The city of Reşiţa is in the Western part of Romania,
about 80 km away from Timişoara (European capital of culture in 2023 - details here).
Accommodation is provided in the facilities of Babeş-Bolyai University
in Reşiţa (general information here, more details to be provided very soon).
A bus will leave Timişoara at 16:00 on Sunday, August 4 to Reşiţa. We strongly recommend reaching Timişoara on Saturday, August 3. For students traveling alone we provide one-night accommodation in Timişoara at the West University Student House. On Sunday, August 4 in the morning we plan a get-together activity at the West University as well as a tour of the beautiful city of Timişoara. Timişoara is easy to access from all over the world by plane; the international airport is the Traian Vuia International Airport (code TSR). From Europe, Timişoara can also be easily reached by train or car. Students will be brought back to Timişoara at the end of the camp (Saturday, August 24). In case you choose to come directly to Reşiţa you are expected to be there on Sunday, August 4, at 18:00.