Sara Azzali |
The signature operator and the
L2-local index theorem |
Edwin Beggs |
Line bundles and the Thom con-
struction in non-commutative geometry |
Rasmus Bentmann |
Universal Coefficient Theorems for C*-algebras over finite topological spaces |
Jyotishman Bhowmick |
Quantum isometry groups |
Marcel Bischoff |
Local nets on Minkowski half-plane associated to lattices |
Rodrigo Blando |
Matrix Models and Geometries |
Henning Bostelmann |
Scaling limits of factorizing scattering models |
Bernhard Burgstaller |
On inverse semigroup equivariant KK-theory |
Daniela Cadamuro |
Characterization of Local Operators in Factorizing Scattering Models |
Valerio Capraro |
A geometric invariant coming from Connes' embedding conjecture |
Roberto Conti |
Automorphisms of the Cuntz algebras
Thomas Cooney |
Fourier multipliers acting on noncommutative Lp spaces |
Steven Deprez |
Fundamental groups of II_1 factors |
Wojciech Dybalski |
Deformations of conformal field theories and the problem of asymptotic completeness |
Ken Dykema |
Sofic Groups and Sofic Dimension |
Siegfried Echterhoff |
The structure of crossed products by proper group actions |
Francesco Fidaleo |
Ergodic properties of Bogoliubov automorphisms in free probability |
Uwe Franz |
Symmetries of Levy Processes
on compact quantum groups |
Frederick Goodman |
Cellularity and the Jones Basic Construction |
Axel de Goursac |
Non-formal deformation quantization of the Heisenberg supergroup |
Jesper Grimstrup |
Coupling Matter to Quantum Gravity via Noncommutative Geometry |
Antti Harju |
On Dirac Operators and Spectral Geometry of Compact Quantum Groups |
Maria Joiţa |
On crossed-products of locally m-convex *-algebras |
Thomas Kaltenbrunner |
Application of the Wang-Landau Algorithm to the 3-Matrix-Model |
Yasuyuki Kawahigashi |
N=2 superconformal field theory and noncommutative
geometry |
Kathleen Grace Kennedy |
A new algorithm for the multivariable Alexander polynomial of a link |
Claus Köstler |
Quantum Exchangeability
Nadia S. Larsen |
C*-algebras associated to product systems of C*-correspondences |
Aldo Joram Lazar |
Centers of C*-algebras rich in modular ideals |
Jennifer Maier |
Equivariant Drinfel'd Double
Sören Möller |
Multipliers on Reduced Free Products |
Eric Morfa-Morales |
Deformations of Quantum Field Theories on de Sitter Spacetime |
Radu Munteanu |
On constructing non-ITPFI factors |
Alexandru Nica |
On the C*-algebra of the Fock space representation for the q-commutation relations |
Remus Nicoară |
Finiteness Results for Commuting Squares and Subfactors |
Eduardo Ortega |
Graph C*-algebras and crossed products by endomorphisms |
Hervé Oyono-Oyono |
Large scale geometry and controled K-theory |
Liviu Păunescu |
Sofic actions |
Nicola Pinamonti |
Semiclassical Einstein equations and non-commutative spacetimes |
Mihai Popa |
Non-commutative functions and some of their applications in free probability |
Ionel Popescu |
One Dimensional Free Poincare Inequality |
Daniele Pranzetti |
Canonical Quantization of
Non-Commutative Holonomies
in 2+1 Loop Quantum Gravity |
Mathew Pugh |
On nimrep graphs associated to SU(3) modular invariant partition functions |
Jean Renault |
Bounded groupoid cocycles |
Florian Robl |
The Hoelder inequality for KMS states and its application to thermal QFT |
Giuseppe Ruzzi |
Precosheaves of C*-algebras and their representations, and applications
to conformal nets |
Christian Saemann |
Quantization of two-plectic manifolds |
Adam Skalski |
Quantum isometry groups of duals of certain discrete groups |
An Speelman |
Type II_1 factors with many Cartan subalgebras |
Bernardino Spisso |
A first numerical approach to a Grosse-Wulkenhaar
model |
Adrian Tanasă |
Various mathematical aspects of Phi4 quantum field theory on the noncommutative Moyal space |
Yoh Tanimoto |
Thermal states in conformal QFT |
Hannes Thiel |
Inductive Limits of Projective C*-algebras |
Martin Vachovski |
Study of critical phenomena in Three matrix model |
Stefaan Vaes |
Rigidity for von Neumann algebras and their invariants |
Roland Vergnioux |
Some examples of quantum group fusion
rules |
Simon Wassermann |
Free groups, Kazhdan groups and C*-algebras with no tensor factorisation |
Wend Werner |
K-Theory and Symmetric Spaces |
Bora Yalkinoglu |
Arithmetic subalgebras for general Bost-Connes systems |
Makoto Yamashita |
Connes - Landi Deformation of Spectral Triples |
Robert Yuncken |
Equivariant index theory and analysis on flag varieties |
Jochen Zahn |
(Supersymmetric) Quantum Electrodynamics on Moyal Space |
Paul Zinn-Justin |
Planar algebras and Potts model on random lattices |