Sections and Scientific Committees1. Algebra and Number Theory: Sorin Dascalescu, Andrei Marcus, Dorin Popescu, Dragos Stefan, Alexandru Zaharescu-- Special session: Geometry and Topology of differentiable manifolds and algebraic varieties: Anca Macinic, Laurentiu Maxim, Stefan Papadima 2. Algebraic, Complex and Differential Geometry and Topology: Marian Aprodu, Vasile Branzanescu, Razvan Litcanu, Liviu Ornea, Stefan Papadima, Tudor S. Ratiu 3. Real and Complex Analysis, Potential Theory: Lucian Beznea, Mihnea Coltoiu, Gabriela Kohr, Constantin Niculescu 4. Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, Variational Methods, Optimal Control: Petru Jebelean, Catalin Lefter, Sorin Micu, Radu Precup, Vicentiu Radulescu, Ioan I. Vrabie 5. Functional Analysis, Operator Theory and Operator Algebras, Mathematical Physics: Aurelian Gheondea, Radu Purice, Florin Radulescu, Dan Timotin -- Special session: Spectral Theory and Applications in Mathematical Physics: Radu Purice, Gheorghe Nenciu, Horia Cornean -- Special session: Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory: Eugen Mihailescu 6. Probability, Stochastic Analysis, and Mathematical Statistics: Dan Crisan, Marius Iosifescu, Ionel Popescu, Aurel Rascanu, 7. Mechanics, Numerical Analysis, Mathematical Models in Sciences: Sebastian Anita, Stan Chirita, Dorin Iesan, Ioan R. Ionescu, Liviu Marin, Gabriela Marinoschi, Sanda Tigoiu -- Special session: Mathematical modeling of some medical and biological processes: Narcisa Apreutesei, Andrei Halanay -- Special session: Mathematical models in Astronomy: Marian Doru Suran, Dan Alin Nedelcu, Dumitru Pricopi 8. Theoretical Computer Science, Operations Research and Mathematical Programming: Gabriel Istrate, Henri Luchian, Gheorghe Paun, Gheorghe Stefanescu, Ioan Tomescu, Constantin Zalinescu -- Special session: Logic in Computer Science: Gheorghe Stefanescu, Laurentiu Leustean 9. History and Philosophy of Mathematics: Solomon Marcus, Doru Stefanescu |