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The Seventh Congress of Romanian Mathematicians |
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June 29 - July 5, 2011, Brasov, Romania |
List of TalksAlina Alb Lupas: A note on strong differential subordinations using Salagean operator and Ruscheweyh derivativeToma Albu: From Galois and Kummer theory to a gentle introduction into co-Galois theory Nicoleta Aldea: Projectively related complex Finsler metrics Alexandru Aleman: A quantitative estimate for bounded point evaluations in P2(μ)-spaces Calin Ambrozie: Remarks on certain moments problems Anca Andrei: Quasiconformal mappings on certain classes of domains in metric spaces Cabiria Andreian Cazacu: Contributions of Petru P. Caraman to the quasiconformality generalizations Nicolae Anghel: Entire functions of finite order as solutions of complex linear differential equations with polynomial coefficients Cristina Anton: Application of the dependence with complete connections to hidden Markov models Marian F. Anton: Homology of arithmetic groups Constantin M. Arcus: Interior and exterior differential systems for Lie algebroids Lori Badea: Multigrid methods for constrained minimization problems Vladimir Balan: Spectra and critical values associated to m-th root Finslerian geometric structures Zoltan M. Balogh: Frequency of Sobolev and quasiconformal dimension distortion Valeriu Baltag: The GL(2,R)-invariant center conditions for some cubic differential systems Rodrigo Bañuelos: Fourier multipliers and singular integrals arising from Levy processes Mihail Barbosu: Phase portraits with Maple Marian Alexandru Baroni: Constructive order locatedness Mihaela Carmen Baroni: Drawing 'the tree of life': clusters, trees, and phylogenetic networks Serban A. Basarab: Embedding theorems for free actions on generalized trees Fabrice Baudoin: Curvature dimension inequalities for subelliptic operators Marius Beceanu: Structure of wave operators in Rn Diana Bejenari: Polling models with PH distribution Constantin-Nicolae Beli: Irreducibility of multivariable polynomials in terms of support and Characteristic Mihaly Bencze: On an extension of the Hilbert integral inequality Barbu Berceanu: Simple braids Cristian Bereanu: Boundary value problems with singular φ-Laplacians Istvan Berkes: Probability theory of nonrandom objects Florin P. Boca: Irregularities in the angular distribution of hyperbolic lattice points Marian Bocea: On the characterization of the effective yield set in polycrystal plasticity Carmen Bolosteanu: Integral operators on nonorientable surfaces Anca-Iuliana Bonciocat: Curvature bounds and functional inequalities in discrete spaces Nicolae Ciprian Bonciocat: Using prime numbers to construct irreducible polynomials Maria-Magdalena Boureanu: On a class of nonlinear stationary problems with Neumann boundary condition Daniel Breaz: Univalence conditions for generalized integral operator Nicoleta Breaz: Some p-valent functions with negative coefficients and their quasi-Hadamard product Ileana Bucur: Darboux-Stieltjes vector integral Gheorghe Bucur: Some remarks on Ito integral Nero Budur: The monodromy conjecture Sebastian Burciu: Clifford theory for semisimple Hopf algebras Dan Burghelea: New topological invariants for angle valued maps (bar codes and Jordan cells) Andrei Caldararu: Quantizing the normal bundle Adrian Carabineanu: Tunnel effects in the lifting surface theory Cristian Cazacu: Pohozaev-type identity for operators with singularities. Applications to exact boundary controllability problems Aurelian Cernea: Some topological properties of solution set for a class of fractional differential inclusions Dorin Cheptea: Weight systems and finite-type invariants of 3-dimensional manifolds Ionut Chiose: On the Kähler rank of compact complex surfaces Aurel Chirita: On some applications of the Blasius problem Stan Chirita: Seismic Rayleigh waves in a thermoelastic half-space Mircea Cimpoeas: A note on Stanley's conjecture for monomial ideals Doina Cioranescu: Some properties of