Mathematical aspects of solid state physics, quantum transport and spectral analysis

organized by Simion Stoilow Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy,
partially supported by the CNRS Franco-Romanian LEA Math-Mode,

the Grant 11-106598 from the Danish Council for Independent Research | Natural Sciences,

and the ANCS Comission for Scientific Meetings and Exhibitions

July 1 - 3, 2014, Bucharest, Romania

Conference in honor of Gheorghe Nenciu's 70th birthday

Invited talks

Francois Bentosela - Bloch oscillations in semiconductor superlattices
Horia Cornean - On the Peierls Substitution for (Non)Constant, Weak Magnetic Fields
Pavel Exner - Narrowing channels, or Schroedinger operators mixing different dimensions
Dan Radu Grigore - Group theoretical aspects of the standard model in the causal approach; the Higgs sector
Bernard Helffer - On Harper's equation for the Kagome lattice
Ira Herbst - Decay of eigenfunctions of elliptic PDEs
Arne Jensen - Resolvent expansions for the discrete one dimensional Schroedinger operator
Alain Joye - Spectral Properties of Non-Unitary Band Matrices
Calin Lazaroiu - Supersymmetry, foliated G-structures and non-commutative geometry
Claude-Alain Pillet - The Landauer Principle in quantum statistical mechanics
Emil Prodan - The Non-Commutative Geometry of the Complex Classes of Topological Insulators
Erik Skibsted - Scattering theory on Riemannian manifolds
Jakob Yngvason - Incompressibility estimates for many-body wave functions in the Laughlin phase

This conference is part of the series of International Conferences dedicated to Mathematical Models in Quantum Transport Theory:

1. Mathematical Models for Transport in Macroscopic and Mesoscopic Systems, Bucharest, Romania, January 29 - February 1, 2005

2. Quantum Transport and Excitations from Macro to Nanoscale, Aalborg, Denmark, November 11-13, 2005

3. Aspects mathematiques du transport dans les systemes mesoscopiques , Marseille, France, December 18-20, 2006

4. Mathematical Models for Transport in Macroscopic and Mesoscopic Systems , WIAS Berlin, February 07-10, 2008

5. Mathematical aspects of transport in mesoscopic systems , Dublin, Ireland, December 4-7, 2008

6. Mathematical aspects of quantum transport and applications in nanophysics , Aalborg, Denmark, August 10-13, 2009

7. Mathematical Challenges of Quantum Transport in Nano-Optoelectronic Systems , WIAS Berlin, February 04-05, 2011