Organization of The Centre for Advanced Studies in Mathematics – IMAR, Bucharest. It has the role of organizing mathematical courses at master, doctoral and postdoctoral level, regular workshops, increased networking and international meetings.
International scientific board: Haim Brezis (Paris), Dan Burghelea (Ohio), Fabrizio Catanese (Göttingen), Doina Cioranescu (Paris), Alain Connes (Paris), David Eisenbud (Berkeley), Jürgen Herzog (Essen), Mark Green (UCLA), George Lusztig (MIT), Gerhard Pfister (Kaiserslautern), Florian Pop (Bonn), Tudor Ratiu (Lausanne), Miles Reid (Warwick), Jürgen Sprekels (Berlin), Florian-Horia Vasilescu (Lille), Tudor Zamfirescu (Dortmund).
In 2002 the CAS in Mathematics at IMAR has been awarded a two years grant by the Romanian Government (under the CERES Programme) for developping its international activity.
During its first three years of activity the CAS in Mathematics at IMAR has been main organizer or co-organizer of the 13 international meetings under EURROMMAT plus one NATO Workshop, the 20-th OT Conference, three National Schools of Algebra, two Differential Geometry International Conferences and one Romanian-Finnish Workshop.
In May 2004, Professor Jean Pierre Serre has visited IMAR for a series of conferences.
Signature of a Regional Cooperation Agreement with:
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
"Alfréd Rényi" Institute of Mathematics, Hungarian Academy of Science (MATHIAS Center of Excellence of the European Commission),
Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IMPAN-BC Center of Excellence of the European Commission).
Organization in common of the International Conference and Summer School “Algebraic Geometry, Algebra and Applications”, Borovetz, Bulgaria – September 23 – October 3, 2003.
Organization of International Conferences and Workshops:
International Conference: OperatorAlgebras & Mathematical Physics, Constanta, July 2 – 7, 2001. 100 participants: 42 from EU countries, 40 from Romania. Proceedings published by THETA and distributed by American Mathematical Society.
The 19-th Operator Theory Conference , Timisoara, June 27 - July 2, 2002. 114 participants. Proceedings published by THETA and distributed by American Mathematical Society.
International Conference: Analysis and Optimization of Differential Systems, Constanta, September 10-14, 2002. 80 participants. Proceedings published by Kluwer Academic Publishers
International Conference: Algebraic Geometry, Commutative Algebra & Topology, Constanta, September 22-26, 2002. 88 participants, 44 from abroad.
International Conference: New Trends in Continuum Mechanics, Constanta, September 8 – 12, 2003.
Potential Theory Conference, Bucharest, September 23 – 27, 2003. 32 participants: 17 from EU countries, 1 from Canada, 2 from Tunis.
IMAR Workshop on Algebraic Geometry,Commutative Algebra & Topology, August 19 - September 15, 2001. 40 participants: 16 from EU countries.
IMAR Workshop on Potential Theory, September 9-29, 2002. 25 participants.
IMAR Workshop on Operator Algebras and Mathematical PhysicsJune 15 – July 12, 2003 . 80 participants: 25 from EU countries, 14 from USA, 3 from Canada, 1 from Israel, 1 from Russia, 1 from Japan. Proceedings published by THETA and distributed by American Mathematical Society.
Quantum Hamiltonians with Magnetic Fields Workshop, September 8-14, 2002. 14 participants; 7 from EU countries, 1 from Switzerland.
Differential Systems and Financial Mathematics Workshop, Bucharest, September 15 – 23, 2003. 25 participants; 6 from EU countries.
The International Conference and Summer School “Algebraic Geometry, Algebra and Applications”, Borovetz, Bulgaria – September 23 – October 3, 2003.
This conference is a result of the scientific regional cooperation among:
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences
"Simion Stoilow" Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy
and their initiative to strengthen the mutual transfer of knowledge and research competencies.
The 2004 IMAR Workshop, Bucharest June 22 – 27, 2004. The Workshop has closed the three years EURROMMAT Programme by inviting some of the participating teams to present some of their scientific results and some new research directions. There have been 6 invited lecturers from abroad and 12 from IMAR.