optimal control for tall thin honeycomb structures Mihai Cipu: Bounds for integer D(-1)-quadruples Cristina S. Cismasiu: Some remarks on Lupas operators of second kind Sanda Cleja-Tigoiu: Modeling anisotropic damage in elasto-plastic materials with structural defects Cristian Cobeli: Excursion in Pascal triangle Marius Cocou: Pointwise unilateral and Coulomb friction conditions in contact mechanics Alina Cojocaru: Questions about the reductions modulo primes of an elliptic curve Elena P. Cojuhari: On general theory of skew polynomial rings Dan Coman: Extension of plurisubharmonic functions with growth control Constantin Corduneanu: Almost peridicity in a new approach Horia D. Cornean: On the Lipschitz continuity of spectral bands of Harper-like and magnetic Schrodinger operators Serban Costea: Newtonian Lorentz metric spaces Alexandru V. Covalschi: The Frattini subloop and maximum condition for subloops Mihai Cristea: On generalized quasiregular mappings Septimiu Crivei: Krull-Schmidt finitely accessible categories Anca Croitoru: Integral of measurable multifunctions with respect to a monotone measure Stefan-Gicu Cruceanu: Global minimization using cellular exclusion algorithm Marius Dadarlat: The C*-algebra of a vector bundle Florin Damian: Regular maps and hyperbolic 3-manifolds Mihai Damian: Lifted Floer homology and Lagrangian embeddings Liana David: Dubrovin's duality for F-manifolds with eventual identities Nicolae Danet: Order and metric completion of C(X) Rodica-Mihaela Danet: Extension of a family of positive operators by using an additional set Leonard Daus: Von Neumann regularity of smash products associated with G-set Gradings Marian Deaconescu: Mathematical archaeology Madalina Deaconu: A random walk on moving spheres approach for the simulation of Bessel hitting times Laura DeMarco: Complex dynamics, arithmetic methods Ciprian Demeter: Maximal directional operators in two and three dimensions Nicolae Dinculeanu: Vector integration and stochastic integration in Banach spaces Liviu P. Dinu: Spearman footrule and rank distance: combinatorial and computational aspects Irina Dmitrieva: Mathematical solution of some industrial problem in technical electrodynamics Mihaela Dobrescu: Continuity on a given set Gheorghe Dogaru: Transportation problem in objectives space Irina Dorca: On some starlike functions of non linear transforms with negative coefficients Peter Dovbush: A Lindelof theorem Corina Drapaca: A generalized continuum mechanics model based on fractional calculus Irinel Dragan: On the computation of multiweighted shapley values Vasile Dragan: Several control problems for systems modeled by singularly perturbed Ito differential equations with state and control dependent white noise Andrei Draganescu: Multigrid solution of a distributed optimal control problem constrained by a semilinear elliptic PDE Eugen Draghici: Some methods in geometric properties-preserving integral operators Alexandru Dumitrache: Turbulent flow in a coanda ejector Constantin Albert Dumitrache: Numerical analysis of the Stokes/Darcy coupling Mihaela Dumitrache: On the inverse problem for equation of hyperbolic type Sorin Dumitrescu: Lorentz geometries in dimension three Dorin Dutkay: Fourier series on fractal measures Cristian Enache: On some bounds estimates for means of low eigenvalues of the Neumann Laplacian Behnaz Farnam: Effect of hall current on the MHD free convection flow from a semi-infinite isothermal vertical flat plate Angelo Favini: Perturbation methods and identification problems for degenerate evolution systems Cristian Faciu: On the structure of shock layers and phase boundaries for a rate-type approach to solid-solid phase transitions Olivia Florea: Mathematical modelling and the stability study of a hydraulic tracking system Louis Funar: Quantum representations of mapping class groups Catalin Gales: Spatial behavior in the linear dynamic theory of magnetoelectroelasticity Angel Garrido: Analysis of complex networks Raluca-Mihaela Georgescu: Hopf bifurcation in a Bazykin-Khibnik