!DOCTYPE html> Marius Buliga  

(home)       (research subjects)
(arXiv.org articles)
(figshare articles and data)
github articles and repositories:

(chemlambda.github.io) artificial chemistry experiments page (local version)

(quine graphs)

(project hapax)

(molecular computers)

(turing machines, chemlambda style)
(chemSKI with tokens, updated)

Build a molecular computer DOI

Molecular computers which are based on graph rewriting systems like chemlambda, chemSKI or Interaction Combinators DOI

chemlambda-gui, a repository of programs for simulation of chemlambda chemistries DOI

Graph quines in chemlambda. Experiments with chemlambda-gui DOI

Senescence of artificial life forms: Case of the 9-quine and its hybrids DOI

(1)  (2)  (3)  (4) older articles copies
(pages to play and learn)
other stuff  
(chemlambda for the people) html slides made for a TED talk with a very weird (story)
(1)  (2) mathoverflow questions, (hacker news) post, (salvaged Google+ collection), information which explains (why I deleted the original collection).
(internet of smells) (archived)   (home remodeling) (archived) the chemical sneakernet stories
(chorasimilarity) blog since 2011, with more than 900 articles.
Creative Commons License  
content licensed (CC BY 4.0) unless otherwise specified