International scientific cooperations: 64 short visits of senior researchers from EU countries at IMAR; 39 short visits of IMAR members at EU or associated countries centres.
Cooperation on Harmonic Analysis with Spain (Universitat de Barcelona) and Sweden (Universities of Karlstad, Lulea and Linkoeping). 5 short of senior researchers from EU countries visits at IMAR, 5 short visits of IMAR members at Karlstad University.
Cooperation on Operator Algebras with University Roma 2, University of Copenhagen, University of Orleans and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 11 short visits of senior researchers from EU countries at IMAR.
Collaboration of Prof. Ivan Singer from IMAR with Prof. Juan Enrique Martinez-Legaz (Universidad Autonoma di Barcelona) on composite functions. The results of this collaboration will be published in a scientific paper “On the conjugate of the sum of a convex function and a composite convex function". I. Singer visited Universidad Autonoma di Barcelona in October 2002.
Collaboration of Prof. Nicolae Popescu (IMAR and Bucharest University) with Prof. Freddy Van Oystaeyen (Antwerp University ). N. Popescu presented in Antwerp the talk: Galois actions on plane compacts (December 2003).
Cooperation on Quantum Hamiltonians with CPT-Luminy (Marseille), Aalborg University and the Nuclear Physics Institute Rez (Prague). 15 short visits of senior researchers from EU countries at IMAR; 3 short visits of IMAR members in french research centres (Cergy-Pontoise, Marseille).
Cooperation on Operator Theory with Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Prague) and the Universities of Leeds, Darmstadt, Lyon and Bordeaux. 4 short visits of senior researchers at IMAR; 1 short visit of a IMAR member at Darmstadt Technical University.
Cooperation on Holomorphic Vector Bundles on Complex Manifolds, with Kaiserslautern University and McGill University. 2 short visits of IMAR members at Kaiserslautern University.
Cooperation on Rationality Properties of Manifolds containing Quasi-Lines with Angers University. 1 short visit of an IMAR member and one post-doctoral fellow comming at IMAR.
Cooperation on Algebraic Geometry with Bayreuth University. 1 short visit of an IMAR member and 3 post-doctoral fellowships.
Cooperation on Algebraic Geometry with the Institute of Mathematics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. 5 short visits of Bulgarian mathematicians at IMAR.
Cooperation on Commutative Algebra with Germany (Universities of Essen, Halle, Kaiserskautern, Oldenburg, Osnabrueck). 4 short visits of german senior researchers at IMAR; 3 short scientific visits of IMAR members in Germany.
Cooperation on Commutative Algebra with Spain (Barcelona, Sevilla). 2 short visits of IMAR members in Spanish Universities.
Cooperation on Algebraic Topology with France (Paris, Bordeaux). 4 short visits of French senior researchers at IMAR;.
Cooperation on Hopf Algebras with Antwerp University. 2 short visits of IMAR members at Antwerp University.
Cooperation on Riemannian Geometry with Dortmund University. 1 short visit at IMAR.
Cooperation on Complex Analysis with Universities of Lille 1, Nancy, Berlin and Wueppertal. 4 short visits of IMAR members.
Cooperation on Potential Theory with the Universities of Evry, Paris 6, Toulouse, Eichstaett, Bonn, Bielefeld. 8 short visits at IMAR; 2 short visits for IMAR members.
Cooperation on Phase Transitions with the Universities of Lyon 1, Metz and Saint Etienne. 5 short visits at IMAR; 4 short visits of IMAR members.
Cooperation on Stability of Interfaces in Oil Recovery with Saint Etienne University. 2 short visits at IMAR.
Cooperation on Domain Decomposition Methods with Universities of Bergen and Paris 6. 3 short visits of Lori Badea from IMAR.
Cooperation on Structural Analysis in Fluid Mechanics with Saint Etienne University. 2 short visits of Ruxandra Stavre at Saint Etienne University.
Long term visits at IMAR:
Visiting Professors: 20 lecture series for a total of 28 months. The lecture notes have been gathered in three Lecture Notes Volumes.
