Sections and Committees:
- Algebra and Number Theory
Organizers: Sorin Dăscălescu, Andrei Mărcuş, Dorin Popescu, Dragoş
Ştefan, Alexandru Zaharescu
- Algebraic, Complex and Differential Geometry and Topology
Organizers: Marian Aprodu, Gavril
Farkas, Răzvan Liţcanu, Sergiu Moroianu
- Real and Complex Analysis, Potential Theory
Organizers: Lucian Beznea, Cezar Joiţa, Mirela
Kohr, Eugen Mihăilescu
- Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, Controlled Differential Systems
Organizers: Petru
Jebelean, Cătălin Lefter, Gabriela Marinoschi, Sorin Micu, Radu Precup, Vicenţiu
- Functional Analysis, Operator Theory and Operator Algebras, Mathematical Physics
Organizers: Aurelian Gheondea, Radu Purice, Florin Rădulescu, Dan Timotin
- Probability, Stochastic Analysis, and Mathematical Statistics
Organizers: Dan Crişan, Ioan
Cuculescu, Ionel Popescu, Aurel Răşcanu
- Mechanics, Astronomy, Numerical Analysis, and Mathematical Models in Sciences
Organizers: Sebastian Aniţa, Dorin Ieşan, Ioan R. Ionescu, Liviu Marin, Sanda Ţigoiu
- Theoretical Computer Science, Operations Research and Optimization
Organizers: Gabriel Istrate, Laurenţiu Leuştean, Gheorghe Ştefănescu, Ioan Tomescu,
Constantin Zălinescu
Call for Special Sessions:
We invite proposals for Special Sessions, up to ten talks, included
in one of the above Sections. The proposal should contain the following information:
- Title of the proposed Special Session;
- Names and affiliations of the organizers;
- A brief session description;
- Tentative list of speakers.
The deadline for the proposal submission is December 31, 2022. Please email the
proposal to, with the subject line Special Session Proposal.