nonsmooth/Nonconvex Mechanics:
Modeling, Analysis and Numerical Methods, dedicated to
the memory of Professor P.D. Panagiotopoulos,
(D.Y. Gao, R.W. Ogden, G.E. Stavroulakis, Eds.), Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 2000, pp. 333-348.
Perturbations of eigenvalue problems with constraints for hemivariational inequalities,
From Convexity to Nonconvexity, volume dedicated to
the memory of Prof. G. Fichera, Nonconvex Optimiz. Appl., 55,
Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 2001 (R.P. Gilbert, P. Pardalos, Eds.), pp. 243-253.
Perturbations of symmetric hemivariational inequalities, in
Nonsmooth/Nonconvex Mechanics with Applications in Engineering,
International Conference In Memoriam of Professor P.D. Panagiotopoulos, Thessaloniki, 5-6 July, 2002,
Editions Ziti, Thessaloniki, 2002 (C.C. Baniotopoulos, Ed.), pp. 61-72.
Asymptotics of minimizers and pinning of vortices for a
variational problem with discontinuous weight related to
superconductivity, in Proceedings of the National Conference on Mathematical Analysis and
Applications, Timisoara 12-13 December 2000, Timisoara University Press, 2003 (M. Megan, N. Suciu, Eds.),
pp. 337-356.
(with M. Iosifescu and M. Sofonea),
Editorial [Actes du 6-ème Colloque Franco-Roumain de
Mathématiques Appliquées], Proceedings of the Sixth
Franco-Romanian Colloquium on Applied Mathematics, Held in Perpignan,
September 2-6, 2002, An. Univ. Craiova Ser. Mat. Inform. 30 (2003), no. 1, p. 1.
On a spectral variational problem arising in the study of earthquakes.
Multiplicity and perturbation from symmetry, in Control and Boundary Analysis,
Proceedings of the 21st IFIP Conference on System
Modeling and Optimization, Sophia Antipolis, France, July 21-25, 2003 (J. Cagnol, J.-P. Zolesio, Eds.),
Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics Series, 240, Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 2005, pp. 191-202
(with M. Iosifescu),
Préambule [Actes du 7-ème Colloque Franco-Roumain de
Mathématiques Appliquées], Proceedings of the Seventh
Franco-Romanian Colloquium on Applied Mathematics, Held in Craiova, August 30 -
September 3, 2004, An. Univ. Craiova Ser. Mat. Inform. 32 (2005), p. 1.
Bifurcation and asymptotics for elliptic problems with
singular nonlinearity, in Studies in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations: In Honor
of Haim Brezis, Fifth European Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic
Problems: A special tribute to the work of Haim Brezis, Gaeta, Italy, May 30 -
June 3, 2004 (C. Bandle, H. Berestycki, B. Brighi, A. Brillard, M. Chipot,
J.-M. Coron, C. Sbordone, I. Shafrir, V. Valente, G. Vergara Caffarelli, Eds.),
Birkhäuser, 2005, pp. 349-362 (pdf).
(with M. Ghergu),
Singular elliptic problems with convection term in anisotropic media,
in Mathematical Analysis and Applications:
International Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Craiova (Romania), 23-24 September 2005,
AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 835
(C. Niculescu and V. Radulescu, Editors), American Institute of Physics, 2006,
pp. 74-89 (pdf).
Comparison principles and applications to nonlinear elliptic equations,
in Critical Point Theory and Its Applications, Casa Cartii de Stiinta (C. Varga, A. Kristály, P. Blaga, Eds.), Cluj-Napoca, 2007, pp. 17-52.
(with M. Ghergu), On the influence of a subquadratic convection
term in singular elliptic problems, in Applied Analysis and Differential Equations,
(O. Carja, I. Vrabie, Eds.), World Scientific, 2007, pp. 127-138
Publications in Unrefereed Journals
Sur la théorie de Lusternik-Schnirelman en dimension finie, Matarom,
Laboratoire d'Analyse Numérique, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), No. 2 (juin
1992), 9-17.
(with P. Mironescu) Nonlinear Sturm-Liouville type problems with a finite number of
solutions, Matarom, Laboratoire d'Analyse Numérique, Université
Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), No. 3 (juillet 1993), 54-67.
(with C. Niculescu) Problems at resonance via critical point theorems for non-smooth
functionals, Tübingen Berichte zür Funktionanalysis, Heft 3,
Jahrgang 93/94, 169-183.
(with F. Cîrstea) On the uniqueness of solutions to a class of singular anisotropic elliptic
boundary value problems, RGMIA Research Report Collection, vol. 3 (2000), 405-414.
(with M. Iosifescu) Septième Colloque franco-roumain de mathématiques
appliquées, Gazette des Mathématiciens, No. 103
(janvier 2005), 57-58 [see also Matapli, No. 76 (mars 2005), 47-48].
Research Reports
(with Q. Tang) Asymptotics and pinning of vortices for a variational problem
with vanishing weight related to superconductivity, Centre for Mathematical Analysis and Its Applications,
University of Sussex, CMAIA 98-01.
Proposed Problems
Proposed problem No. 11024, American Mathematical Monthly
6/110 (2003)
(pdf) (solution).
Proposed problem No. 11073, American Mathematical Monthly
3/111 (2004) (pdf).
Proposed problem No. 11104, American
Mathematical Monthly 8/111 (2004)
Proposed problem No. 11137,
American Mathematical Monthly 2/112 (2005)
(pdf) (AMMsolution).
Proposed problem No. 2005-1, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations
(Problem Section, click
Proposed problem No. 11167,
American Mathematical Monthly 7/112 (2005)
(pdf) (AMMsolution).
Proposed problem No. 1224,
Elemente der Mathematik 4/60 (2005)