Vlad Sergiescu (Univ. Grenoble) Groups almost acting on trees: algebraic and geometric aspects (6 weeks)
Miles Reid (Univ. Warwick) Graded rings and birational geometry (4 weeks)
Yann Bugeaud (Univ. Strasbourg) Approximation by algebraic numbers (6 weeks)
Henri Bonnel (Univ. La Reunion) Approximation in Vector Optimization (6 weeks)
Doina Cioranescu (Univ. Paris 6) Non Newtonian Fluids : Differential Type Fluids (4 weeks)
Tudor Zamfirescu (Univ. Dortmund) Generic Convexity (6 weeks)
Ulf Persson (Univ. Chalmers) Introduction to the geography of algebraic surfaces and threefolds (4 weeks)
Maurice Mignotte (Univ. Strasbourg) Polynomials in Computer Algebra (6 weeks)
Jurgen Herzog (Univ. Essen) Koszul algebras and modules (4 weeks)
Martin Markl (Inst. Math. Of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic) Operads in algebra, topology and physics (4 weeks)
Ioan Romeo Ionescu (Chambery University) Contact and friction problems in seismology: mathematical models (4 weeks)
Aurel Cornea (Eichstaett University) Classical Potential Theory (6 weeks)
Ciro Ciliberto (University "Tor Vergata" Rome) Secant varieties, defective varieties and special varieties (4 weeks)
Margarida Mendes-Lopes (Lisbon University) Surfaces with pg = 0 (4 weeks)
Otto Liess (University of Bologna) Stationary Phase Methods for Weakly Singular Phases and Microfunctions with holomorphic parameters (4 weeks)
Jurgen Herzog (University of Essen) Lectures on monomial algebras (4 weeks)
Florian-Horia Vasilescu (Lille 1 University) Spectral Measures and Moment Problems (4 weeks)
Alessandro Verra (Roma University) The theta divisor of a Prym Variety; On the uni-rationality of the moduli space of curves of low genus; The unirationality of M14; A survey on the rationality problem for cubics (4 weeks)
Mauro C. Beltrametti (Genoa University) Adjunction theory on surfaces; On the Kawamata rationality theorem – towards a classification of complex polarized varieties; Mukai varieties as hyperplane sections; Projective varieties containing special curves (4 weeks)
Gaetana Restuccia (Messina University) Groebner basis and symmetric algebras (4 weeks)
Invited Senior Researchers: 11 researchers for a total of 16 months.
M. Tibar (University Lille 1): 1 month scientific visit for collaboration with M. Coltoiu (IMAR) on the universal covering associated to the complement of a point in a normal Stein space X of dimension 2. 1 paper has been published.
Xue-Cheng Tai (University Bergen) has spent 3 months at IMAR for collaboration with L. Badea on multigrid methods considered as a Schwarz domain decomposition method. 6 papers have been published.
P. Cojuhari (Chisinau University) has spent 1 month at IMAR for collaboration with A. Gheondea on lifting of operators to Hilbert spaces induced by positive selfadjoint operators. 1 paper has been elaborated.
C. Vallee (University Poitiers) has spent 1 month at IMAR for collaboration with M. Buliga on convex potentials. 2 papers have been elaborated.
A. Ziolkowski (IFT Warshaw) has spent 1 month at IMAR for a collaboration with C. Faciu and M. Suliciu on Shape Memory Alloys dynamic behaviour.
A. Molinari (University Metz) has spent 2 months at IMAR for a collaboration with C. Faciu on models for Shape Memory Alloys. 1 paper has been elaborated.
F. Lebon (University Lyon) has spent 2 months at IMAR for collaboration with A. Capatana on contact problems with friction.
R. Leiterer (University Berlin) has spent 1 month at IMAR for collaboration with M. Coltoiu and V. Vajaitu on 1-convex spaces.
G. Panasenko (University of Saint Etienne) has spent 1 month at IMAR for collaboration with R. Stavre on homogenization methods in fluid dynamics. 3 papers have been elaborated.
C. Badea (University Lille 1) has spent 1 month at IMAR for collaboration with A. Gheondea (IMAR) on completely positive maps and injectivity of operator systems.
P. Jonas (Technical University Berlin) has spent 7 weeks at IMAR for collaboration with A. Gheondea on on a joint topic regarding the infimum problem for the positive cone of operators in a Hilbert space, as well as off diagonal technique for operator polynomials. One scientific report has been elaborated.