model with three parameters Camelia Gheldiu: Homogenization of linear elasticity problem for a two-dimensional domain of thin and periodic oblique bars Aurelian Gheondea: Two dilation theorems in VH-spaces Ionel Dumitrel Ghiba: Homogeneous and inhomogeneous plane waves in elastic materials with voids Dorin Ghisa: Intertwined curves related to the Riemann zeta function Alexandru Gica: Quadratic residues of certain types Marian Gidea: Instability and diffusion in Hamiltonian systems Ioan Golet: A type of contractions in probabilistic metric spaces Dan Goreac: An occupational measure approach to stochastic control problems Magdalena Grigoroscuta-Strugaru: Numerical performance of a stabilized discontinuous Galerkin method for 2D Helmholtz-type waveguide and scattering problems Ghiocel Groza: A generalization of strictly convergent power series and their applications Davide Guidetti: Determining the source term in an abstract parabolic problem from a time integral of the solution A.D. Gurdish: About commutative Moufang loops of finite special rank Valeriu Gutu: Numerical dynamics in Chaos game algorithm Mariana Haragus: Dislocations in an anisotropic Swift-Hohenberg equation Nicolai Haydn: Return times distribution for unions of cylinder sets for non-uniformly expanding maps Ulrich Herkenrath: Autoregressive time series models with smoothed extreme values Denis Ibadula: Determination of the real poles of the Igusa zeta function for curves Bogdan Ichim: Introduction to normaliz 2.7 Cristian Ida: On the V-cohomology attached to a function of complex Finsler manifolds Dorin Iesan: On the deformation of chiral elastic cylinders Liviu Ignat: Dispersive properties for Schrodinger equations Stelian Ion: Flow of a class of pseudo-plastic fluids through pipes Ioan R. Ionescu: From Cheeger problem to limit analysis Paltin Ionescu: On the Hartshorne conjecture Tudor C. Ionescu: Moment matching for finite and infinite dimensional systems Valentin Ionescu: On amalgamated conditionally free products of completely positive maps Catalin Ionita: (G.C)-categories and generalizations of Gabriel-Popescu theorem Andrei Iordan: Deformations and rigidity of Levi flat hypersurfaces in compact complex manifolds Afrodita Iorgulescu: On l-implicative-groups and associated algebras of logic Florin Isaia: Superposition operators on higher-order Sobolev spaces and applications to Dirichlet problems Petru Jebelean: Radial solutions for singular φ--Laplacians Nicolae Jitarasu: On the model Sobolev boundary value problem with singular boundary conditions Cezar Joita: On the disk property of coverings of 1-convex surfaces Maria Joita: Covariant completely positive maps on Hilbert C*-modules Sergiu Klainerman: On the magic of Black Holes as mathematical objects Gabriela Kohr: Extreme points, support points and the Loewner variation in C^n Sanjeev Kumar: Thermal instability of Walters'(model B') compressible fluid in the presence of hall- current Raja Mohammad Latif: Delta-open sets and Delta-continuous mappings in topological apaces Hans-Joachim Lenz: Math inside - economics of oil and gas exploration and production Victor Lie: The polynomial Carleson operator Razvan Litcanu: Generalized analytic torsion classes Paola Loreti: Hypercontractivity, functional inequalities, and Hamilton-Jacobi equations Nicolae Lupa: Exponential trichotomy for evolution operators Mircea Lupu: Some criteria and applications of absolute stability in the automatic regulation case of the nonlinear dynamical systems Mario Maican: Semi-stable plane sheaves of dimension one and low multiplicity Eugen Mandrescu: On the core of a unicyclic graph Anca N. Marcoci: Extrapolation results of Yano's type on the cone of decreasing functions Liviu G. Marcoci: Best constants between equivalent norms in Lorentz sequence spaces with an increasing weight Solomon Marcus: From the euclidean to the non-euclidean paradigm Aurora Marica: On the quadratic finite element approximation of 1-D waves: propagation, observation, control and numerical implementation Liviu Marin: Stable boundary data reconstruction in elasticity from incomplete measurements using iterative algorithms with relaxation George Marinescu: Quantization and canonical metrics in Kahler geometry Marinela Marinescu: Analysis of stochastic differential equations with jumps Sebastien Maronne: Fermatian style versus cartesian style in Algebraic Geometry? Olga Martin: Variational method for solving two-dimensional neutron transport equation Ioana Masca: Reversible geodesics for (α,β)- metrics Andaluzia-Cristina Matei: Abstract variational problems and applications in contact mechanics Daniel Matei: Characteristic varieties of quasiprojective manifolds and orbifolds Laurentiu Maxim: Intersection space cohomology and hypersurface singularities Marcel Migdalovici: Possible structure of the unbounded points of integrable functions and philosophical implications Eugen Mihailescu: Entropy, Lyapunov exponents and foldings on higher dimensional fractals Mihai Mihailescu: Mosco convergence for some power law functionals involving variable exponents Graeme W. Milton: Bounding the size of inclusions in a body from boundary measurements Alain Miranville: The Cahn-Hilliard equation with dynamic boundary conditions Petru Mironescu: Singularities of manifold-valued Sobolev maps Gheorghe Miscoi: An analog of the Pollaczek-Khintchin transform equation for Polling Systems Flavia-Corina Mitroi: Mathematical inequalities for some divergences Marcelina Mocanu: Embeddings of Orlicz-Sobolev spaces on metric measure spaces and Orlicz-Poincar\'{e} inequalities Emil Moldoveanu: Potential theoretics notions with respect to a multivalued operator Umberto Mosco: Remarks on fractals and pdes Henri Moscovici: Hopf algebras and transverse characteristic classes Radu Munteanu: Ergodic equivalence relations of non-product type Camil Muscalu: Triangular Fourier series and physical reality Mircea Neagu: The multi-time Riemann-Hamilton geometry on dual 1-jet spaces in the present geometrical context Irina Nenciu: The periodic Ablowitz-Ladik equation and Floquet CMV matrices Florin F. Nichita: Lie algebras and Yang-Baxter equations Remus Nicoara: Finiteness results for commuting squares and subfactors Liviu I. Nicolaescu: Critical sets of random smooth functions on compact manifolds Alina M. Nicolaie: Dynamic prediction in competing risks by landmarking Bogdan N. Nicolescu: Some considerations concerning the mathematical modeling of the cavitations in hydrodynamic lubrification; About Romanian contributions to cavity flow models Constantin P. Niculescu: The behavior of integrable functions at infinity Cristian Niculescu: Maximizing the entropy with certain grade correlation coefficients Victor Nistor: Optimal rates of convergence for the finite element method on three dimensional polyhedral domains Antonio Mihail Nuica: Renormalization of p.c.f.s.s. fractals Alexandru Oancea: Symplectic homology and the Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms Gabriela Olteanu: Idempotents in rational group algebras Cezar Oniciuc: Biharmonic submanifolds in spheres Dragos Oprea: Bundles of generalized theta functions Miron Oprea: Romanian contributions to Morley's theorem Andrei-George Oprina: Subordination operators on the space of finite configurations Radu Pantilie: On holomorphic maps and generalized complex geometry Iuliana Paraschiv-Munteanu: Regressive models in supervised learning from data Gelu Pasa: Rising bubbles in thin tubes - surfactant effect Mihai N. Pascu: Between weak and strong uniqueness of SDEs: $\varphi $--strong uniqueness and applications Vicentiu Pasol: Trace formulas, character sums, and multiple Dirichlet series Vic Patrangenaru: Statistical analysis of object data Monica Patriche: New types of abstract economies and new notions of equilibrium Laurentiu Paunescu: A'Campo curvature bumps near a singular point Carmen Parvulescu: On some approximation operator ideals Mayte Perez-Llanos: A homogenization process for a problem related to the Tug-of-War games Anna-Maria Persson: Resolvent estimates and