Institute for Mathematical Science
Stony Brook University
office: Math Tower 4-103
phone: (631) 632-8266
Dynamical systems occur in all branches of science, from the differential equations of classical mechanics in physics to the difference equations of mathematical economics and biology. This course is an introduction to the field of dynamical systems. It concerns the study of the long-term behavior of solutions to ordinary differential equations or of iterated mappings, emphasizing the distinction between stability on the one hand and sensitive dependence and chaotic behavior on the other. The course describes examples of chaotic behavior and of fractal attractors, and develops some mathematical tools for understanding them. In particular we will study the following key concepts: hyperbolicity, topological conjugacy, equilibrium, limit cycle, stability, chaos, etc.
Click here to download a copy of the course syllabus. Please visit the course website on Blackboard to see your grades.
Tuesday & Thursday 1:00-2:20pm in Physics 116
Remus Radu
Office: Math Tower 4-103
Office hours: TuTh 2:30-4:00pm in Math Tower 4-103, or by appointment
Aleksandar Milivojevic
Office: MLC (Math Tower S-240A)
Office hours: Monday 10:00-11:00am & 1:00-2:00pm; Wednesday 10:30-11:30am in MLC
Grades will be computed using the following scheme:
Students are expected to attend class regularly and to keep up with the material presented in the lecture and the assigned reading.