Post-doctoral fellows: 18 researchers for a total of 77 months.
Dr. Sorina Barza (Karlstat University) has spent 3 months (one month each year of the program) of postdoctoral fellowship at IMAR in the framework of workpackage C1, scientific cooperation on Harmonic Analysis.
Dr. Maurizio Parton (Pisa Univ.) 1 month post-doctoral fellowship
Recommendations: Prof. P. Piccinni (Roma Univ. "La Sapienza"), Prof. L. Ornea (Bucharest Univ.)
Period: August 2 - 31, 2001.
He has collaborated with L. Ornea (Bucharest University) and R. Gini (Pisa University) and they have elaborated a scientific paper.
Dr. Rosa Gini (Pisa Univ.) 1 month post-doctoral fellowship
Recommendations: Prof. R. Benedetti (Pisa Univ.), Prof. L. Funar (Grenoble Univ.)
Period: August 2 - 31, 2001.
She has elaborated two scientific papers, one in collaboration with L. Ornea (Bucharest University) and M. Parton (Pisa University).
Dr. Sylvain Poirier (Grenoble University) 5 months post-doctoral fellowship
Recommendations: Prof. C. Lescop (Inst. "J. Fourier" Grenoble), Prof. D. Andrica (Cluj University).
Period: September 1, 2001 - January 31, 2002.
He continued his research activity in the frame of the Geometry Research Group at IMAR, elaborating a scientific paper that has been published.
Dr. Roberto Pignatelli (University of Bayreuth): 1 month post-doctoral fellowship.
Recommendations: Profs. F. Catanese (Bayreuth Univ.), L. Badescu (IMAR).
Period: March 4 - April 3, 2002.
He has worked with L. Badescu (IMAR) and gave two talks at IMAR.
Dr. Fabio Tonoli (University of Bayreuth) 1 month post-doctoral fellowship.
Recommendations: Profs. F. Catanese (Bayreuth Univ.), L. Badescu (IMAR).
Period: March 4 - April 3, 2002.
He has worked with L. Badescu (IMAR) and gave two talks at IMAR.
Dr. Paola Frediani (Universita di Pavia) 1 month post-doctoral fellowship.
Recommendations: Profs. F. Catanese (Bayreuth Univ.), L. Badescu (IMAR).
Period: March 4 - April 3, 2002.
He has worked with L. Badescu (IMAR) and gave two talks at IMAR.
Dr. Alexander Schmitt (Essen University) 1 month post-doctoral fellowship.
Recommendations: Profs. Esnault, Viehweg (Essen Univ.).
Period: September 8 - October 7, 2002.
He has worked in the Algebraic Geometry Group at IMAR, with V. Brinzanescu.
Dr. David Krejcirik (Reims Univ.) 1 month post-doctoral fellowship.
Recommendations: Prof. P. Exner (Nucl. Phys. Inst. Prague), Prof. P. Duclos (Toulon and Var University).
Period: September 2 - October 2, 2002.
He has worked with M. Mantoiu and R. Purice (IMAR) elaborating a first version of a scientific paper; a second version of this paper has been published in collaboration with R. Tiedra de Aldecoa.
Dr. Oscar Lemmers (Amsterdam Univ.) 11 months post-doctoral fellowship.
Recommendations: Prof. J. Wiegerinck (Amsterdam Univ.), Prof. A. Fallstrom (Univ. Umea).
Period: September 1, 2002 - July 31, 2003.
He has worked in the Complex Analysis research group at IMAR and continued his work in collaboration with A. Faellstroem elaborating one scientific paper. He has also collaborated with M. Coltoiu (IMAR) in supervising the doctoral research of L. Carlsson (EURROMMAT PhD fellow at IMAR).
Dr. Elisabeth Remm (Mulhouse Univ.) 4 months post-doctoral fellowship.
Recommendations: Profs. M. Goze, M. Bordemann (Univ. Haute Alsace - Mulhouse).
Period: September 1 - December 31, 2002.
She has collaborated with F. Nichita (IMAR) and with several invited professors at IMAR and Bucharest University (M. Markl, M. Goze) and has ellaborated a scientific paper that has been published. She also gave three talks at IMAR.