decomposable extensions of generalized Cesaro operators Madalina Petcu: An interface problem: The two-layer shallow water equations Adriana A. Petrache: Approximation of elliptic variational inequalities Catalin Picu: Mechanics of materials with fractal microstructures and applications to cross-linked and non-cross-linked fiber networks Cornel Pintea: The size of some vanishing and critical sets Florian Pop: Bogomolov's birational anabelian program: State of the art Horia Pop: Noncommutative determinants for quantum matrices Alexandru A. Popa: Period polynomials and modular forms Mihnea Popa: Derived equivalence of irregular varieties Cristian D. Popescu: An equivariant main conjecture in Iwasawa theory and applications Dorin Popescu: Recent results on Stanley's conjecture George Popescu: Particular Rhaly operators Ionel Popescu: The free one dimensional Poincare inequality Liviu Popescu: Metric nonlinear connections on Lie algebroids Mihai Popescu: Minimum energy for a class nonlinear controllable systems Marian-Valentin Popescu: Coincidence and quasicoincidence results with compactness assumptions and some applications to abstract economies with two companies Sever Angel Popescu: v-Maximal extensions and Henselian fields Florin Popovici: The Riemann integral at the beginning of the 21st century Vasile Postolica: Efficiency under Isac's cones and extensions Florian A. Potra: Interior point methods Cristian Preda: Functional PLS regression George Purcaru: Failure and success in the science of prediction of large and great earthquakes Monica Purcaru: Metrical semisymmetric N-linear connections on a generalized Hamilton space Mihai Putinar: Matrix models in Laplacian Growth Tudor Ratiu: Higher order mechanics Dorina Raducanu: On the properties of a subclass of analytic functions Constanta Zoie Radulescu: Mean-risk models for fishery management Florin Radulescu: Operator algebras and number theory Marius Radulescu: A generalized Dobrushin coefficient in the sense of Hartfiel-Rothblum Sorin Radulescu: The Maksa-Volkmann conjecture on the norm super-additive functions Rares Rasdeaconu: Relative open Gromov-Witten invariants Michael Röckner: Recent extinction results for stochastic porous media equations and applications to self-organized criticality Julio D. Rossi: Tug-of-War games and PDEs Ionel Roventa: Generalized convexity and the existence of finite time blow-up solutions for semilinear parabolic equations Sergiu Rudeanu: Profesorul Dan Barbilian Ioan A. Rus: Coincidence producing operator on a fixed point structure Galina Rusu: Convergence estimates for abstract second order singularly perturbed Cauchy problems with monotone nonlinearities Sorin V. Sabau: On the variational problem for Riemann-Finsler surfaces and related topics Adrian Sandovici: On representations and closedness of interconnected mathematical structures Marta Sanz-Sole: Measuring the chances for deterministic sets to be visited by random sample paths Bianca-Renata Satco: Solutions of differential equations and vector integrals Norbert Schappacher: Political space curves Petru I. Sclifos: On a class of loops that meet the interpolation property (on RS-loops) Alexandra Seceleanu: The weak Lefschetz property, fat points and powers of linear forms Ivan Secrieru: Construction of weighted approximate schemes Emil Simion: Statistical tools used in cryptographic evaluation Olivian Simionescu-Panait: TH-waves propagation in crystals subject to initial fields Mihaela Singer: Pre-service teacher training: new understandings of the teaching profession Loredana Smaranda: A modified Lagrange-Galerkin method for a fluid-rigid system with discontinuous density Liviu Alexandru Sofonea: A modest homage to Romanian mathematicians from everywhere: creators, teachers, students Mircea Sofonea: Analysis of contact problems with or without unilateral constraints Anton Soloi: A class of ternary 4-point approximating subdivision scheme Christof Sparber: Thermal effects in gravitational Hartree systems Ligia Sporis: A few aspects of boundedness in