Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy
21, Calea Grivitei
P.O. Box 1-764, RO 70700
Bucharest, Romania
Phone: +40 - 740 390 589
Main Research Interests
Deformations of algebraic/analytic structures, moduli spaces/stacks of vector bundles, mirror symmetry,
nonabelian duality, group cohomology, deformations of groups.
Educational History and Employment
Since 2002 Junior Researcher, Mathematics Institute of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest.
2000-2002 Temporary Research Assistant, University of Lille 3.
1997-2001 PhD student in Mathematics,
Joseph Fourier Institute,
University of Grenoble 1, under the supervision of
Professor Siegmund Kosarew.
1996-1997 Master of Science Degree, Joseph Fourier Institute,
University of Grenoble 1.
1996-1998 École Normale Supérieure, Lyon.
1993-1996 Faculty of Mathematics, University of Bucharest.
click for abstracts.
"Tannaka duality for noetherian projective schemes", in preparation.
"Déformation du fibré de Poincaré", Rev. Roum. Math. P.A. vol. 48, no.4, 2003
: postscript
"Sur la stabilité du fibré de Picard", C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I334 (2002), 885-888
: postscript
"Propriétés de bidualité des espaces de modules en termes de cohomologie de groupes", PhD thesis, J. Fourier Institute (Grenoble 1), France, October 2001
: postscript
"Introduction aux champs algébriques", série d'exposés à l'IMAR, novembre 2003 : postscript.
Some pictures