Dr. Joel Rouyer (Mulhouse Univ. de Haute Alsace) 9 months post-doctoral fellowship.
Recommendations: Prof. Th. Hangan (Univ. Haute Alsace - Mulhouse), Prof. T. Zamfirescu (Dortmund Univ.).
Period: October 1, 2002 - July 1, 2003.
He has collaborated with T. Zamfirescu and C. Valcu (IMAR) and has published one scientific paper.
Dr. Olivier Titaud (Saint Etienne Univ.) 5 months post-doctoral fellowship.
Recommendations: Prof. M. Ahues (Univ. Saint Etienne), Prof. G. Pasa (IMAR).
Period: September 2 - December 2, 2002; October 20 – December 12, 2003.
He has worked with G. Pasa (IMAR) and they have published one scientific paper in common. He gave a talk at the Bucharest University.
Dr. Sebastien Guffroy (Lille University) 14 months post-doctoral fellowship.
Recommendations: Prof. J. d'Almeida (Lille Univ.), L. Gruson (Versailles Univ.).
Period: September 7, 2002 – December 15, 2003.
He has worked with the Algebraic Geometry research group at IMAR and has ellaborated two scientific papers. He also gave two talks at IMAR.
Dr. Gwénaël Massuyeau (Nantes University) 14 months post-doctoral fellowship.
Recommendations: Prof. G. Masbaum (Univ. Paris 7), S. Matveev (Chelyabinsk Univ.).
Period: November 15, 2002 – January 15, 2004.
He has collaborated with S. Papadima and F. Nichita (IMAR) and has ellaborated two scientific papers.
Dr. Giancarlo Rinaldo (Universita di Messina) 2 months post-doctoral fellowship.
Recommendations: Prof. G. Restuccia (Univ. di Messina), Prof. C. Ionescu (IMAR).
Period: January 15 – March 15, 2003
Dr Atle Hahn (Bonn University) 2 months post-doctoral fellowship.
Recommendations: Profs. S. Albeverio, D. Arlt (Bonn University).
Period: September 2003, March 2004.
Dr. Laurent Evain (University Angers) 1 month post-doctoral fellowship.
Recommendations: V. Brinzanescu, P. Ionescu (IMAR),
Period: April 16 – May 16, 2004.
PhD students: 14 researchers for a total of 16 months.
Stavros Papadakis (Warwick University): 1 month PhD fellowship.
Recommendations: Prof. M. Reid (Warwick Univ.), Prof. V. Brinzanescu (S. Stoilow Inst.)
Period: April 4 - May 3, 2001
He has collaborated with V. Brinzanescu (IMAR) and M. Reid (Warwick Univ.) in preparing his PhD Thesis Gorenstein rings and Kustin-Miller unprojection (Warwick Univ., August 2001). He presented his results in the IMAR seminar and finished a paper in collaboration with M. Reid (Warwick Univ.).
Daniel Ryder (Warwick University): 1 month PhD fellowship.
Recommendations: Prof. M. Reid (Warwick Univ.), Prof. P.M.H. Wilson (Trinity Coll.)
Period: April 4 - May 3, 2001
He has collaborated with V. Brinzanescu (IMAR) and M. Reid (Warwick Univ.) in preparing his PhD Thesis Elliptic and K3 fibrations birational to Fano 3-fold weighted hypersurfaces. (Warwick Univ., August 2002). He presented his results in the IMAR seminar
Rosa Giovanna Crea (Messina University) 1 month PhD fellowship
Recommendations: Prof. R. Utano (Messina Univ.), Prof. G. Restuccia (Messina Univ.)
Period: July 22 - September 23, 2001.
She took part in the workshop organized at IMAR and continued her work on the theory of smooth curves, discussing with L. Badescu and P. Ionescu from IMAR.
Carlo Madonna (Roma Univ. "Tor Vergata") 1 month PhD fellowship
Recommendations: Prof. L. Chiantini (Siena Univ.), Prof. A. Verra (Roma Univ. "Tor Vergata").
Period: August 8 - September 7, 2001.