locally convex cones Vasile Staicu: Positive solutions for nonlinear periodic problems with concave terms Cristina Stamate:Approximative subdifferential in quasiconvex analysis Aurel Stan: An inequality about the norms of Gaussian Wick products Diana-Elena Stanciu: Some applications of the image space analysis to the vector variational inequalities Laura Stanciu: The convexity of the integral operator on the class {B}(μ,α) Andreea Madalina Stancu: Sufficiency criteria in continuous-time nonlinear programming under generalized (\alpha, \rho)-(\eta, \theta)-type I invexity. Application to a class of variational-type inequalities Doru Stefanescu: Romanian contributions to polynomials in the first half of XX--th century Bernd Otto Stratmann: From Farey and Gauss to modern times, and variations of the theme Laurian Suciu: Cesaro bounded operators and ergodic characterizations of reexive Banach spaces Ioana Suvaina: ALE Ricci-flat Kahler surfaces and deformations of quotient singularities Eleutherius Symeonidis: Harmonic deformation of planar curves Parascovia Syrbu: Middle Bol loops Hamid Reza Tabrizidooz: A composite pseudospectral collocation method for solving nonlinear optimal control problems Maria Talpau Dimitriu: Estimates with optimal constants using Peetre's K-functionals on simplex Andrei Teleman: Holomorphic bundles and holomorphic curves on class VII surfaces. The classification problem for class VII surfaces Narcisa Teodorescu: Bayesian networks for management of prostate cancer Mihai Tibar: On singular surfaces Nadezda Vladimirovna Timofeeva: A compactification of moduli of stable vector bundles on the surface with locally free sheaves Claudia Timofte: On the asymptotic behavior of a Signorini problem in a perforated domain Dan Timotin: Contractively included subspaces of Nevanlinna--Pick spaces Aida Toma: Robust estimation for financial returns: an approach based on pseudodistance minimization Günter Törner: Viewing mathematics and mathematics education from an international perspective Andrei T\"or\"ok: Transitivity of non-compact extensions of hyperbolic systems Gerald Trutnau: On the Quasi-regularity of non-sectorial Dirichlet forms by processes having the same polar sets; On weak existence and path wise uniqueness of skew reflected squared Bessel and CIR processes and some applications to finance Marius Tucsnak: Motions of solids in a fluid: mathematical analysis and control problems Horiana Tudor: A generalization of the univalence criteria of Ozaki and Nunokawa Rodica Luca-Tudorache: Existence of positive solutions for a nonlinear higher-order multi-point boundary value problem Gabriel Turinici: Nonlinear control: from quantum control to mean field games Corneliu Udrea: Nonlinear resolvents and quasilinear elliptic equations Constantin Udriste: Multitime stochastic maximum principle for curvilinear integral actions Nicoleta Ularu: New univalence conditions for some integral operators Vasile I. Ursu: Soluble finitely separable Moufang loops Dragos Vaida: Revisiting the works of Mihail Benado; Dan Barbilian-Ion Barbu after 50 years Izu Vaisman: A Lie algebroid version of the Chern-Weil-Bott theory Ilie Valusescu: Some geometrical aspects of the Γ-correlated processes Florian-Horia Vasilescu: Spectral and Fredholm theory for linear relations via linear operators Misha Verbitsky: Special holonomy and the moduli space of instantons on CP3 Andrei Vernescu: Remembering romanian mathematicians: Radu Badescu Bogdan Vernescu: The influence of threshold slip and leak boundary bonditions on viscous flows Costin Vilcu: Cut locus structures on graphs Serban E. Vlad: On the symmetry of the universal regular autonomous asynchronous systems Piedad Yuste: Early mathematics: The measure of the circle Alexandru Zaharescu: Spectral norms of algebraic numbers, Siegel norms,and Weil numbers Tudor Zamfirescu: Against the extremism in convex spaces Gheorghita Zbaganu: On the perpendicular bisector property in a linear normed space Laszlo Zsido: The reduction of standard von Neumann algebras |