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(home) (research subjects) | |
(arXiv.org articles) | |
(figshare articles and data) | |
github articles and repositories: (chemlambda.github.io) artificial chemistry experiments page (local version) (quine graphs) (project hapax) (molecular computers) (turing machines, chemlambda style) | |
(chemSKI with tokens, updated) | |
zenodo: (Build a molecular computer) (Molecular computers which are based on graph rewriting systems like chemlambda, chemSKI or Interaction Combinators ) | |
(1) (2) (3) (4) older articles copies | |
(pages to play and learn) | |
other stuff | |
(chemlambda for the people) html slides made for a TED talk with a very weird (story) | |
(1) (2) mathoverflow questions, (hacker news) post, (salvaged Google+ collection), information which explains (why I deleted the original collection). | |
(internet of smells) (archived) (home remodeling) (archived) the chemical sneakernet stories | |
(chorasimilarity) blog since 2011, with more than 900 articles. | |
content licensed (CC BY 4.0) unless otherwise specified | |