He continued his work for his PhD Thesis K3 surfaces and discussed with C. Anghel, I. Coanda, D. Popescu and took part in the workshop organized at IMAR. He has elaborated a scientific paper.
Elisabeth Remm (Univ. HA Mulhouse) 1month PhD fellowship.
Recommendations: Profs. M. Goze, M. Bordemann (Univ. Haute Alsace - Mulhouse).
Period: September 1 - 30, 2001.
She took part in two international conferences organized in Romania, she gave one talk and elaborated one paper.
Paolo Bellingeri ("J. Fourier" Institute – Grenoble): 1 month PhD fellowship.
Recommendations: Profs. L. Funar, V. Sergiescu ("J. Fourier" Institute - Grenoble).
Period: November 1 - December 1, 2001.
He gave two talks at IMAR and elaborated one scientififc paper.
Philippe Hesse (Ec. Normale Sup. De Cachan) 1 month PhD fellowship
Recommendations: Prof. E. Motchane (Ec. Normale Sup. Cachan.), Prof. M. Suliciu (IMAR).
Period: June 25 - July 25, 2002.
He worked under the supervision of M. Cipu (IMAR) and has elaborated a scientific report.
Etienne Lafond (Ec. Normale Sup. De Cachan) 1 month PhD fellowship
Recommendations: Prof. E. Motchane (Ec. Normale Sup. Cachan.), Prof. M. Suliciu (IMAR).
Period: June 25 - July 25, 2002.
He worked under the supervision of M. Cipu (IMAR) and has elaborated a scientific report.
Andreas Heckmann (Bochum University) 1 month PhD fellowship.
Recommendations: Profs. E. Hornbogen, G. Eggeler (Bochum Univ.).
Period: July 1 - 30, 2002.
He worked for his PhD thesis Functional fatigue and microstructure of NiTi shape Memory Alloys, under the supervision of C. Faciu (IMAR) and A. Molinari (Metz Univ.). He gave a talk at IMAR.
Gabriele Biucchi (Bochum University) 1 month PhD fellowship.
Recommendations: Profs. W. G.F. Kleinert, H. Kurke (Humboldt University Berlin).
Period: September 2 - October 1, 2002.
He took part at the activity of the IMAR research group on Algebraic Geometry and gave a talk at IMAR.
Kamila Klis (Krakow Univ. of Agriculture) 3 months PhD fellowship.
Recommendations: Profs. J. Janas, M. Ptak (Inst. Math. Krakow).
Period: September 1 - December 1, 2002.
She took part in the IMAR seminar on Operator spaces and worked under the supervision of A. Gheondea (IMAR).
Drd. Linus Carlsson (Umea University) 1 month PhD fellowship.
Recommendations: Profs. A. Fällström (Umea Univ.), F. Wikström (Mid Sweden Univ.).
Period: February, 2003.
He has worked for his PhD thesis under the supervision of M. Coltoiu (IMAR) and O. Lemmers (Amsterdam Univ.).
Drd. Marius Lysaker (Bergen University) 1 month PhD fellowship.
Recommendations: Profs. Xue-Cheng Tai (Bergen Univ.), L. Badea (IMAR).
Period: January, 2003.
He has worked with L. Badea (IMAR) and X.-C. Tai (Bergen University) for his PhD thesis Variational PDE techniques for image processing problems and has elaborated a scientific paper in collaboration with X.-C. Tai.
Drd. Johan Lie (Bergen University) 1 month PhD fellowship.
Recommendations: Profs. Xue-Cheng Tai (Bergen Univ.), L. Badea (IMAR).
Period: January, 2003.
He has worked in collaboration with M. Lysaker under the supervision of L. Badea (IMAR) and X.-C. Tai (Bergen University).
Invited rsearchers at IMAR for conferences and short scientific visits:
1 on Harmonic Analysis; 1 on Operator Algeras; 2 on Mathematical Physics; 2 on Potential Theory; 2 on Algebraic Geometry
Participation of IMAR members in International Conferences in EU and Associated countries:
3 for Mathematical Physics; 1 for Operator Theory; 2 for Algebraic Geometry; 1 for Commutative Algebra; 1 for Topology; 1 for Potential Theory; 1 for Mechanics of Continua;